[MOAB-dev] r3559 - in MOAB/trunk: . tools/dagmc

bmsmith6 at wisc.edu bmsmith6 at wisc.edu
Mon Mar 1 11:02:28 CST 2010

Author: bmsmith
Date: 2010-03-01 11:02:28 -0600 (Mon, 01 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 3559

These changes/bug fixes were made to support the 5-pin space reactor model in DagMC.

  Create a map for fast handle_by_id for nodes
  Locate dead elements by node connectivity.
  Fix special case of a planar surface through the origin for the signed volume calculation
  Remove surfaces (then volumes) if all of their faces are dead elements to avoid OBB problems  

Modified: MOAB/trunk/ReadNCDF.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/ReadNCDF.cpp	2010-02-26 20:57:00 UTC (rev 3558)
+++ MOAB/trunk/ReadNCDF.cpp	2010-03-01 17:02:28 UTC (rev 3559)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <memory>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <map>
 #include "MBCN.hpp"
 #include "MBRange.hpp"
@@ -1614,7 +1615,10 @@
   //4. loop through the node_num_map, use it to find the node in the cub file.
   //5. Replace coord[0][n] with coordx[m]+vals_nod_var1(time_step, m) for all directions for matching nodes.   
   // Test: try to get hexes
+  // *******************************************************************
+  // Move nodes to their deformed locations.
+  // *******************************************************************  
   MBErrorCode rval;
   std::string s;
   rval = opts.get_str_option("tdata", s ); 
@@ -1821,10 +1825,18 @@
   double max_magnitude = 0;
   double average_magnitude = 0;
+  // Find the matching cub node by id or proximity
+  const bool match_node_ids = true;
+  // We should not use cub verts unless they have been matched. Place in a map
+  // for fast handle_by_id lookup.
+  std::map<int,MBEntityHandle> matched_cub_vert_id_map;
   // For each exo vert find the closest cub vert. Use proximity because kd-tree
   // search is O(logn) but MOAB tag search is O(n). For 150k nodes this 
-  // is 5 minutes faster.
-  const double GEOMETRY_RESABS = 1e-6;
+  // is 5 minutes faster. The MAX_NODE_DIST is the farthest that we will search
+  // for a node. Note that the exodus file is single precision.
+  const double MAX_NODE_DIST = 1e-3;
   std::cout << "  exodus file contains " << numberNodes_loading << " nodes." 
             << std::endl;
   for(int i=0; i<numberNodes_loading; ++i) {
@@ -1832,29 +1844,46 @@
     std::vector<MBEntityHandle> leaves;
     int exo_id = ptr[i];
     MBCartVect exo_coords( orig_coords[0][i], orig_coords[1][i], orig_coords[2][i] );
-    rval = kdtree.leaves_within_distance( root, exo_coords.array(), GEOMETRY_RESABS, leaves );    
+    double min_dist = MAX_NODE_DIST;
+    rval = kdtree.leaves_within_distance( root, exo_coords.array(), MAX_NODE_DIST, leaves );    
     if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
     for(std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::const_iterator j=leaves.begin(); 
       j!=leaves.end(); ++j) {
-      if(0 != cub_vert) break;
+      //if(0 != cub_vert) break;
       std::vector<MBEntityHandle> leaf_verts;
       rval = mdbImpl->get_entities_by_type( *j, MBVERTEX, leaf_verts );
       if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
-      // Find the matching cub vert by id, then do a sanity check on distance
+      // Find the matching cub node by id or proximity
       for(std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::const_iterator k=leaf_verts.begin(); 
         k!=leaf_verts.end(); ++k) {
-        int cub_id;
-        rval = mdbImpl->tag_get_data( mGlobalIdTag, &(*k), 1, &cub_id );
-        if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
-        if(exo_id == cub_id) {
-          cub_vert = *k;
-          break;
-        }
+        if(match_node_ids) {
+          int cub_id;
+          rval = mdbImpl->tag_get_data( mGlobalIdTag, &(*k), 1, &cub_id );
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+          if(exo_id == cub_id) {
+            cub_vert = *k;
+            break;
+          }
+        } else {
+          MBCartVect orig_cub_coords, difference;
+          rval = mdbImpl->get_coords( &(*k), 1, orig_cub_coords.array() );
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+          difference = orig_cub_coords - exo_coords;
+          double dist = difference.length();
+          if(dist < min_dist) {
+            min_dist = dist;
+            cub_vert = *k;
+          }
+	}
     // If a cub vert is found, update it with the deformed coords from the exo file.
     if(0 != cub_vert) {
       MBCartVect updated_exo_coords;
+      matched_cub_vert_id_map[exo_id] = cub_vert;
       updated_exo_coords[0] = orig_coords[0][i] + deformed_arrays[0][i];
       updated_exo_coords[1] = orig_coords[1][i] + deformed_arrays[1][i];
       if(numberDimensions_loading == 3 )
@@ -1874,14 +1903,28 @@
   std::cout << "  " << found 
-            << " nodes from the exodus file were matched by id in the cub_file_set." 
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "  " << lost << " nodes from the exodus file could not be matched." 
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "  maximum node displacement magnitude=" << max_magnitude << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "  average node displacement magnitude=" << average_magnitude/found 
-            << std::endl;
+            << " nodes from the exodus file were matched in the cub_file_set ";
+  if(match_node_ids) {
+    std::cout << "by id." << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "by proximity." << std::endl;
+  }
+  // Fail if all of the nodes could not be matched.
+  if(0 != lost) {
+    std::cout << "Error:  " << lost << " nodes from the exodus file could not be matched." 
+              << std::endl;
+    return MB_FAILURE;
+  }
+  std::cout << "  maximum node displacement magnitude: " << max_magnitude 
+            << " cm" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  average node displacement magnitude: " << average_magnitude/found 
+            << " cm" << std::endl;
+  // *******************************************************************
+  // Remove dead elements from the MOAB instance.
