[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: 3 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Sep 6 13:50:00 CDT 2013

3 new commits in MOAB:

Changeset:   08bcff1aab09
Branch:      None
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-09-06 20:49:46
Summary:     ScdInterface: adding ParallelComm object to ScdParData; changing default global dimensions to 0, from -1;
  added resolve_shared_ents argument to construct_box, in preparation for full parallel scd mesh creation;
  adding some resolve_shared logic and some logic for computing partition if none is specified for parallel construct_box

- in recv_entities, moving additions to L2 lists to after update_remote_data
- adding get_debug_verbosity function

Passes all parallel tests.

Affected #:  4 files

diff --git a/src/ScdInterface.cpp b/src/ScdInterface.cpp
index 6382871..b51245b 100644
--- a/src/ScdInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/ScdInterface.cpp
@@ -104,11 +104,39 @@ ScdBox *ScdInterface::get_scd_box(EntityHandle eh)
 ErrorCode ScdInterface::construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double * const coords, unsigned int num_coords,
                                       ScdBox *& new_box, int * const lperiodic, ScdParData *par_data,
-                                      bool assign_gids)
+                                      bool assign_gids, int tag_shared_ents)
     // create a rectangular structured mesh block
   ErrorCode rval;
+  int tmp_lper[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+  if (lperiodic) std::copy(lperiodic, lperiodic+3, tmp_lper);
+#ifndef USE_MPI
+  if (-1 == tag_shared_ents) ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Parallel capability requested but MOAB not compiled parallel.");
+  if (-1 == tag_shared_verts && !assign_gids) assign_gids = true; // need to assign gids in order to tag shared verts
+  if (par_data && low == high && ScdParData::NOPART != par_data->partMethod) {
+      // requesting creation of parallel mesh, so need to compute partition
+    if (!par_data->pComm) {
+        // this is a really boneheaded way to have to create a PC
+      par_data->pComm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mbImpl, 0);
+      if (NULL == par_data->pComm) par_data->pComm = new ParallelComm(mbImpl, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+    }
+    int ldims[6];
+    rval = compute_partition(par_data->pComm->size(), par_data->pComm->rank(), *par_data, 
+                             ldims, tmp_lper, par_data->pDims);
+    ERRORR(rval, "Error returned from compute_partition.");
+    low.set(ldims);
+    high.set(ldims+3);
+    if (par_data->pComm->get_debug_verbosity() > 0) {
+      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << ": " << *par_data;
+      std::cout << "Proc " << par_data->pComm->rank() << " local dims: " 
+                << low << "-" << high << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
   HomCoord tmp_size = high - low + HomCoord(1, 1, 1, 0);
   if ((tmp_size[1] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]) ||
       (tmp_size[2] && num_coords && (int)num_coords < tmp_size[0]*tmp_size[1]))
@@ -150,7 +178,7 @@ ErrorCode ScdInterface::construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double
   if (1 >= tmp_size[2]) this_tp = MBQUAD;
   if (1 >= tmp_size[2] && 1 >= tmp_size[1]) this_tp = MBEDGE;
   rval = seq_mgr->create_scd_sequence(low, high, this_tp, 0, start_ent, tmp_seq, 
-                                      lperiodic);
+                                      tmp_lper);
   ERRORR(rval, "Trouble creating scd element sequence.");
@@ -181,6 +209,12 @@ ErrorCode ScdInterface::construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double
     ERRORR(rval, "Trouble assigning global ids");
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  if (par_data && -1 != tag_shared_ents) {
+    rval = tag_shared_vertices(par_data->pComm, new_box);
+  }
   return MB_SUCCESS;

