[MOAB-dev] mixed mesh question

Iulian Grindeanu iulian at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 9 12:14:23 CDT 2013

----- Original Message -----

Hello again and thanks for the quick reply! 

I have been able to find a bug with my code (the one that loaded data to h5m) and seems to be fine for mixed meshes. I have used the mbsize -ll trick and understood the fault, thanks Iulian! 
The h5mvalidade tool still complains but I can see past that. 

OK, thanks for reporting it. Something is not right :( 


The attached file is the one that seems to work for me now (naca0012 airfoil with 6910 tris + 17 quads, no parallel partitions, 2d_naca0012_mixed.h5m). 

I also use METIS to partition my mesh and then push the PARALLEL_PARTITION tag/set data to h5m. It works ok for homogeneous mesh but I have problems with mixed meshes. I am looking into it right now. If I can figure out what I am doing wrong with mixed elements (actually multiple ranges) I'll let you know. I used the mbZoltan.cpp code to base my implementation on the parallel data creation. 

can you try something like: 
mbpart 4 -p PartKway 2d_naca0012_mixed.h5m naca4.h5m 
it does get a partition, which you can see in visit :) 


If all goes well, I will test it against mbzoltan. By the way, is there a way to use mbzoltan in parallel with graph partitioners (parmetis, ptscotch)? mbzoltan tests if mpiComm.nprocs > 1 and then quits if otherwise... 

yes, we use it in serial only 


I would be glad to share the CGNS reader code back to you. I need to fix the current issues and improve the code (add global_id data, etc). I read each CGNS section into a different tag/set in h5m, so I can easily retrieve those in application code. Not sure if this is the right way to do so (should follow the convention to place data into MATERIAL_SET / DIRICHILET NEUMANN ?) but seemed straightforward to me. 

I have a CGNS writer class also in the works that I'll push back to the repo once it is working along with some sample meshes for unit tests. 

I have patched the 4.6.2 sources to also include configuration flags (going the autotools way here) to point to cgns libraries and include paths. Is the CMake toolchain the official one? 

autotools is the official build tool. 


Thank you, 




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