+  // *******************************************************************
   // How many element variables are in the file?
   ncdim = ncFile->get_dim("num_elem_var");
   if (!ncdim->is_valid()) {
@@ -1915,15 +1958,17 @@
   bool found_death_index = false;
   for(int i=0; i<n_elem_var; ++i) {
     std::string temp(names[i]);
-    std::string::size_type pos = temp.find("death_status");
-    if(std::string::npos != pos) {
+    std::string::size_type pos0 = temp.find("death_status");
+    std::string::size_type pos1 = temp.find("Death_Status");
+    std::string::size_type pos2 = temp.find("DEATH_STATUS");
+    if(std::string::npos!=pos0 || std::string::npos!=pos1 || std::string::npos!=pos2) {
       found_death_index = true;
       death_index = i+1; // NetCDF variables start with 1
   if(!found_death_index) {
-    readMeshIface->report_error("ReadNCDF:: Problem getting index of death_status variable.");
+    std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem getting index of death_status variable." << std::endl;
     return MB_FAILURE;
@@ -1933,87 +1978,189 @@
   // Dead elements are listed by block. Read the block headers to determine how
   // many elements are in each block.
   rval = read_block_headers(blocks_to_load, num_blocks);
-  if (MB_FAILURE == rval) return rval;
+  if (MB_FAILURE == rval) {
+    std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem reading block headers." << std::endl;
+    return rval;
+  }
+  // Dead elements from the Exodus file can be located in the cub_file_set by id
+  // or by connectivity. Currently, finding elements by id requires careful book
+  // keeping when constructing the model in Cubit. To avoid this, one can match
+  // elements by connectivity instead.
+  const bool match_elems_by_connectivity = true;
   // Get the element id map. The ids in the map are from the elementsin the blocks.
   // elem_num_map( blk1 elem ids, blk2 elem ids, blk3 elem ids, ... )
   std::vector<int> elem_ids(numberNodes_loading);
-  temp_var = ncFile->get_var("elem_num_map");
-  if (NULL == temp_var || !temp_var->is_valid()) {
-    readMeshIface->report_error("ReadNCDF:: Problem getting element number map variable.");
-    return MB_FAILURE;
+  if(!match_elems_by_connectivity) {
+    temp_var = ncFile->get_var("elem_num_map");
+    if (NULL == temp_var || !temp_var->is_valid()) {
+      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem getting element number map variable." << std::endl;
+      return MB_FAILURE;
+    }
+    status = temp_var->get(&elem_ids[0], numberElements_loading);
+    if (0 == status) {
+      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem getting element number map data." << std::endl;
+      return MB_FAILURE;
+    }
-  status = temp_var->get(&elem_ids[0], numberElements_loading);
-  if (0 == status) {
-    readMeshIface->report_error("ReadNCDF:: Problem getting element number map data.");
-    return MB_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // For each block, get the death_status at the correct time step.
+  // For each block
   int first_elem_id_in_block = 0;
   int block_count = 1; // NetCDF variables start with 1
   for(std::vector<ReadBlockData>::iterator i=blocksLoading.begin();
       i!=blocksLoading.end(); ++i) {
+    // get the ncdf connect variable
+    std::string temp_string("connect");
+    std::stringstream temp_ss;
+    temp_ss << block_count;
+    temp_string += temp_ss.str();
+    temp_string += "\0";
+    temp_var = ncFile->get_var(temp_string.c_str());
+    if (NULL == temp_var || !temp_var->is_valid()) {
+      std::cout << "MBCN: Problem getting connect variable." << std::endl;
+      return MB_FAILURE;
+    }
+    // the element type is an attribute of the connectivity variable
+    NcAtt *temp_att = temp_var->get_att("elem_type");
+    if (NULL == temp_att || !temp_att->is_valid()) {
+      std::cout << "MBCN:: Problem getting elem type attribute." << std::endl;
+      return MB_FAILURE;
+    }
+    // Get the MOAB element type from the Exodus attribute type
+    char *dum_str = temp_att->as_string(0);
+    ExoIIElementType elem_type = ExoIIUtil::static_element_name_to_type(dum_str);
+    delete [] dum_str;
+    (*i).elemType = elem_type;
+    const MBEntityType mb_type = ExoIIUtil::ExoIIElementMBEntity[(*i).elemType];
+    // Get the number of nodes per element
+    unsigned int nodes_per_element = ExoIIUtil::VerticesPerElement[(*i).elemType];
+    // read the connectivity into that memory,  this will take only part of the array
+    // 1/2 if sizeof(MBEntityHandle) == 64 bits.
+    int exo_conn[i->numElements][nodes_per_element];
+    NcBool status = temp_var->get( &exo_conn[0][0], i->numElements, nodes_per_element);
+    if (0 == status) {
+      std::cout << "MBCN: Problem getting connectivity." << std::endl;
+      return MB_FAILURE;
+    }
+    // get the death_status at the correct time step.
     std::vector<double> death_status(i->numElements); // it seems wrong, but it uses doubles
     std::string array_name("vals_elem_var");
-    std::stringstream temp;
-    temp << death_index;
-    array_name += temp.str();
+    temp_ss.str(""); // stringstream won't clear by temp.clear() 
+    temp_ss << death_index;
+    array_name += temp_ss.str();
     array_name += "eb";
-    temp.str(""); // stringstream won't clear by temp.clear()
-    temp << block_count;
-    array_name += temp.str();
+    temp_ss.str(""); // stringstream won't clear by temp.clear()
+    temp_ss << block_count;
+    array_name += temp_ss.str();
     array_name += "\0";
     temp_var = ncFile->get_var(array_name.c_str());
     if (NULL == temp_var || !temp_var->is_valid()) {
-      std::cout << "ReadNCDF:: Problem getting death_status variable." << std::endl;;
+      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem getting death_status variable." << std::endl;;
       return MB_FAILURE;
     status = temp_var->set_cur(time_step-1, 0);
     if (0 == status) {
-      readMeshIface->report_error("ReadNCDF:: Problem setting time step for death_status.");
+      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem setting time step for death_status." << std::endl;
       return MB_FAILURE;
     status = temp_var->get(&death_status[0], 1, i->numElements);
     if (0 == status) {
-      readMeshIface->report_error("ReadNCDF:: Problem getting death_status array.");
+      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Problem getting death_status array." << std::endl;
       return MB_FAILURE;
     // Look for dead elements. If there is too many dead elements and this starts
     // to take too long, I should put the elems in a kd-tree for more efficient 
     // searching. Alternatively I could get the exo connectivity and match nodes.
