[MOAB-dev] ReadCGM question

Tim Tautges tautges at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Nov 3 15:50:13 CDT 2010

On 11/03/2010 03:43 PM, Steve Jackson wrote:
> In MOAB's ReadCGM.cpp, around line 490, there is the following check:
> // edge is a CGM RefEdge
> // start_vtx and end_vtx are RefVertices representing the start_vertex() and end_vertex() of edge
> // points is a list of CubitVectors produced by calling get_graphics() on edge
>        // check proximity of vertices to end coordinates
>      if ((start_vtx->coordinates() - points.front()).length()>  GEOMETRY_RESABS
>       || (  end_vtx->coordinates() - points.back() ).length()>  GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
>        std::cerr<<  "Warning: vertices not at ends of curve "<<  edge->id()<<  std::endl;
>      }
> This warning often produces large quantities of annoying messages.  (I have one geometry where it produces tens of thousands of lines of output when the file is loaded into MOAB.)  I want to fix this, but first wanted to check with others on the most correct fix.
> * If this check is correct (i.e. users should be legitimately concerned by it), I propose to make the warning message print only up to ten times, with a summary of the number of suppressed warnings if more than that occur.

I'm fine with this, and might also suggest protecting this check with an #ifndef NDEBUG.

> * I think it would it be more correct to replace GEOMETRY_RESABS with faceting_tol, i.e. the tolerance value that was used in calling edge->get_graphics().  Does anyone disagree?

The points in a faceting should be within GEOMETRY_RESABS, the faceting tol is maximal dist between the edge/facet and 
the geometric curve/surface.

- tim

> ~S

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is
   steadfast, because he trusts in you."               Isaiah 26:3

              Tim Tautges            Argonne National Laboratory
          (tautges at mcs.anl.gov)      (telecommuting from UW-Madison)
          phone: (608) 263-8485      1500 Engineering Dr.
            fax: (608) 263-4499      Madison, WI 53706

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