diff --git a/src/moab/ScdInterface.hpp b/src/moab/ScdInterface.hpp
index bb24835..33e75e2 100644
--- a/src/moab/ScdInterface.hpp
+++ b/src/moab/ScdInterface.hpp
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ class ParallelComm;
       //! struct for keeping parallel data in one place
 class ScdParData {
-  ScdParData() : partMethod(NOPART) {
-    gDims[0] = gDims[1] = gDims[2] = gDims[3] = gDims[4] = gDims[5] = -1;
-    gPeriodic[0] = gPeriodic[1] = gPeriodic[2] = -1;
-    pDims[0] = pDims[1] = pDims[2] = -1;
+  ScdParData() : partMethod(NOPART), pComm(NULL) {
+    gDims[0] = gDims[1] = gDims[2] = gDims[3] = gDims[4] = gDims[5] = 0;
+    gPeriodic[0] = gPeriodic[1] = gPeriodic[2] = 0;
+    pDims[0] = pDims[1] = pDims[2] = 0;
     //! Partition method enumeration; these strategies are described in comments for
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ public:
     //! number of procs in each direction
   int pDims[3];
+    //! parallel communicator object for this par scd mesh
+  ParallelComm *pComm;
 class ScdInterface 
@@ -168,11 +170,12 @@ public:
      * \param par_data If non-NULL, this will get stored on the ScdBox once created, contains info
      *                 about global parallel nature of ScdBox across procs
      * \param assign_global_ids If true, assigns 1-based global ids to vertices using GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME
+     * \param resolve_shared_ents If != -1, resolves shared entities up to and including dimension equal to value
   ErrorCode construct_box(HomCoord low, HomCoord high, const double * const coords, unsigned int num_coords,
                           ScdBox *& new_box, int * const lperiodic = NULL, 
                           ScdParData * const par_data = NULL,
-                          bool assign_global_ids = false);
+                          bool assign_global_ids = false, int resolve_shared_ents = -1);
     //! Create a structured sequence of vertices, quads, or hexes
     /** Starting handle for the sequence is available from the returned ScdBox.  
@@ -1429,11 +1432,10 @@ inline const int *ScdBox::locally_periodic() const
 inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, const ScdParData &pd) 
-  static const char *PartitionMethodNames[] = {"NOPART", "ALLJORKORI", "ALLJKBAL", "SQIJ", "SQJK", "SQIJK"};
-  str << "Partition method = " << PartitionMethodNames[pd.partMethod] << ", gDims = (" 
+  str << "Partition method = " << ScdParData::PartitionMethodNames[pd.partMethod] << ", gDims = (" 
       << pd.gDims[0] << "," << pd.gDims[1] << "," << pd.gDims[2] << ")-(" 
       << pd.gDims[3] << "," << pd.gDims[4] << "," << pd.gDims[5] << "), gPeriodic = (" 
-      << pd.gPeriodic[0] << ", " << pd.gPeriodic[1] << "," << pd.gPeriodic[2] << "), pDims = ("
+      << pd.gPeriodic[0] << "," << pd.gPeriodic[1] << "," << pd.gPeriodic[2] << "), pDims = ("
       << pd.pDims[0] << "," << pd.pDims[1] << "," << pd.pDims[2] << ")" << std::endl;
   return str;

diff --git a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
index ab680aa..cdd9433 100644
--- a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
+++ b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
@@ -2060,13 +2060,6 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities(std::set<unsigned int>& recv_procs,
           // should have a new handle now
-          // if a new multi-shared entity, save owner for subsequent lookup in L2 lists
-          if (store_remote_handles && !is_iface && num_ps > 2) {
-            L2hrem.push_back(hs[0]);
-            L2hloc.push_back(new_h);
-            L2p.push_back(ps[0]);
-          }
           created_here = true;
@@ -2084,14 +2077,24 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities(std::set<unsigned int>& recv_procs,
         if (created_here) new_ents.push_back(new_h);
         if (new_h && store_remote_handles) {
+          unsigned char new_pstat = 0x0;
+          if (is_iface) new_pstat = PSTATUS_INTERFACE;
+          else if (created_here) {
+            if (created_iface) new_pstat = PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
+            else new_pstat = PSTATUS_GHOST | PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
+          }
           // update sharing data and pstatus, adjusting order if iface
-          result = update_remote_data(new_h, &ps[0], &hs[0], num_ps, 
-                                      (is_iface ? PSTATUS_INTERFACE :
-                                       (created_here ? (created_iface ? PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED:
-                                                        PSTATUS_GHOST | PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) : 0)));
-          RRA("");
+          result = update_remote_data(new_h, &ps[0], &hs[0], num_ps, new_pstat);
+          RRA("unpack_entities");
+          // if a new multi-shared entity, save owner for subsequent lookup in L2 lists
+          if (store_remote_handles && !is_iface && num_ps > 2) {
+            L2hrem.push_back(hs[0]);
+            L2hloc.push_back(new_h);
+            L2p.push_back(ps[0]);
+          }
           // need to send this new handle to all sharing procs
           if (!is_iface) {
             for (j = 0; j < num_ps; j++) {
@@ -8644,6 +8647,11 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv(std::vector<unsigned int>& shared_procs,
+  int ParallelComm::get_debug_verbosity() 
+  {
+    return myDebug->get_verbosity();
+  }
   ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_entityset_procs( EntityHandle set,
                                                std::vector<unsigned>& ranks ) const