-    int dead_elem_counter = 0;
+    int dead_elem_counter = 0, missing_elem_counter = 0;
     for (int j=0; j<i->numElements; ++j) {
       if (1 != death_status[j]) {
-        // get dead element's id
-        int elem_id = elem_ids[first_elem_id_in_block+j];
-        void *id[] = {&elem_id};
-        // assume hex elems!!!!!!!!
-        MBRange cub_elem;
-        rval = mdbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, MBHEX, 
-						      &mGlobalIdTag, id, 1, cub_elem, 
-                                                      MBInterface::INTERSECT );
-        if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
-        if(1 != cub_elem.size()) {
-	  std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Should have found 1 element, but instead found " 
+        MBRange cub_elem, cub_nodes;
+        if(match_elems_by_connectivity) {
+          // get exodus nodes for the element
+	  std::vector<int> elem_conn(nodes_per_element);
+          for(unsigned int k=0; k<nodes_per_element; ++k) {
+            elem_conn[k] = exo_conn[j][k];
+	  }
+          // get the ids of the nodes (assume we are matching by id)
+          // Remember that the exodus array locations start with 1 (not 0).
+	  std::vector<int> elem_conn_node_ids(nodes_per_element);
+          for(unsigned int k=0; k<nodes_per_element; ++k) {
+            elem_conn_node_ids[k] = ptr[ elem_conn[k]-1 ];
+          }
+          // get the cub_file_set nodes by id
+          // The map is a log search and takes almost no time. 
+          // MOAB's linear tag search takes 5-10 minutes.
+          for(unsigned int k=0; k<nodes_per_element; ++k) {
+	    std::map<int,MBEntityHandle>::iterator k_iter;
+            k_iter = matched_cub_vert_id_map.find( elem_conn_node_ids[k] );
+            if(k_iter == matched_cub_vert_id_map.end()) {
+	      std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Found no cub node with id=" << elem_conn_node_ids[k] 
+                        << ", but expected to find only 1." << std::endl;
+              break;
+            }
+            cub_nodes.insert( k_iter->second ); 
+          }
+          if(nodes_per_element != cub_nodes.size()) {
+	    std::cout << "ReadNCDF: nodes_per_elemenet != cub_nodes.size()" << std::endl;
+            return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
+          }
+          // get the cub_file_set element with the same nodes
+          int to_dim = MBCN::Dimension(mb_type);
+          rval = mdbImpl->get_adjacencies( cub_nodes, to_dim, false, cub_elem);
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+          // Pronto/Presto renumbers elements, so matching cub and exo elements by
+          // id is not possible at this time.
+        } else {
+          // get dead element's id
+          int elem_id = elem_ids[first_elem_id_in_block+j];
+          void *id[] = {&elem_id};
+          // get the element by id
+          rval = mdbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, mb_type, 
+		  				        &mGlobalIdTag, id, 1, cub_elem, 
+                                                        MBInterface::INTERSECT );
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+        }
+        if(1 == cub_elem.size()) {
+          // Delete the dead element from the cub file. It will be removed from sets
+          // ONLY if they are tracking meshsets.
+          rval = mdbImpl->remove_entities( cub_file_set, cub_elem );
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+          rval = mdbImpl->delete_entities( cub_elem );
+          if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
+        } else {
+      	  std::cout << "ReadNCDF: Should have found 1 element with  type=" 
+                    << mb_type << " in cub_file_set, but instead found " 
                     << cub_elem.size() << std::endl;
+          rval = mdbImpl->list_entities( cub_nodes );
+          ++missing_elem_counter;      
           return MB_FAILURE;
-        // Delete the dead element from the cub file. It will be removed from sets
-        // ONLY if they are tracking meshsets.
-        rval = mdbImpl->remove_entities( cub_file_set, cub_elem );
-        if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
-        rval = mdbImpl->delete_entities( cub_elem );
-        if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
     // Print some statistics
-    temp.str("");
-    temp << i->blockId;
-    std::cout << "  Block " << temp.str() << " has " << dead_elem_counter << "/"
-              << i->numElements << " dead elements." << std::endl; 
+    temp_ss.str("");
+    temp_ss << i->blockId;
+    std::cout << "  Block " << temp_ss.str() << " has " << dead_elem_counter << "/"
+              << i->numElements << " dead elements." << std::endl;
+    if(0 != missing_elem_counter) {
+      std::cout << "    " << missing_elem_counter 
+                << " dead elements in this block were not found in the cub_file_set. " << std::endl;
+    }
     // advance the pointers into element ids and block_count
     first_elem_id_in_block += i->numElements;

Modified: MOAB/trunk/tools/dagmc/cub2h5m.cc
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/dagmc/cub2h5m.cc	2010-02-26 20:57:00 UTC (rev 3558)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/dagmc/cub2h5m.cc	2010-03-01 17:02:28 UTC (rev 3559)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "MBSkinner.hpp"
 #include "quads_to_tris.hpp"
 #include <limits>
+#include <cstdlib>
 #define GF_STEP_FILE_TYPE     "STEP"
@@ -18,6 +19,114 @@
+// DAGMC cannot build an OBB tree if all of a volume's surfaces have no facets.
