[MOAB-dev] MOAB git branching model

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Sep 19 13:16:19 CDT 2013

Tim Tautges <tautges at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> My concern with the petsc workflow is about branch merges to next
> taking awhile to graduate to master.  However, looking over the repo
> structure, it seems like that happens quickly enough in petsc.

It takes as long or as short as needed.  There is a tradeoff between
fast graduation (easy for new development to confidently build on it)
versus stability (only well-tested features make it to master).  Strike
your balance wherever it suits you.

> For releases, do they just get tagged on master, or is there a
>separate release branch?  If the former, do point releases get inserted
>into master as well?

Feature releases are tagged on 'master', at which point 'maint' is
fast-forwarded.  Maintenance releases (bug fixes; no API changes) are
tagged on 'maint'.  Preview releases or RCs would be tagged on 'master',
though we don't currently use those.

> And, does auto testing happen on next?  I'd assume so (and on master too, of course?).

Yes, most auto-testing is directed at 'next', with some on 'master' to
confirm that we didn't mess up.  You can also have CI run on branches
before merging to 'next', but our current testing infrastructure doesn't
handle that case well at the moment.
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