diff --git a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
index f0f1a2b..580168d 100644
--- a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
+++ b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
@@ -892,6 +892,9 @@ namespace moab {
     //! set the verbosity level of output from this pcomm
     void set_debug_verbosity(int verb);
+    //! get the verbosity level of output from this pcomm
+    int get_debug_verbosity();
     /* \brief Gather tag value from entities down to root proc
      * This function gathers data from a domain-decomposed mesh onto a global mesh
      * represented on the root processor.  On the root, this gather mesh is distinct from

Changeset:   da66f5c593f5
Branch:      None
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-09-06 20:49:46
Summary:     Cosmetic changes, mostly new comments for more clarity.

Affected #:  3 files

diff --git a/src/ScdInterface.cpp b/src/ScdInterface.cpp
index b51245b..d344037 100644
--- a/src/ScdInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/ScdInterface.cpp
@@ -729,6 +729,7 @@ ErrorCode ScdInterface::tag_shared_vertices(ParallelComm *pcomm, ScdBox *box)
   for (std::vector<int>::iterator pit = procs.begin(); pit != procs.end(); pit++)
+  if (pcomm->get_debug_verbosity() > 1) pcomm->list_entities(NULL, 1);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();

diff --git a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
index cdd9433..c04f11a 100644
--- a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
+++ b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
@@ -6838,6 +6838,8 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv(std::vector<unsigned int>& shared_procs,
                                               unsigned int /*to_proc*/,
                                               Buffer *buff) 
+    assert(std::find(L1hloc.begin(), L1hloc.end(), (EntityHandle)0) == L1hloc.end());
     // 2 vectors of handles plus ints
     buff->check_space(((L1p.size()+1)*sizeof(int) + 
                        (L1hloc.size()+1)*sizeof(EntityHandle) + 
@@ -6846,6 +6848,8 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv(std::vector<unsigned int>& shared_procs,
     // should be in pairs of handles
     PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, L1hloc.size());
     PACK_INTS(buff->buff_ptr, &L1p[0], L1p.size());
+      // pack handles in reverse order, (remote, local), so on destination they
+      // are ordered (local, remote)
     PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &L1hrem[0], L1hrem.size());
     PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &L1hloc[0], L1hloc.size());
@@ -6868,19 +6872,22 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv(std::vector<unsigned int>& shared_procs,
     buff_ptr += num_eh * sizeof(int);
     unsigned char *buff_rem = buff_ptr + num_eh * sizeof(EntityHandle);
     ErrorCode result;
-    EntityHandle hpair[2], dum_h;
+    EntityHandle hpair[2], new_h;
     int proc;
     for (int i = 0; i < num_eh; i++) {
       UNPACK_INT(buff_proc, proc);
+        // handles packed (local, remote), though here local is either on this
+        // proc or owner proc, depending on value of proc (-1 = here, otherwise owner);
+        // this is decoded in find_existing_entity
       UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, hpair, 1);
       UNPACK_EH(buff_rem, hpair+1, 1);
       if (-1 != proc) {
         result = find_existing_entity(false, proc, hpair[0], 3, NULL, 0,
-                                      L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, dum_h);
+                                      L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_h);
         RRA("Didn't get existing entity.");
-        if (dum_h) hpair[0] = dum_h;
+        if (new_h) hpair[0] = new_h;
         else hpair[0] = 0;
       if (!(hpair[0] && hpair[1])) return MB_FAILURE;