+// To prevent this, remove the cgm surface set if the cub surface set exists,
+// but had its faced removed (due to dead elements). Remember that the cgm_file_set
+// is not TRACKING.
+MBErrorCode remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols( MBInterface *MBI, 
+                                          const MBEntityHandle cgm_file_set, 
+                                          const MBTag idTag, 
+                                          const MBTag dimTag, 
+                                          const bool debug ) {
+  MBErrorCode result;
+  const int two = 2;
+  const void* const two_val[] = {&two};
+  MBRange cgm_surfs;
+  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag,
+						 two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;    
+  for(MBRange::iterator i=cgm_surfs.begin(); i!=cgm_surfs.end(); ++i) {
+    int n_tris;
+    result = MBI->get_number_entities_by_type( *i, MBTRI, n_tris );
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                              
+    if(0==n_tris) {
+      int surf_id;
+      result = MBI->tag_get_data(idTag, &(*i), 1, &surf_id);
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      MBRange parent_vols;
+      result = MBI->get_parent_meshsets( *i, parent_vols );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      for(MBRange::iterator j=parent_vols.begin(); j!=parent_vols.end(); ++j) {  
+        result = MBI->remove_parent_child( *j, *i );
+        assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      }  
+      MBRange child_curves;
+      result = MBI->get_child_meshsets( *i, child_curves );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      for(MBRange::iterator j=child_curves.begin(); j!=child_curves.end(); ++j) {  
+        result = MBI->remove_parent_child( *i, *j );
+        assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      }  
+      result = MBI->remove_entities( cgm_file_set, &(*i), 1 );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      // Is the set contained anywhere else? If the surface is in a CUBIT group, 
+      // such as "unmerged_surfs" it will cause write_mesh to fail. This should 
+      // be a MOAB bug.
+      MBRange all_sets;
+      result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      for(MBRange::iterator j=all_sets.begin(); j!=all_sets.end(); ++j) {
+        if(MBI->contains_entities( *j, &(*i), 1 )) {
+          result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, &(*i), 1 );
+          assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+        }
+      }
+      result = MBI->delete_entities( &(*i), 1 );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      std::cout << "  Surface " << surf_id 
+                << ": removed because all of its mesh faces have been removed"
+                << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  // get all volumes
+  const int three = 3;
+  const void* const three_val[] = {&three};
+  MBRange cgm_vols;
+  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag,
+						 three_val, 1, cgm_vols );
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;    
+  for(MBRange::iterator i=cgm_vols.begin(); i!=cgm_vols.end(); ++i) {
+    // get the volume's number of surfaces
+    int n_surfs;
+    result = MBI->num_child_meshsets( *i, &n_surfs );
+    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    // if no surfaces remain, remove the volume
+    if(0==n_surfs) {
+      int vol_id;
+      result = MBI->tag_get_data(idTag, &(*i), 1, &vol_id);
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      // Is the set contained anywhere else? If the surface is in a CUBIT group, 
+      // such as "unmerged_surfs" it will cause write_mesh to fail. This should 
+      // be a MOAB bug.
+      MBRange all_sets;
+      result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      for(MBRange::iterator j=all_sets.begin(); j!=all_sets.end(); ++j) {
+        if(MBI->contains_entities( *j, &(*i), 1 )) {
+          result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, &(*i), 1 );
+          assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+        }
+      }
+      result = MBI->delete_entities( &(*i), 1 );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      std::cout << "  Volume " << vol_id 
+                << ": removed because all of its surfaces have been removed"
+                << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  return MB_SUCCESS;
 // Given parent volume senses, an id, and a set handle, this function creates a
 // new surface set with dimension, geometry category, id, and sense tags.
 MBErrorCode build_new_surface( MBInterface *MBI,
@@ -30,26 +139,27 @@
   MBErrorCode result;
   result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, new_surf );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   if(0 != forward_parent_vol) {
     result = MBI->add_parent_child( forward_parent_vol, new_surf );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   if(0 != reverse_parent_vol) {
     result = MBI->add_parent_child( reverse_parent_vol, new_surf );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   const int two = 2;
   result = MBI->tag_set_data( dimTag, &new_surf, 1, &two );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   result = MBI->tag_set_data( idTag, &new_surf, 1, &new_surf_id );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);  
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;  
   const char geom_category[CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE] = {"Surface\0"};
   result = MBI->tag_set_data( categoryTag, &new_surf, 1, &geom_category );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   MBEntityHandle vols[2] = { forward_parent_vol, reverse_parent_vol };
   result = MBI->tag_set_data( senseTag, &new_surf, 1, vols );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   return MB_SUCCESS;
@@ -63,17 +173,17 @@
   for(MBRange::const_iterator i=faces.begin(); i!=faces.end(); ++i) {
     MBRange adj_elem;
     result = MBI->get_adjacencies( &(*i), 1, 3, false, adj_elem );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-    assert(1 == adj_elem.size());
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    if(1 != adj_elem.size()) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
     // get center of element
     const MBEntityHandle *elem_conn;
     int n_nodes;   
     result = MBI->get_connectivity( adj_elem.front(), elem_conn, n_nodes );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     MBCartVect elem_coords[n_nodes];
     result = MBI->get_coords( elem_conn, n_nodes, elem_coords[0].array() );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     MBCartVect elem_center(0.0);
     for(int j=0; j<n_nodes; ++j) elem_center += elem_coords[j];
     elem_center /= n_nodes;
@@ -81,10 +191,11 @@
     // get the center of the face
     const MBEntityHandle *face_conn;
     result = MBI->get_connectivity( *i, face_conn, n_nodes );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     MBCartVect face_coords[n_nodes];
     result = MBI->get_coords( face_conn, n_nodes, face_coords[0].array() );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    assert(4 == n_nodes);
     MBCartVect face_center(0.0);
     for(int j=0; j<n_nodes; ++j) face_center += face_coords[j];
     face_center /= n_nodes;
@@ -111,7 +222,7 @@
       MBEntityHandle new_face_conn[4] = { face_conn[3], face_conn[2], 
                                           face_conn[1], face_conn[0] };
       result = MBI->set_connectivity( *i, new_face_conn, 4 );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   return MB_SUCCESS;
@@ -146,8 +257,7 @@
-// Use this to get quad faces from hex elems. MBSkinner does not produce the 
-// expected result.
