[MOAB-dev] r2116 - MOAB/trunk
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 1 13:34:02 CDT 2008
Author: kraftche
Date: 2008-10-01 13:34:02 -0500 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 2116
add unit tests for cub file reader
Modified: MOAB/trunk/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/Makefile.am 2008-10-01 18:33:41 UTC (rev 2115)
+++ MOAB/trunk/Makefile.am 2008-10-01 18:34:02 UTC (rev 2116)
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
kd_tree_test \
var_len_test var_len_test_no_template \
tag_test \
- mesh_set_test
+ mesh_set_test \
+ cub_file_test
# merge_test \ # input files no longer exist?
# test_tag_server \ # fails
@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@
WriteTemplate.hpp \
+CPPFLAGS += -DSRCDIR=$(srcdir)
# Tests and such
@@ -338,7 +340,11 @@
tag_test_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la
tag_test_DEPENDENCIES = $(tag_test_LDADD)
+cub_file_test_SOURCES = TestUtil.hpp cub_file_test.cc
+cub_file_test_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la
+cub_file_test_DEPENDENCIES = $(tag_test_LDADD)
# Other files to clean up (e.g. output from tests)
MOSTLYCLEANFILES = dumped_acis.sat tree.h5m
Added: MOAB/trunk/cub_file_test.cc
--- MOAB/trunk/cub_file_test.cc (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/cub_file_test.cc 2008-10-01 18:34:02 UTC (rev 2116)
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+#include "TestUtil.hpp"
+#include "MBCore.hpp"
+#include "Tqdcfr.hpp"
+#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
+#include "FileOptions.hpp"
+#include <math.h>
+/**\brief Input test file.
+ * Cubit 10.2 file.
+ * File contains:
+ * Two merged 10x10x10 bricks sharing a single surface (surface 6).
+ * - Each brick is meshed with 8 5x5x5 hexes.
+ * - Each surface is meshed with 4 5x5 quads.
+ * - Each curve is meshed with 2 5-unit edges.
+ * A single block containing both bricks.
+ * Two side sets
+ * - sideset 1: surfaces 1 and 7
+ * - sideset 2: surfaces 5 and 11
+ * Two node sets:
+ * - nodeset 1: surfaces 2 and 8
+ * - nodeset 2: surfaces 3 and 9
+ *
+ * Surfaces:
+ * 2 8
+ * / /
+ * o----------o----------o
+ * /. / /. / /|
+ * / . (5)/ / . (11)/ / |
+ * / . L / . L / |
+ * o----------o----------o |
+ * | . | . |(12)
+ * 4--|-> o . . .|. .o. . . | . o
+ * | . (1) | . (9) | /
+ * | . ^ | . ^ | /
+ * |. | |. | |/
+ * o----------o----------o
+ * | |
+ * 3 9
+ *
+ * Curves:
+ *
+ * o----8-----o----20----o
+ * /. /. /|
+ * 12 . 11 . 24 |
+ * / 7 / 5 / 17
+ * o----2-----o----14----o |
+ * | . | . | |
+ * | o . .6.|. .o. . 18| . o
+ * 3 . 1 . 13 /
+ * | 9 | 10 | 22
+ * |. |. |/
+ * o----4-----o----16----o
+ *
+ * Vertices:
+ *
+ * 8----------5----------13
+ * /. /. /|
+ * / . / . / |
+ * / . / . / |
+ * 3----------2----------10 |
+ * | . | . | |
+ * | 7 . . .|. .6. . . | . 14
+ * | . | . | /
+ * | . | . | /
+ * |. |. |/
+ * 4----------1----------9
+#ifdef SRCDIR
+static const char input_file_1[] = STRINGIFY(SRCDIR) "/test.cub";
+static const char input_file_1[] = "test.cub";
+void read_file( MBInterface& moab,
+ const char* input_file,
+ MBEntityHandle* file_set = 0 );
+void test_vertices();
+void test_edges();
+void test_quads();
+void test_hexes();
+void test_geometric_topology();
+void test_geometric_sets();
+void test_blocks();
+void test_side_sets();
+void test_node_sets();
+void test_file_set();
+int main()
+ int result;
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_vertices);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_edges);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_quads);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_hexes);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_geometric_topology);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_geometric_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_blocks);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_side_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_node_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_file_set);
+ return result;