diff --git a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
index 580168d..a726245 100644
--- a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
+++ b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
@@ -500,7 +500,8 @@ namespace moab {
     /** \brief Get the shared processors/handles for an entity
      * Get the shared processors/handles for an entity.  Arrays must
-     * be large enough to receive data for all sharing procs.
+     * be large enough to receive data for all sharing procs.  Does *not* include
+     * this proc if only shared with one other proc.
      * \param entity Entity being queried
      * \param ps Pointer to sharing proc data
      * \param hs Pointer to shared proc handle data

Changeset:   4c1554a1e4d8
Branch:      master
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-09-06 20:49:46
Summary:     Cleaning up implementation of update_remote_data and set_sharing_data.

Substantially changed structured3 to use ScdInterface-based creation of parallel mesh,
and added ghosting to this example too.

Passes all tests.

Affected #:  3 files

diff --git a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
index c04f11a..2d9e61c 100644
--- a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
+++ b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
@@ -2527,6 +2527,7 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities(std::set<unsigned int>& recv_procs,
       // add myself, if it isn't there already
+    idx = 0;
     if (new_ps[0] != (int)rank()) {
       idx = std::find(&new_ps[0], &new_ps[0] + new_numps, rank()) - &new_ps[0];
       if (idx == new_numps) {
@@ -2536,30 +2537,23 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities(std::set<unsigned int>& recv_procs,
       else if (!new_hs[idx] && new_numps > 2)
         new_hs[idx] = new_h;
-      assert(new_hs[idx] == new_h || new_numps <= 2);
-    }
-      // adjust for interface layer if necessary
-    if (add_pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) {
-      idx = std::min_element(&new_ps[0], &new_ps[0]+new_numps) - &new_ps[0];
-      if (idx) {
-        int tag_proc = new_ps[idx];
-        new_ps[idx] = new_ps[0];
-        new_ps[0] = tag_proc;
-        EntityHandle tag_h = new_hs[idx];
-        new_hs[idx] = new_hs[0];
-        new_hs[0] = tag_h;
-        if (new_ps[0] != (int)rank()) new_pstat |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
-      }
-      // update for shared, multishared
+      // proc list is complete; update for shared, multishared
     if (new_numps > 1) {
       if (new_numps > 2) new_pstat |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
       new_pstat |= PSTATUS_SHARED;
+      // if multishared, not ghost or interface, and not not_owned, I'm owned, and should be the first proc
+    assert(new_ps[idx] == (int)rank());
+    if ((new_numps > 2 && !(new_pstat&(PSTATUS_INTERFACE|PSTATUS_GHOST|PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED))) ||
+        (new_pstat&PSTATUS_INTERFACE && !(new_pstat&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED))
+        ) {
+      std::swap(new_ps[0], new_ps[idx]);
+      std::swap(new_hs[0], new_hs[idx]);
+    }
     plist("new_ps", new_ps, new_numps);
     plist("new_hs", new_hs, new_numps);
@@ -2567,7 +2561,7 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities(std::set<unsigned int>& recv_procs,
     std::cout << ", new_pstat=" << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
     std::cout << std::endl;
     result = set_sharing_data(new_h, new_pstat, num_exist, new_numps, &new_ps[0], &new_hs[0]);
     RRA("update_remote_data: setting sharing data");
@@ -4076,7 +4070,7 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents(EntityHandle this_set,
       for (v = 0; v < procs.size(); v++) {
         rval = pc[procs[v]]->update_remote_data(handles[v], 
                                                 &procs[0], &handles[0], procs.size(),
-                                                PSTATUS_INTERFACE);
+                                                (procs[0] == (int)pc[procs[v]]->rank() ? PSTATUS_INTERFACE : (PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED|PSTATUS_INTERFACE)));
         if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
@@ -5919,31 +5913,16 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents(EntityHandle this_set,
     // set sharing data to what's passed in; may have to clean up existing sharing tags
     // if things changed too much
-    ErrorCode result;
-    if (pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED && new_nump < 3) {
-      // need to remove multishared tags
-      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1);
-      RRA("");
-      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1);
-      RRA("");
-      pstatus ^= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
-      if (new_nump < 2) 
-        pstatus = 0x0;
-      else if (ps[0] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
-        pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
-    }
