[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: jhu: Added a developer's guide to doc/DG, covers content of seq.tex. Will insert the three figures when they are checked in.

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Thu Jun 20 15:11:17 CDT 2013

1 new commit in MOAB:

Changeset:   c201f7492dff
Branch:      master
User:        jhu
Date:        2013-06-20 22:08:51
Summary:     Added a developer's guide to doc/DG, covers content of seq.tex. Will insert the three figures when they are checked in.

Affected #:  1 file

diff --git a/doc/DG/moabDG.h b/doc/DG/moabDG.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e14f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/DG/moabDG.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/*! \page developerguide Developer's Guide (MOAB 4.6)
+  \subpage dg-contents
+  \subpage dg-figures
+  \page dg-contents Table of Contents
+  \ref sequence
+  \ref manager
+  \ref s-mesh
+  \ref sets
+  \section sequence  1. EntitySequence & SequenceData
+  \subsection figure1 Figure 1: EntitySequences For One SequenceData
+The <I>SequenceData</I> class manages as set of arrays of per-entity values. Each
+<I>SequenceData</I> has a start and end handle denoting the block of entities for which
+the arrays contain data. The arrays managed by a <I>SequenceData</I> instance are
+divided into three groups:
+- Type-specific data (connectivity, coordinates, etc.): zero or more arrays.
+- Adjacency data: zero or one array.
+- Dense tag data: zero or more arrays.
+The abstract <I>EntitySequence</I> class is a non-strict subset of a <I>SequenceData</I>.
+It contains a pointer to a <I>SequenceData</I> and the start and end handles to indi-
+cate the subset of the referenced <I>SequenceData</I>. The <I>EntitySequence</I> class is
+used to represent the regions of valid (or allocated) handles in a <I>SequenceData</I>.
+A <I>SequenceData</I> is expected to be referenced by one or more <I>EntitySequence</I>
+Initial <I>EntitySequence</I> and <I>SequenceData</I> pairs are typically created in one
+of two configurations. When reading from a file, a <I>SequenceData</I> will be created
+to represent all of a single type of entity contained in a file. As all entries in the <I>SequenceData</I> correspond to valid handles (entities read from the file) a single
+<I>EntitySequence</I> instance corresponding to the entire <I>SequenceData</I> is initially
+created. The second configuration arises when allocating a single entity. If no
+entities have been allocated yet, a new <I>SequenceData</I> must be created to store
+the entity data. It is created with a constant size (e.g. 4k entities). The new
+<I>EntitySequence</I> corresponds to only the first entity in the <I>SequenceData</I>: the
+one allocated entity. As subsequent entities are allocated, the <I>EntitySequence</I>
+is extended to cover more of the corresponding <I>SequenceData</I>.
+Concrete subclasses of the <I>EntitySequence</I> class are responsible for rep-
+resenting specific types of entities using the array storage provided by the
+<I>SequenceData</I> class. They also handle allocating <I>SequenceData</I> instances with
+appropriate arrays for storing a particular type of entity. Each concrete subclass
+typically provides two constructors corresponding to the two initial allocation
+configurations described in the previous paragraph. <I>EntitySequence</I> imple-
+mentations also provide a split method, which is a type of factory method. It
+modifies the called sequence and creates a new sequence such that the range of
+entities represented by the original sequence is split.
+The <I>VertexSequence</I> class provides an <I>EntitySequence</I> for storing ver-
+tex data. It references a SequenceData containing three arrays of doubles
+for storing the blocked vertex coordinate data. The <I>ElementSequence</I> class
+extends the <I>EntitySequence</I> interface with element-specific functionality. The
+<I>UnstructuredElemSeq</I> class is the concrete implementation of <I>ElementSequence</I>
+used to represent unstructured elements, polygons, and polyhedra. <I>MeshSetSequence</I>
+is the <I>EntitySequence</I> used for storing entity sets.
+Each <I>EntitySequence</I> implementation also provides an implementation of
+the values per entity method. This value is used to determine if an exist-
+ing <I>SequenceData</I> that has available entities is suitable for storing a particular
+entity. For example, <I>UnstructuredElemSeq</I> returns the number of nodes per el-
+ement from values per entity. When allocating a new element with a specific
+number of nodes, this value is used to determine if that element may be stored
+in a specific <I>SequenceData</I>. For vertices, this value is always zero. This could
+be changed to the number of coordinates per vertex, allowing representation of
+mixed-dimension data. However, API changes would be required to utilize such
+a feature. Sequences for which the corresponding data cannot be used to store
+new entities (e.g. structured mesh discussed in a later section) will return -1 or
+some other invalid value.
+ \ref dg-contents
+  \section manager 2. TypeSequenceManager & SequenceManager 
+The <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> class maintains an organized set of <I>EntitySequence</I>
+instances and corresponding <I>SequenceData</I> instances. It is used to manage
+all such instances for entities of a single <I>EntityType</I>. <I>TypeSequenceManager</I>
+enforces the following four rules on its contained data:
