[MOAB-dev] Question about iMesh and Fortran 90/2003

Chris Eldred chris.eldred at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 20:20:56 CST 2013

Hey Moab-Dev,

I am trying to write a Fortran code that uses iMesh to call MOAB, and
I keep running into errors. What I would like to be able to do it is
to convert an adjacency returned by iMesh_getEntAdj from type(c_ptr)
to integers. In MOAB using C++ this seems to be trivial (use id =
id_from_handle(HANDLE) . It would also be useful to have the dual of
this operator (handle = handle_from_id(ID) ). I can't seem to get it
to work in Fortran however. My code is:

subroutine get_adjacency(entity, entity_requested, adjacencyptr, adjacency_size)
implicit none

integer(kind=c_int) :: alloc, adjacency_size
integer(kind=c_int) :: entity_requested
integer(kind=c_int), pointer, dimension(:) :: adjacency
type(c_ptr) :: entity
type(c_ptr) :: adjacencyptr_C
type(c_ptr), pointer, dimension(:) :: adjacencyptr

alloc = 0
call iMesh_getEntAdj( mesh, entity, entity_requested, adjacencyptr_C,
alloc, adjacency_size, ierr)
CHECK("Couldn't get adjacencies")
call C_F_POINTER(adjacencyptr_C, adjacencyptr, [alloc])
adjacency = transfer(adjacencyptr,adjacency,adjacency_size)

end subroutine get_adjacency

I have tried using the transfer function, but that produces memory
(segmentation fault) errors. Everything before this line works fine. I
am using the Fortran 2003 modules (iMesh_iso.F03) from
I've also looked through the iBase and iMesh documentation, but there
is very little information there about using Fortran instead of C/C++.
I am not very familiar with mixed C/Fortran programming, so it is
entirely possible that I just don't understand what is going on.

Chris Eldred

Chris Eldred
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellow
Graduate Student, Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
B.S. Applied Computational Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
chris.eldred at gmail.com / celdred at atmos.colostate.edu

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