-    else if (pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED && new_nump < 2) {
-      hs[0] = 0;
-      ps[0] = -1;
-      pstatus = 0x0;
-    }
-    if (new_nump > 2) {
-      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1, ps);
-      RRA("");
-      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1, hs);
-      RRA("");
+    // check for consistency in input data
+    assert(new_nump > 1 &&
+           ((new_nump == 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && !(pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)) || // if <= 2 must not be multishared
+            (new_nump > 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)) && // if > 2 procs, must be multishared
+           (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_GHOST) || pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED) && // if ghost, it must also be shared
+           (new_nump < 3 || (pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && ps[0] != (int)rank()) || // I'm not owner and first proc not me
+            (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) && ps[0] == (int)rank())) // I'm owner and first proc is me
+           );
 #ifndef NDEBUG
         // check for duplicates in proc list
@@ -5954,27 +5933,56 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents(EntityHandle this_set,
         assert(dp == (int)dumprocs.size());
-      if (old_nump < 3) {
-          // reset sharedp and sharedh tags
-        int tmp_p = -1;
-        EntityHandle tmp_h = 0;
-        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_p);
-        RRA("");
-        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_h);
-        RRA("");
-      }
+    ErrorCode result;
+      // reset any old data that needs to be
+    if (old_nump > 2 && new_nump < 3) {
+      // need to remove multishared tags
+      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:1");
+      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:2");
+//      if (new_nump < 2) 
+//        pstatus = 0x0;
+//      else if (ps[0] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
+//        pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
+    }
+    else if ((old_nump < 3 && new_nump > 2) || (old_nump > 1 && new_nump == 1)) {
+        // reset sharedp and sharedh tags
+      int tmp_p = -1;
+      EntityHandle tmp_h = 0;
+      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_p);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:3");
+      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_h);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:4");
+    }
+    assert("check for multishared/owner I'm first proc" &&
+           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) || (pstatus & (PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED|PSTATUS_GHOST)) || (ps[0] == (int)rank())) &&
+           "interface entities should have > 1 proc" &&
+           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) || new_nump > 1) &&
+           "ghost entities should have > 1 proc" &&
+           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_GHOST) || new_nump > 1)
+           );
+      // now set new data
+    if (new_nump > 2) {
+      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1, ps);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:5");
+      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1, hs);
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:6");
     else {
       unsigned int j = (ps[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ? 1 : 0);
       assert(-1 != ps[j]);
       result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, ps+j);
-      RRA("");
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:7");
       result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, hs+j);
-      RRA("");
+      RRA("set_sharing_data:8");
     result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), &ent, 1, &pstatus);
-    RRA("");
+    RRA("set_sharing_data:9");
     if (old_nump > 1 && new_nump < 2) 
       sharedEnts.erase(std::find(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), ent));
@@ -8998,4 +9006,11 @@ void ParallelComm::print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat, std::string &ostr)
   ostr = str.str();
+void ParallelComm::print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat) 
+  std::string str;
+  print_pstatus(pstat, str);
+  std::cout << str.c_str() << std::endl;
 } // namespace moab

diff --git a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
index a726245..e02d4b3 100644
--- a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
+++ b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
@@ -664,6 +664,9 @@ namespace moab {
     //! print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form
     void print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat, std::string &ostr);
+    //! print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form to std::cut
+    void print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat);
     // ==================================
     // ==================================