+-# No two <I>SequenceData</I> instances may overlap.  
+-# No two <I>EntitySequence</I> instances may overlap.
+-# Every <I>EntitySequence</I> must be a subset of a <I>SequenceData</I>.
+-# Any pair of <I>EntitySequence</I> instances referencing the same <I>SequenceData</I> must be separated by at least one unallocated handle.
+  \subsection figure2 Figure 2: SequenceManager and Related Classes
+The first three rules are required for the validity of the data model. The
+fourth rule avoids unnecessary inefficiency. It is implemented by merging such
+adjacent sequences. In some cases, other classes (e.g. <I>SequenceManager</I>) can
+modify an <I>EntitySequence</I> such that the fourth rule is violated. In such cases,
+the <I>TypeSequenceManager::notify</I> prepended or <I>TypeSequenceManager::notify</I> appended
+method must be called to maintain the integrity of the data<sup>1</sup>. The above rules
+(including the fourth) are assumed in many other methods of the <I>TypeSequenceManager</I>
+class, such that those methods will fail or behave unexpectedly if the managed
+data does not conform to the rules.
+<I>TypeSequenceManager</I> contains three principal data structures. The first is
+a <I>std::set</I> of <I>EntitySequence</I> pointers sorted using a custom comparison op-
+erator that queries the start and end handles of the referenced sequences. The
+comparison operation is defined as: <I>a->end_handle() < b->start_handle()</I>.
+This method of comparison has the advantage that a sequence corresponding to
+a specific handle can be located by searching the set for a “sequence” beginning
+and ending with the search value. The lower bound and find methods pro-
+vided by the library are guaranteed to return the sequence, if it exists. Using
+such a comparison operator will result in undefined behavior if the set contains
+overlapping sequences. This is acceptable, as rule two above prohibits such
+a configuration. However, some care must be taken in writing and modifying
+methods in <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> so as to avoid having overlapping sequences
+as a transitory state of some operation.
+The second important data member of <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> is a pointer
+to the last referenced <I>EntitySequence</I>. This “cached” value is used to speed up
+searches by entity handle. This pointer is never null unless the sequence is empty.
+This rule is maintained to avoid unnecessary branches in fast query paths. In
+cases where the last referenced sequence is deleted, <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> will
+typically assign an arbitrary sequence (e.g. the first one) to the last referenced
+The third data member of <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> is a <I>std::set</I> of <I>SequenceData</I>
+instances that are not completely covered by a <I>EntitySequence</I> instance<sup>2</sup>.
+This list is searched when allocating new handles. <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> also
+embeds in each <I>SequenceData</I> instance a reference to the first corresponding
+<I>EntitySequence</I> so that it may be located quickly from only the <I>SequenceData</I>
+The <I>SequenceManager</I> class contains an array of <I>TypeSequenceManager</I> in-
+stances, one for each <I>EntityType</I>. It also provides all type-specific operations
+such as allocating the correct <I>EntitySequence</I> subtype for a given <I>EntityType</I>.
+<sup>1</sup>This source of potential error can be eliminated with changes to the entity set representation. This is discussed in a later section.
+<sup>2</sup>Given rule four for the data managed by a <I>TypeSequenceManager</I>, any <I>SequenceData</I> for which all handles are allocated will be referenced by exactly one <I>EntitySequence</I>.
+  \ref dg-contents
+ \section s-mesh 3. Structured Mesh
+Structured mesh storage is implemented using subclasses of <I>SequenceData</I>:
+<I>ScdElementData</I> and <I>ScdVertexData</I>. The <I>StructuredElementSeq</I> class is
+used to access the structured element connectivity. A standard <I>VertexSequence</I>
+instance is used to access the ScdVertexData because the vertex data storage
+is the same as for unstructured mesh.
+  \ref dg-contents
+  \section sets 4. Entity Sets
+- MeshSetSequence
+The <I>MeshSetSequence</I> class is the same as most other subclasses of <I>EntitySequence</I>
+in that it utilizes SequenceData to store its data. A single array in the <I>SequenceData</I>
+is used to store instances of the MeshSet class, one per allocated <I>EntityHandle</I>.
+<I>SequenceData</I> allocates all of its managed arrays using malloc and free as
+simple arrays of bytes. <I>MeshSetSequence</I> does in-place construction and de-
+struction of <I>MeshSet</I> instances within that array. This is similar to what is
+done by <I>std::vector</I> and other container classes that may own more storage
+than is required at a given time for contained objects.
+- MeshSet
+  \subsection figure3 Figure 3: SequenceManager and Related Classes
+The <I>MeshSet</I> class is used to represent a single entity set instance in MOAB.
+The class is optimized to minimize storage (further possible improvements in
+storage size are discussed later.)
+Figure 3 shows the memory layout of an instance of the <I>MeshSet</I> class.
+The flags member holds the set creation bit flags: <I>MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER</I>,
