[MOAB-dev] Changing adjacency behavior

James Porter jvporter at wisc.edu
Fri Oct 22 14:50:11 CDT 2010

Now that I look at the adjacency calls in MOAB more, I noticed that the
following function will fail with the new behavior:

  MeshTopoUtil::get_average_position(const EntityHandle *entities,
    const int num_entities, double *avg_position)

Inside there is a call to get_adjacencies (of dimension 0), but as far
as I can tell, the function is only ever meant to be called with a list
of vertices. This means that now, you end up with nothing since entities
are not adjacent to themselves.

The question is, can I just get rid of the get_adjacencies call and use
the entities supplied by the caller, or is the get_adjacencies call used
for something esoteric? (Higher-order entities maybe?)

- Jim

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