diff --git a/test/parallel/structured3.cpp b/test/parallel/structured3.cpp
index 3ac5e9c..151aa34 100644
--- a/test/parallel/structured3.cpp
+++ b/test/parallel/structured3.cpp
@@ -1,242 +1,78 @@
+#include "moab/Core.hpp"
+#include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
+#include "moab/ScdInterface.hpp"
+#include "moab/HomXform.hpp"
+#include "TestUtil.hpp"
 #include <string>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cassert>
-#include <moab/Core.hpp>
-#include <moab/Interface.hpp>
-#include <moab/ParallelComm.hpp>
-#include <moab/HomXform.hpp>
-#include <MBParallelConventions.h>
-#include <MBTagConventions.hpp>
-using namespace std;
 using namespace moab;
-// Number of cells in each direction:
-const int NC = 20;
+  // Number of cells in each direction:
+const int NC = 2;
 const int ITERS = 50;
-// Number of processes:
-const int NPROCS = 4;
-// Domain size:
-const double DSIZE = 10.0;
-// MOAB objects:
-Interface *mbint = NULL;
-ParallelComm *mbpc = NULL;
-// Local domain starting and ending hex indexes:
-int is, js, ks;
-int ie, je, ke;
-// Obvious:
-int rank;
-int size;
-Range all_verts;
-void set_local_domain_bounds();
-void create_hexes_and_verts();
-void resolve_and_exchange();
-void error(ErrorCode err);
-void tag_get_set(Tag tag);
+void create_parallel_mesh();
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
-  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
-  if(size != 4 && size != 2) {
-    cerr << "Run this with 2 or 4 processes\n";
-    exit(1);
+  int err = RUN_TEST(create_parallel_mesh);
+  MPI_Finalize();
+  return err;
+void create_parallel_mesh() 
+  Core mbint;
+  ParallelComm pc(&mbint, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+  ScdInterface *scdi;
+  ErrorCode rval = mbint.query_interface(scdi);
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  pc.set_debug_verbosity(2);
+    // create a structured mesh in parallel
+  ScdBox *new_box;
+  ScdParData par_data;
+  par_data.pComm = &pc;
+  par_data.gDims[0] = par_data.gDims[1] = par_data.gDims[2] = 0;
+  par_data.gDims[3] = par_data.gDims[4] = par_data.gDims[5] = NC;
+  par_data.gDims[5] = 1;
+  par_data.partMethod = ScdParData::SQIJK;
+  rval = scdi->construct_box(HomCoord(), HomCoord(), NULL, 0, // no vertex positions
+                             new_box, NULL, // not locally periodic
+                             &par_data, true, true); // assign global ids & resolve shared verts
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = pc.exchange_ghost_cells(-1, -1, 0, 0, true, true);
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  pc.list_entities(0,-1);
+  rval = pc.exchange_ghost_cells(-1, 0, 1, 0, true);
+  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
+    std::string err;
+    mbint.get_last_error(err);
+    std::cerr << "Error: proc " << pc.rank() << ": " << err << std::endl;
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
-  mbint = new Core();
-  mbpc  = new ParallelComm(mbint, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-  set_local_domain_bounds();
-  create_hexes_and_verts();
-  resolve_and_exchange();
-  error(mbint->get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, all_verts));
+  pc.list_entities(0,-1);
+  return;
-// Create a tag
+    // Create a tag, used in exchange_tags
   Tag tag;
-  error(mbint->tag_get_handle("test_tag", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_EXCL));
+  int def_val = 1.0;
+  rval = mbint.tag_get_handle("test_tag", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_EXCL, &def_val);
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
   Range empty_range;
-  tag_get_set(tag);
-  int i;
-  for(i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) {
-    std::cout << i << endl;
-    mbpc->exchange_tags(tag, empty_range);
-  }
-  delete mbpc;
-  delete mbint;
-  MPI_Finalize();
-  return 0;
-void set_local_domain_bounds() 
-  switch(rank) {
-    case 0:
-        switch (size) {
-          case 2:
-              is = 0; ie = NC/2;