+indicates that reverse links from the contained entities back to the owning set
+should be maintained in the adjacency list of each entity. The <I>MESHSET_SET</I>
+and <I>MESHSET_ORDERED</I> bits are mutually exclusive, and as such most code only
+tests for the <I>MESHSET_ORDERED</I>, meaning that in practice the <I>MESHSET_SET</I> bit is
+ignored. <I>MESHSET_ORDERED</I> indicates that the set may contain duplicate handles
+and that the order that the handles are added to the set should be preserved.
+In practice, such sets are stored as a simple list of handles. <I>MESHSET_SET</I> (or in
+practice, the lack of <I>MESHSET_ORDERED</I>) indicates that the order of the handles
+need not be preserved and that the set may not contain duplicate handles. Such
+sets are stored in a sorted range-compacted format similar to that of the Range
+The memory for storing contents, parents, and children are each handled in
+the same way. The data in the class is composed of a 2-bit ‘size’ field and two
+values, where the two values may either be two handles or two pointers. The size
+bit-fields are grouped together to reduce the required amount of memory. If the
+numerical value of the 2-bit size field is 0 then the corresponding list is empty.
+If the 2-bit size field is either 1 or 2, then the contents of the corresponding list
+are stored directly in the corresponding two data fields of the MeshSet object.
+If the 2-bit size field has a value of 3 (11 binary), then the corresponding two
+data fields store the begin and end pointers of an external array of handles.
+The number of handles in the external array can be obtained by taking the
+difference of the start and end pointers. Note that unlike <I>std::vector</I>, we
+do not store both an allocated and used size. We store only the ‘used’ size
+and call std::realloc whenever the used size is modified, thus we rely on the
+std::malloc implementation in the standard C library to track ‘allocated’ size
+for us. In practice this performs well but does not return memory to the ‘system’
+when lists shrink (unless they shrink to zero). This overall scheme could exhibit
+poor performance if the size of one of the data lists in the set frequently changes
+between less than two and more than two handles, as this will result in frequent
+releasing and re-allocating of the memory for the corresponding array.
+If the <I>MESHSET_ORDERED</I> flag is not present, then the set contents list (parent
+and child lists are unaffected) is stored in a range-compacted format. In this
+format the number of handles stored in the array is always a multiple of two.
+Each consecutive pair of handles indicate the start and end, inclusive, of a range
+of handles contained in the set. All such handle range pairs are stored in sorted
+order and do not overlap. Nor is the end handle of one range ever one less than
+the start handle of the next. All such ‘adjacent’ range pairs are merged into a
+single pair. The code for insertion and removal of handles from range-formatted
+set content lists is fairly complex. The implementation will guarantee that a
+given call to insert entities into a range or remove entities from a range is never
+worse than O(ln n) + O(m + n), where ‘n’ is the number of handles to insert
+and ‘m’ is the number of handles already contained in the set. So it is generally
+much more efficient to build Ranges of handles to insert (and remove) and call
+MOAB to insert (or remove) the entire list at once rather than making may
+calls to insert (or remove) one or a few handles from the contents of a set.
+The set storage could probably be further minimized by allowing up to six
+handles in one of the lists to be elided. That is, as there are six potential ‘slots’
+in the MeshSet object then if two of the lists are empty it should be possible to store up to six values of the remaining list directly in the MeshSet object.
+However, the additional runtime cost of such complexity could easily outweigh
+any storage advantage. Further investigation into this has not been done because
+the primary motivation for the storage optimization was to support binary trees.
+Another possible optimization of storage would be to remove the <I>MeshSet</I>
+object entirely and instead store the data in a ‘blocked’ format. The corre-
+sponding <I>SequenceData</I> would contain four arrays: flags, parents, children, and
+contents instead of a single array of <I>MeshSet</I> objects. If this were done then
+no storage need ever be allocated for parent or child links if none of the sets
+in a <I>SequenceData</I> has parent or child links. The effectiveness of the storage
+reduction would depend greatly on how sets get grouped into <I>SequenceDatas</I>.
+This alternate storage scheme might also allow for better cache utilization as it
+would group like data together. It is often the case that application code that
+is querying the contents of one set will query the contents of many but never
+query the parents or children of any set. Or that an application will query only
+parent or child links of a set without every querying other set properties. The
+downside of this solution is that it makes the implementation a little less mod-
+ular and maintainable because the existing logic contained in the <I>MeshSet</I> class
+would need to be spread throughout the <I>MeshSetSequence</I> class.
+  \ref dg-contents
+  \page dg-figures List of Figures
+  \ref figure1
+  \ref figure2
+  \ref figure3

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