[MOAB-dev] r2101 - MOAB/trunk/parallel
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Sep 29 13:54:41 CDT 2008
Author: kraftche
Date: 2008-09-29 13:54:39 -0500 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 2101
Add test demonstrating bug where during "read & delete" parallel load,
elements shared by more than two processors are not assigned correct
processor IDs.
Modified: MOAB/trunk/parallel/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/parallel/Makefile.am 2008-09-29 18:27:10 UTC (rev 2100)
+++ MOAB/trunk/parallel/Makefile.am 2008-09-29 18:54:39 UTC (rev 2101)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
mbparallelcomm_test_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la
mbparallelcomm_test_DEPENDENCIES = $(mbparallelcomm_test_LDADD)
- MOAB_PARALLEL_TEST += pcomm_unit
+ MOAB_PARALLEL_TEST += pcomm_unit parallel_unit_tests
# The list of source files, and any header files that do not need to be installed
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
parallel_hdf5_test_LDADD = ../libMOAB.la
mhdf_parallel_SOURCES = mhdf_parallel.c
mhdf_parallel_LDADD = ../mhdf/libmhdf.la
+parallel_unit_tests_SOURCES = parallel_unit_tests.cpp
+parallel_unit_tests_LDADD = ../libMOAB.la
# Other files to clean up (e.g. output from tests)
Added: MOAB/trunk/parallel/parallel_unit_tests.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/parallel/parallel_unit_tests.cpp (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/parallel/parallel_unit_tests.cpp 2008-09-29 18:54:39 UTC (rev 2101)
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#include "MBParallelComm.hpp"
+#include "MBParallelConventions.h"
+#include "ReadParallel.hpp"
+#include "FileOptions.hpp"
+#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
+#include "MBCore.hpp"
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#define STRINGIFY_(X) #X
+#define CHKERR(a) do { \
+ MBErrorCode val = (a); \
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != val) { \
+ std::cerr << "Error code " << val << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;\
+ return val; \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+ Utility Method Declarations
+ **************************************************************************/
+// Get either all the entities in a set or only the entities of
+// a specific type, depending on whether or not type == MBMAXTYPE.
+MBErrorCode get_set_contents( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle set,
+ MBEntityType type,
+ MBRange& contents_out );
+// Get processors an entity is shared with.
+MBErrorCode get_sharing_processors( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle entity,
+ std::vector<int>& other_procs_out );
+// Get mesh entities owned by a geometric entity set.
+MBErrorCode get_geom_inclusive_mesh( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle set,
+ MBEntityType type,
+ MBRange& contents_out );
+// Test if is_my_error is non-zero on any processor in MPI_COMM_WORLD
+int is_any_proc_error( int is_my_error );
+ Test Declarations
+ **************************************************************************/
+MBErrorCode test_elements_on_several_procs( const char* filename );
+ Main Method
+ **************************************************************************/
+#define RUN_TEST(A, B) run_test( &A, #A, B )
+int run_test( MBErrorCode (*func)(const char*),
+ const char* func_name,
+ const char* file_name )
+ MBErrorCode result = (*func)(file_name);
+ int is_err = is_any_proc_error( (MB_SUCCESS != result) );
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
+ if (rank == 0) {
+ if (is_err)
+ std::cout << func_name << " FAILED!!" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << func_name << " success" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return is_err;
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ const char* filename;
+ if (argc == 1) {
+#ifdef SRCDIR
+ filename = STRINGIFY(SRCDIR) "/ptest.cub";
+ filename = "ptest.cub";
+ }
+ else if (argc == 2) {
+ filename = argv[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [filename]" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int num_errors = 0;
+ num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_elements_on_several_procs, filename );
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
+ if (rank == 0) {
+ if (!num_errors)
+ std::cout << "All tests passed" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << num_errors << " TESTS FAILED!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return num_errors;
+ Utility Method Implementations
+ **************************************************************************/
+MBErrorCode get_set_contents( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle set,
+ MBEntityType type,
+ MBRange& contents_out )
+ if (type == MBMAXTYPE)
+ return moab.get_entities_by_handle( set, contents_out );
+ else
+ return moab.get_entities_by_type( set, type, contents_out );
+MBErrorCode get_sharing_processors( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle entity,
+ std::vector<int>& other_procs_out )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ // get tags for parallel data
+ MBTag sharedp_tag, sharedps_tag, pstatus_tag;
+ const char* ptag_names[] = { PARALLEL_SHARED_PROC_TAG_NAME,
+ MBTag* tag_ptrs[] = { &sharedp_tag, &sharedps_tag, &pstatus_tag };
+ const int ntags = sizeof(ptag_names)/sizeof(ptag_names[0]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ntags; ++i) {
+ rval = moab.tag_get_handle( ptag_names[i], *tag_ptrs[i] );
+ CHKERR(rval);
+ }
+ other_procs_out.clear();
+ char status;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( pstatus_tag, &entity, 1, &status ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (!(status & PSTATUS_SHARED))