-              js = 0; je = NC;
-              ks = 0; ke = NC;
-              break;
-          case 4:
-              is = 0; ie = NC/2;
-              js = 0; je = NC/2;
-              ks = 0; ke = NC;
-              break;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        switch(size) {
-          case 2:
-              is = NC/2; ie = NC;
-              js = 0; je = NC;
-              ks = 0; ke = NC;
-              break;
-          case 4:
-              is = NC/2; ie = NC;
-              js = 0; je = NC/2;
-              ks = 0; ke = NC;
-              break;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        is = 0; ie = NC/2;
-        js = NC/2; je = NC;
-        ks = 0; ke = NC;
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        is = NC/2; ie = NC;
-        js = NC/2; je = NC;
-        ks = 0; ke = NC;
-        break;
-    default:
-        cerr << "Run this with 4 processes\n";
-        exit(1);
-  }
-void create_hexes_and_verts()
-  Core *mbcore = dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbint);
-  HomCoord coord_min(0,0,0);
-  HomCoord coord_max(NC/2, NC, NC);
-  EntitySequence* vertex_seq = NULL;
-  EntitySequence* cell_seq = NULL;
-  EntityHandle vs, cs;
-  error(mbcore->create_scd_sequence(coord_min, coord_max, MBVERTEX, 1, vs, vertex_seq));
-  error(mbcore->create_scd_sequence(coord_min, coord_max, MBHEX, 1, cs, cell_seq));
-  HomCoord p1(0,0,0);
-  HomCoord p2(NC/2,0,0);
-  HomCoord p3(0,NC/2,0);
-  error(mbcore->add_vsequence(vertex_seq, cell_seq, p1, p1, p2, p2, p3, p3));
-    // Set global id's:
-  int gid;
-  Tag global_id_tag;
-  error(mbint->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, global_id_tag));
-  EntityHandle handle = vs;
-  int i,j,k;
-  ErrorCode err;
-  for(i = is; i < ie + 1; i++) 
-    for(j = js; j < je + 1; j++)
-      for(k = ks; k < ke + 1; k++) {   
-        gid = k + j*(NC+1) + i*(NC+1)*(NC+1) + 1;
-        err = mbint->tag_set_data(global_id_tag, &handle, 1, &gid);
-        if(err != MB_SUCCESS) {
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        handle++;
-      }
-  handle = cs;
-  for(i = is; i < ie; i++) 
-    for(j = js; j < je; j++)
-      for(k = ks; k < ke; k++) {       
-        gid = k + j*NC + i*NC*NC + 1;
-        error(mbint->tag_set_data(global_id_tag, &handle, 1, &gid));
-        handle++;
-      }
-void resolve_and_exchange()
-  EntityHandle entity_set;
-    // Create the entity set:
-  error(mbint->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, entity_set));
-    // Get a list of hexes:
-  Range range;
-  error(mbint->get_entities_by_type(0, MBHEX, range));
-    // Add entities to the entity set:
-  error(mbint->add_entities(entity_set, range));
-    // Add the MATERIAL_SET tag to the entity set:
-  Tag tag;
-  error(mbint->tag_get_handle(MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag));
-  error(mbint->tag_set_data(tag, &entity_set, 1, &rank));
-    // Set up partition sets. This is where MOAB is actually told what
-    // entities each process owns:
-  error(mbint->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET,
-                                            &tag, NULL, 1,
-                                            mbpc->partition_sets()));
-    // Finally, determine which entites are shared and exchange the
-    // ghosted entities:
-  error(mbpc->resolve_shared_ents(0, -1, -1));
-  error(mbpc->exchange_ghost_cells(-1, 0, 1, 0, true));
-void error(ErrorCode err)
-  if(err != MB_SUCCESS) {
-    cerr << "Error: MOAB function failed\n";
-    assert(0);
-  }
-void tag_get_set(Tag tag)
-  Range::iterator iter;
-  double data;
-  for(iter = all_verts.begin(); iter != all_verts.end(); iter++) {
-    data = 1.0;
-    mbint->tag_set_data(tag, &(*iter), 1, &data);
-    mbint->tag_get_data(tag, &(*iter), 1, &data);
+  for(int i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) {
+    pc.exchange_tags(tag, empty_range);
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);

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