+// Use this to get quad faces from hex elems.
 MBErrorCode skin_hex_elems(MBInterface *MBI, MBRange elems, const int dim, 
                            MBRange &faces ) {
   // get faces of each hex
@@ -160,14 +270,14 @@
   for(MBRange::iterator i=elems.begin(); i!=elems.end(); ++i) {
     MBRange elem_faces;
     result = MBI->get_adjacencies( &(*i), 1, 2, true, elem_faces );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-    assert(faces_per_elem == elem_faces.size());
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    if(faces_per_elem != elem_faces.size()) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
     for(MBRange::iterator j=elem_faces.begin(); j!=elem_faces.end(); ++j) {
       const MBEntityHandle *conn;
       int n_nodes;
       MBErrorCode result = MBI->get_connectivity( *j, conn, n_nodes );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      assert(nodes_per_face == n_nodes);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      if(nodes_per_face != n_nodes) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
       // Sort the node handles of the face
       for(int k=0; k<nodes_per_face; ++k) f[counter][k] = conn[k];
       qsort( &f[counter][0], nodes_per_face, sizeof(MBEntityHandle), handle_compare );
@@ -185,8 +295,8 @@
     if(n_faces-1 == i) {
       MBRange face_handle;
       result = MBI->get_adjacencies( &(f[i][0]), nodes_per_face, 2, false, face_handle );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      assert(1 == face_handle.size());
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      if(1 != face_handle.size()) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
       faces.insert( face_handle.front() );
       // Due to sort, if a duplicate exists it must be next
     } else if( f[i][0]==f[i+1][0] && f[i][1]==f[i+1][1] && 
@@ -201,8 +311,8 @@
     } else {
       MBRange face_handle;
       result = MBI->get_adjacencies( &(f[i][0]), nodes_per_face, 2, false, face_handle );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      assert(1 == face_handle.size());
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      if(1 != face_handle.size()) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
       faces.insert( face_handle.front() );
@@ -279,7 +389,7 @@
   double ratio[n_elems];
   for(int i=0; i<n_elems; ++i) ratio[i] = (defo[i]-orig[i])/orig[i];
-  plot_histogram( "Predeformed Element Volume", "Num_Elems", "Volume", 10, orig, n_elems );
+  plot_histogram( "Predeformed Element Volume", "Num_Elems", "Volume [cc]", 10, orig, n_elems );
   std::string title = "Element Volume Change Ratio at Time Step " + time_step;
   plot_histogram( title, "Num_Elems", "Volume Ratio", 10, ratio, n_elems );
@@ -301,11 +411,11 @@
   const MBEntityHandle *conn;
   int num_vertices;
   MBErrorCode result = MBI->get_connectivity( element, conn, num_vertices );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   MBCartVect coords[num_vertices];
   result = MBI->get_coords( conn, num_vertices, coords[0].array() );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   switch( type )
@@ -352,9 +462,14 @@
 /* Calculate the signed volumes beneath the surface (x 6.0). Use the triangle's
    cannonical sense. Do not take sense tags into account. Code taken from
-   DagMC::measure_volume. */
+   DagMC::measure_volume. 
+   Special Case: If the surface is planar, and the plane includes the origin,
+   the signed volume will be ~0. If the signed volume is ~0 then offset everything
+   by a random amount and try again. */
 MBErrorCode get_signed_volume( MBInterface *MBI, 
-                               const MBEntityHandle surf_set, 
+                               const MBEntityHandle surf_set,
+                               const MBCartVect offset, 
                                double &signed_volume) {
   MBErrorCode rval;
   MBRange tris;
@@ -366,11 +481,19 @@
   MBCartVect coords[3];                                                                  
   for (MBRange::iterator j = tris.begin(); j != tris.end(); ++j) {             
     rval = MBI->get_connectivity( *j, conn, len, true );                                 
-    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;                                                 
-    assert(3 == len);                                                                    
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;                                                 
+    if(3 != len) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;                                                                    
     rval = MBI->get_coords( conn, 3, coords[0].array() );                                
-    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;                                                 
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;                                                 
+    // Apply offset to avoid calculating 0 for cases when the origin is in the
+    // plane of the surface.
+    for(unsigned int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
+      coords[k][0] += offset[0];        
+      coords[k][1] += offset[1];        
+      coords[k][2] += offset[2];        
+    }
     coords[1] -= coords[0];                                                              
     coords[2] -= coords[0];                                                              
     signed_volume += (coords[0] % (coords[1] * coords[2]));                                   
@@ -405,9 +528,10 @@
     const void* const tag_vals[] = { &surf_id, &two };
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags,
 						   tag_vals, 2, cub_surf );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     if(1 != cub_surf.size()) {
-      std::cout << "  surf_id=" << surf_id << " no meshed surface found" 
+      std::cout << "  Surface " << surf_id 
+                << ": no meshed representation found, using CAD representation instead" 
                 << std::endl;
@@ -415,22 +539,38 @@
     // Get tris that represent the quads of the cub surf
     MBRange quads;
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_surf.front(), MBQUAD, quads ); 
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);  
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;  
     MBRange cub_tris; 
     result = make_tris_from_quads( MBI, quads, cub_tris );
     // Add the tris to the same surface meshset as the quads are inside.            
     result = MBI->add_entities( cub_surf.front(), cub_tris );                       
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                                                     
-    // get the signed volume for each surface representation
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    // get the signed volume for each surface representation. Keep trying until
+    // The signed volumes are much greater than numerical precision. Planar
+    // surfaces will have a signed volume of zero if the plane goes through the
+    // origin, unless we apply an offset.