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ int proc_id;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( sharedp_tag, &entity, 1, &proc_id ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (proc_id >= 0) {
+ other_procs_out.push_back( proc_id );
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( sharedp_tag, &entity, 1, procs ); CHKERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; ++i)
+ if (procs[i] >= 0)
+ other_procs_out.push_back(procs[i]);
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode get_geom_inclusive_mesh( MBInterface& moab,
+ MBEntityHandle set,
+ MBEntityType type,
+ MBRange& contents_out )
+ MBRange children, child_ents, tmp_range;
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ rval = get_set_contents( moab, set, type, contents_out ); CHKERR(rval);
+ rval = moab.get_child_meshsets( set, children ); CHKERR(rval);
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) {
+ child_ents.clear();
+ rval = get_set_contents( moab, *i, type, child_ents ); CHKERR(rval);
+ tmp_range = contents_out.subtract( child_ents );
+ contents_out.swap( tmp_range );
+ }
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+int is_any_proc_error( int is_my_error )
+ int result;
+ int err = MPI_Allreduce( &is_my_error, &result, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ return err || result;
+ Test Implementations
+ **************************************************************************/
+MBErrorCode test_elements_on_several_procs( const char* filename )
+ MBCore mb_instance;
+ MBInterface& moab = mb_instance;
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBEntityHandle set;
+ const char* geom_names[] = { "vertex", "curve", "surface", "volume", "unknown" };
+ rval = moab.load_file( filename, set,
+ CHKERR(rval);
+ MBTag geom_tag, id_tag;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, geom_tag ); CHKERR(rval);
+ rval = moab.tag_get_handle( GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, id_tag ); CHKERR(rval);
+ // search for geometric entity sets that contain a vertex
+ // that is shared by more than two
+ MBRange geom_ents, several_proc_ents, invalid_proc_ents;
+ rval = moab.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &geom_tag, 0, 1, geom_ents );
+ CHKERR(rval);
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = geom_ents.begin(); i != geom_ents.end(); ++i) {
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = get_geom_inclusive_mesh( moab, *i, MBVERTEX, verts ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (verts.empty())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<int> procs;
+ MBRange::iterator j = verts.begin();
+ rval = get_sharing_processors( moab, *j, procs ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (procs.size() > 1)
+ several_proc_ents.insert( *i );
+ for (++j; j != verts.end(); ++j) {
+ std::vector<int> tmp_procs;
+ rval = get_sharing_processors( moab, *j, tmp_procs ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (tmp_procs != procs)
+ invalid_proc_ents.insert( *i );
+ }
+ }
+ // if the vertices owned by any geometric entity do not
+ // have consistent shared processor ids, list the geometric
+ // entities and return failure.
+ int my_error = 0;
+ if (!invalid_proc_ents.empty()) {
+ my_error = 1;
+ std::cerr << "Vertices owned by a single geometric entity are "
+ << "not shared by the same set of processors for the "
+ << "following geometric entities: ";
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = invalid_proc_ents.begin();
+ i != invalid_proc_ents.end(); ++i) {
+ int dim;
+ int id;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( geom_tag, &*i, 1, &dim );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ dim = 4;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( id_tag, &*i, 1, &id );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ id = -1;
+ std::cerr << geom_names[dim] << " " << id << ", ";
+ }
+ std::cerr << std::endl;
+ my_error = 1;
+ }
+ if (is_any_proc_error(my_error))
+ return MB_FAILURE;
+ // now scan the list of geometric entities for
+ // any for which the higher-dimension entities
+ // don't match the vertices.
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = several_proc_ents.begin();
+ i != several_proc_ents.end(); ++i) {
+ MBRange ents;
+ rval = get_geom_inclusive_mesh( moab, *i, MBMAXTYPE, ents ); CHKERR(rval);
+ std::vector<int> exp_procs, ent_procs;
+ rval = get_sharing_processors( moab, ents.front(), exp_procs ); CHKERR(rval);
+ for (MBRange::iterator j = ents.upper_bound(MBVERTEX); j != ents.end(); ++j) {
+ rval = get_sharing_processors( moab, *j, ent_procs ); CHKERR(rval);
+ if (ent_procs != exp_procs)
+ invalid_proc_ents.insert( *i );
+ }
+ }
+ // if the elements owned by any geometric entity do not
+ // have consistent shared processor ids, list the geometric
+ // entities and return failure.
+ my_error = 0;
+ if (!invalid_proc_ents.empty()) {
+ my_error = 1;
+ std::cerr << "Elements owned by a single geometric entity are "
+ << "not shared by the same set of processors for the "
+ << "following geometric entities: ";
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = invalid_proc_ents.begin();
+ i != invalid_proc_ents.end(); ++i) {
+ int dim;
+ int id;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( geom_tag, &*i, 1, &dim );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ dim = 4;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( id_tag, &*i, 1, &id );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ id = -1;
+ std::cerr << geom_names[dim] << " " << id << ", ";
+ }
+ std::cerr << std::endl;
+ my_error = 1;
+ }
+ if (is_any_proc_error(my_error))
+ return MB_FAILURE;
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
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