+    const int n_attempts = 10;
+    const int max_random = 10;
+    const double min_signed_vol = 0.1;
     double cgm_signed_vol, cub_signed_vol;
-    result = get_signed_volume( MBI,               *i, cgm_signed_vol ); 
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                                      
-    result = get_signed_volume( MBI, cub_surf.front(), cub_signed_vol ); 
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                                      
-    if(debug) std::cout << "  surf_id=" << surf_id << " cgm_signed_vol=" 
-      << cgm_signed_vol << " cub_signed_vol=" << cub_signed_vol << std::endl;
+    for(int j=0; j<n_attempts; ++j) {
+      cgm_signed_vol = 0;
+      cub_signed_vol = 0;
+      MBCartVect offset(std::rand()%max_random, std::rand()%max_random, std::rand()%max_random);
+      result = get_signed_volume( MBI,               *i, offset, cgm_signed_vol ); 
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                                      
+      result = get_signed_volume( MBI, cub_surf.front(), offset, cub_signed_vol ); 
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                                      
+      if(debug) std::cout << "  surf_id=" << surf_id << " cgm_signed_vol=" 
+        << cgm_signed_vol << " cub_signed_vol=" << cub_signed_vol << std::endl;
+      if(fabs(cgm_signed_vol)>min_signed_vol && fabs(cub_signed_vol)>min_signed_vol) break;
+      if(n_attempts == j+1) {
+	std::cout << "error: signed volume could not be calculated unambiguously" << std::cout;
+        return MB_FAILURE;
+      }
+    }
     // If the sign is different, reverse the cgm senses so that both
     // representations have the same signed volume.
@@ -438,14 +578,14 @@
 	(cgm_signed_vol>0 && cub_signed_vol<0) ) {
       MBEntityHandle cgm_surf_volumes[2], reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[2];
       result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, &(*i), 1, cgm_surf_volumes );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);  
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;  
       if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;    
       reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[0] = cgm_surf_volumes[1];
       reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[1] = cgm_surf_volumes[0];
       result = MBI->tag_set_data( senseTag, &(*i), 1, reversed_cgm_surf_volumes );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
@@ -481,34 +621,38 @@
     const void* const tag_vals[] = { &surf_id, &two };
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags,
 						   tag_vals, 2, cub_surf );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     if(1 != cub_surf.size()) {
-      std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": no meshed representation found" << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "  Surface " << surf_id 
+                << ": no meshed representation found, using CAD representation instead" 
+                << std::endl;
     // Get tris that represent the quads of the cub surf
     MBRange quads;
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_surf.front(), MBQUAD, quads ); 
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);  
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;  
     MBRange cub_tris; 
     result = make_tris_from_quads( MBI, quads, cub_tris );
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;	
     // Remove the tris from the cgm surf. Don't forget to remove them from the
     // cgm_file_set because it is not TRACKING.
     MBRange cgm_tris;
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( *i, MBTRI, cgm_tris );
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                              
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                              
     result = MBI->remove_entities( *i, cgm_tris );                     
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                              
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                              
     result = MBI->remove_entities( cgm_file_set, cgm_tris );                     
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                              
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                              
     result = MBI->delete_entities( cgm_tris );
-    assert( MB_SUCCESS == result);                                      
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                                      
     // Add the cub_tris to the cgm_surf
     result = MBI->add_entities( *i, cub_tris );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);                                                                                          
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;                                                                                          
   return MB_SUCCESS;
@@ -536,13 +680,13 @@
 					     two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
   if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;    
-  // Get the maximum surface id. This is so that new surfaces to do have
+  // Get the maximum surface id. This is so that new surfaces do not have
   // duplicate ids.
   int max_surf_id = -1;
   for(MBRange::const_iterator i=cgm_surfs.begin(); i!=cgm_surfs.end(); ++i) {
     int surf_id;
     result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &(*i), 1, &surf_id );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     if(max_surf_id < surf_id) max_surf_id = surf_id;
   std::cout << "  Maximum surface id=" << max_surf_id << std::endl;
@@ -553,13 +697,15 @@
   MBRange cgm_vols;
   result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag,
 					     three_val, 1, cgm_vols );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   // get the corresponding cub volume
   for(MBRange::iterator i=cgm_vols.begin(); i!=cgm_vols.end(); i++) {
     int vol_id;
     result = MBI->tag_get_data(idTag, &(*i), 1, &vol_id);
+    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
     if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;    
-    std::cout << "  Volume " << vol_id << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "  Volume " << vol_id;
     // Find the meshed vol set with the same id
     MBRange cub_vol;
@@ -568,68 +714,94 @@
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags,
 					       tag_vals, 2, cub_vol );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     if(1 != cub_vol.size()) {
-      std::cout << "    no meshed volume found" << std::endl;
+      std::cout << ": no meshed representation found" << std::endl;
+    } else {
+      std::cout << std::endl;
     // get the mesh elements of the volume.
     MBRange elems;
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_vol.front(), MBHEX, elems ); 
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);  
+    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;  
     if(debug) std::cout << "    found " << elems.size() << " hex elems" << std::endl;
     // skin the volumes
     MBSkinner tool(MBI);
-    MBRange moab_faces, my_faces;
-    result = tool.find_skin( elems, 2, moab_faces, true );
+    MBRange skin_faces;
+    result = tool.find_skin( elems, 2, skin_faces, true );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-    skin_hex_elems( MBI, elems, 2, my_faces );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-    if(debug) std::cout << "    moab_faces=" << moab_faces.size() << " my_faces=" 
-	      << my_faces.size() << std::endl;
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    // Reconcile the difference between faces of the cub file surfaces and skin
+    // faces of the 3D mesh. The difference exists because dead elements have been
+    // removed. Faces are divided into:
+    //   cub_faces    (in) - the faces in the cub file surface
+    //   skin_faces   (in) - the faces of the 3D mesh elements
+    //   common_faces (out)- the faces common to both the cub file surface and 3D mesh
+    //                       they are still adjacent to this volume
+    //   old_faces    (out)- the faces of the cub surface not on the 3D mesh skin
+    //                       they are no longer adjacent to this vol
+    //   new_faces    (out)- the faces of the 3D mesh skin not on the cub surface
+    //                       they are now adjacent to this volume
     // get cub child surfaces.
     MBRange cub_surfs;
     result = MBI->get_child_meshsets( cub_vol.front(), cub_surfs );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     for(MBRange::iterator j=cub_surfs.begin(); j!=cub_surfs.end(); ++j) {
+      int surf_id;
+      result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &(*j), 1, &surf_id );
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       // get the quads on each surface
       MBRange cub_faces;
       result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( *j, MBQUAD, cub_faces );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       // Meshed volumes must have meshed surfaces
-      assert(!cub_faces.empty());
+      if(cub_faces.empty()) {
+	std::cout << "    Surface " << surf_id << ": contains no meshed faces" << std::endl;
+	// return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
+      }
       // get the faces common to both the skin and this surface
-      MBRange common_faces = intersect( cub_faces, my_faces );
-      // find the surfaces faces not on the skin - these are orphaned and need removed
-      MBRange orphaned_faces = subtract( cub_faces, common_faces );
-      result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, orphaned_faces );
+      MBRange common_faces = intersect( cub_faces, skin_faces );
+      // find the surface faces not on the skin - these are old and need removed
+      MBRange old_faces = subtract( cub_faces, common_faces );
+      result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, old_faces );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      int surf_id;
-      result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &(*j), 1, &surf_id );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       // remove the common faces from the skin faces
-      my_faces = subtract( my_faces, common_faces );
-      // If no orphaned faces exist we are done
-      if(orphaned_faces.empty()) continue;
-      std::cout << "    Surface " << surf_id << " had " << orphaned_faces.size() 
-		<< " orphaned faces removed" << std::endl;
-      // place the orphaned faces in a new surface. Get the parent vols of the
-      // surf.
+      skin_faces = subtract( skin_faces, common_faces );
+      // If no old faces exist we are done
+      if(old_faces.empty()) continue;
+      std::cout << "    Surface " << surf_id << ": " << old_faces.size() 
+		<< " old faces removed" << std::endl;
+      // Place the old faces in a new surface, because they may still be adjacent
+      // to 3D mesh in another volume. Get the parent vols of the surface.
       MBRange cgm_surf;
       const MBTag tags[] = {idTag, dimTag};
       const void* const tag_vals[] = { &surf_id, &two };
       result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags,
 						 tag_vals, 2, cgm_surf );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      assert(1 == cgm_surf.size());
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      if(1 != cgm_surf.size()) {
+	std::cout << "invalid size" << std::endl;
+        return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
+      }
       MBEntityHandle cgm_vols[2], cub_vols[2];
       result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, cgm_surf, &cgm_vols );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, &(*j), 1, &cub_vols );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       // for the new surf, replace the current volume with the impl compl vol.
       // This is because the faces that no longer exist will become adjacent to
       // the impl compl
@@ -643,10 +815,10 @@
       // If both sides of the surface are the impl comp, do not create the surface.
       if(0==cgm_vols[0] && 0==cgm_vols[1]) {
-	std::cout << "    New surface was not created for orphaned faces because both parents are impl_compl volume " << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "    New surface was not created for old faces because both parents are impl_compl volume " << std::endl;
-      // build the new surface, convert quads to tris, and add the faces.
+      // build the new surface.
       MBEntityHandle new_cgm_surf, new_cub_surf;
       result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cgm_surf,
@@ -654,30 +826,41 @@
 				  dimTag, idTag, 
 				  categoryTag, senseTag );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
       result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cub_surf,
 				  cub_vols[0], cub_vols[1], max_surf_id,
 				  dimTag, idTag, 
 				  categoryTag, senseTag );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      // add the new surface to the file set and populate it with faces
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      // add the new surface to the file set and populate it with the old faces
       result = MBI->add_entities( cgm_file_set, &new_cgm_surf, 1 );
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
       result = MBI->add_entities( cub_file_set, &new_cub_surf, 1 );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);       
-      result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, orphaned_faces ); 
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;       
       assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-      std::cout << "    Surface " << max_surf_id << " was created for " 
-		<< orphaned_faces.size() << " orphaned faces" << std::endl;
+      result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, old_faces ); 
+      assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+      if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+      std::cout << "    Surface " << max_surf_id << ": created for " 
+		<< old_faces.size() << " old faces" << std::endl;
-    // remaining skin faces must be assigned to a surface
-    if(my_faces.empty()) continue;
-    std::cout << "    Surface " << max_surf_id+1 << " will be created for " 
-	      << my_faces.size() << " dead skin faces" << std::endl;
+    // the remaining skin faces are newly exposed faces
+    MBRange new_faces = skin_faces;
+    // new skin faces must be assigned to a surface
+    if(new_faces.empty()) continue;
+    std::cout << "    Surface " << max_surf_id+1 << ": created for " 
+	      << new_faces.size() << " new faces" << std::endl;
     // Ensure that faces are oriented outwards
-    result = orient_faces_outward( MBI, my_faces, debug );
+    result = orient_faces_outward( MBI, new_faces, debug );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     // Create the new surface.
     MBEntityHandle new_cgm_surf, new_cub_surf;
@@ -687,18 +870,23 @@
 				dimTag, idTag, 
 				categoryTag, senseTag );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cub_surf,
 				cub_vol.front(), 0, max_surf_id,
 				dimTag, idTag, 
 				categoryTag, senseTag );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     // Insert the new surf into file sets and populate it with faces.
     result = MBI->add_entities( cgm_file_set, &new_cgm_surf, 1 );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     result = MBI->add_entities( cub_file_set, &new_cub_surf, 1 );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);       
-    result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, my_faces );
     assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;       
+    result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, new_faces );
+    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   return MB_SUCCESS;
@@ -729,7 +917,6 @@
 //   get signed volume from cgm and cub surf         MUST COME BEFORE COORD UPDATE, NEEDS TRIS
 //   reverse cgm surface sense if needed
 //   replace cgm surf tris with cub surf tris
-//   X remove quads from cub surf
 // measure volume of predeformed cub elements
 // convert cub volumes sets to tracking so that dead elems are removed from vol sets
 // update coordinates and delete dead elems
@@ -738,12 +925,13 @@
 // for each cub volume
 //   skin volume elems to get faces
 //   for each child cub surface
-//     remove surface faces that are not in skin
+//     assign old skin faces to a new surface in case they are adjacent to another volume
 //   orient each skin face outward
-//   assign new (leftover) skin faces to a surface
+//   assign new skin faces to a new surface
 // for each surface
 //   remove existing tris (from before the update)
 //   convert quads to tris
+// remove empty surfaces and volumes due to dead elements
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   const bool debug = false;
@@ -822,7 +1010,7 @@
   MBErrorCode result;
   MBEntityHandle cub_file_set;
   result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, cub_file_set );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   //char cub_options[256] = "120";
   //result = MBI->load_file(cub_name, cub_file_set, cub_options, NULL, 0, 0);
   result = MBI->load_file(cub_name, &cub_file_set, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
@@ -836,10 +1024,10 @@
   MBEntityHandle cgm_file_set;
   result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, cgm_file_set );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   result = MBI->load_file(sat_name, &cgm_file_set, cgm_options,NULL,0,0);
   if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
-  std::cout << "Geometry file read." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "CAD file read." << std::endl;
   // Create tags
   MBTag dimTag, idTag, categoryTag, senseTag;
@@ -861,15 +1049,15 @@
   // cub representations. Change the sense of the cgm representation to match 
   // the cub representation.
   result = fix_surface_senses( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set, idTag, dimTag, senseTag, debug );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-  std::cout << "Fixed geometry surface senses to match meshed surface senses." << std::endl;
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+  std::cout << "Fixed CAD surface senses to match meshed surface senses." << std::endl;
   // Get the 3D elements in the cub file and measure their volume.
   MBRange orig_elems;
   std::vector<double> orig_size;
   if(determine_volume_change) {
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, orig_elems );   
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     for(unsigned int i=0; i<orig_elems.size(); ++i) {
       orig_size[i] = measure( MBI, orig_elems[i] );
@@ -883,10 +1071,10 @@
   MBRange cub_vols;
   result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag,
 						 three_val, 1, cub_vols );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   for(MBRange::const_iterator i=cub_vols.begin(); i!=cub_vols.end(); ++i) {
     result = MBI->set_meshset_options( *i, MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   // Update the coordinates if needed. Do not do this before checking surface
@@ -895,7 +1083,7 @@
   // The cub node ids are unique because cgm vertex ids are tagged on the vertex
   // meshset and not the vertex itself.
   //result = MBI->delete_entities( &cub_file_set, 1 );
-  //assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+  //if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
   // Assume dead elements exist until I think of something better.
   bool dead_elements_exist = true;
   if(update_coords) {
@@ -909,7 +1097,9 @@
     //result =  my_ex_reader.load_file(exo_name, cub_file_set, exo_opts, NULL, 0 , 0);
     result = my_ex_reader.load_file(exo_name, &cub_file_set, exo_opts, NULL, 0 , 0);
     if(MB_SUCCESS != result) {
-      std::cout << "coordinate update failed" << std::endl;
+      std::string last_error;
+      MBI->get_last_error(last_error); 
+      std::cout << "coordinate update failed, " << last_error << std::endl;
       return result;
     std::cout << "Updated mesh nodes with deformed coordinates from exodus file." << std::endl;
@@ -920,7 +1110,7 @@
     // still exist.
     MBRange defo_elems;
     result = MBI->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, defo_elems );   
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
     // Determine the volume of the elements now that a deformation has been
     // applied. Condense the original array by removing dead elements.
@@ -943,8 +1133,9 @@
   if(update_coords && dead_elements_exist) {
     result = add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set,
                                            idTag, dimTag, categoryTag, senseTag, debug );
-    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-    std::cout << "Placed dead elements to implicit complement volume and added required surfaces." << std::endl;
+    if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+    std::cout << "Placed dead elements in implicit complement volume and added required surfaces." 
+              << std::endl;
   // The quads in the cub_file_set have been updated for dead elements. For each
@@ -952,9 +1143,15 @@
   // with cub_tris (created from the quads). Note the a surface that is not 
   // meshed (in cub file) will not be effected.
   result = replace_faceted_cgm_surfs( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set, idTag, dimTag, debug );
-  assert(MB_SUCCESS == result);
-  std::cout << "Replaced faceted geometry surfaces with meshed surfaces of triangles." << std::endl;
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+  std::cout << "Replaced faceted CAD surfaces with meshed surfaces of triangles." 
+            << std::endl;
+  result = remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols( MBI, cgm_file_set, idTag, dimTag, debug );
+  if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
+  std::cout << "Removed surfaces and volumes that no longer have any triangles." 
+            << std::endl;
   result = MBI->write_mesh( out_name, &cgm_file_set, 1 );
   if(MB_SUCCESS != result) {
     std::cout << "write mesh failed" << std::endl;

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