+void read_file( MBInterface& moab,
+ const char* input_file,
+ MBEntityHandle* file_set )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBEntityHandle set;
+ Tqdcfr reader( &moab );
+ FileOptions opts("");
+ rval = reader.load_file( input_file, set, opts, 0, 0 );
+ if (file_set)
+ *file_set = set;
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+void test_vertices()
+ /* Node coordinates, in order of node ID, beginning with 1. */
+ const double node_coords[] = { 5, -5, 5, // 1
+ 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 0, 5,
+ -5, 5, 5,
+ 0, 5, 5, // 5
+ -5, -5, 5,
+ -5, 0, 5,
+ 0, -5, 5,
+ 0, 0, 5,
+ 5, 5, -5, // 10
+ 5, -5, -5,
+ 5, 0, -5,
+ -5, -5, -5,
+ 0, -5, -5,
+ -5, 5, -5, // 15
+ -5, 0, -5,
+ 0, 5, -5,
+ 0, 0, -5,
+ -5, -5, 0,
+ 5, -5, 0, // 20
+ 0, -5, 0,
+ -5, 5, 0,
+ -5, 0, 0,
+ 5, 5, 0,
+ 0, 5, 0, // 25
+ 5, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 15, -5, 5,
+ 15, 5, 5,
+ 15, 0, 5, // 30
+ 10, 5, 5,
+ 10, -5, 5,
+ 10, 0, 5,
+ 15, 5, -5,
+ 15, -5, -5, // 35
+ 15, 0, -5,
+ 10, -5, -5,
+ 10, 5, -5,
+ 10, 0, -5,
+ 15, -5, 0, // 40
+ 10, -5, 0,
+ 15, 5, 0,
+ 10, 5, 0,
+ 15, 0, 0,
+ 10, 0, 0 // 45
+ };
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1 );
+ // get vertex handles and check correct number of vertices
+ const size_t num_nodes = sizeof(node_coords)/(3*sizeof(double));
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( num_nodes, (size_t)verts.size() );
+ // check global ids (should be 1 to 45 for vertices.)
+ MBTag gid_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::vector<int> ids(num_nodes);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( gid_tag, verts, &ids[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::vector<int> sorted(ids);
+ std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end() );
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i)
+ CHECK_EQUAL( (int)(i+1), sorted[i] );
+ // check coordinates of each vertex
+ std::vector<double> coords(3*num_nodes);
+ rval = mb.get_coords( verts, &coords[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) {
+ const double* exp = node_coords + 3*(ids[i]-1);
+ const double* act = &coords[3*i];
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp[0], act[0], 1e-8 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp[1], act[1], 1e-8 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp[2], act[2], 1e-8 );
+ }
+void test_element( const char* filename,
+ MBEntityType type,
+ int num_elem,
+ int node_per_elem,
+ const int* conn_list )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, filename );
+ MBRange elems;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, type, elems ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( num_elem, (int)elems.size() );
+ // get global ids
+ MBTag gid_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::vector<int> ids(num_elem);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( gid_tag, elems, &ids[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // check that global ids are consecutive, beginning with 1
+ std::vector<int> sorted(ids);
+ std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end() );
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_elem; ++i)
+ CHECK_EQUAL( i+1, sorted[i] );
+ // check connectivity of each element
+ std::vector<int> conn_ids(node_per_elem);
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> conn_h;
+ MBRange::iterator j = elems.begin();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_elem; ++i, ++j) {
+ conn_h.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_connectivity( &*j, 1, conn_h ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( node_per_elem, (int)conn_h.size() );
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( gid_tag, &conn_h[0], node_per_elem, &conn_ids[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ const int* exp = conn_list + node_per_elem * (ids[i]-1);
+ for (int k = 0; k < node_per_elem; ++k)
+ CHECK_EQUAL( exp[k], conn_ids[k] );
+ }
+void test_edges()
+ const int edge_conn[] = { 1, 3, // 1
+ 3, 2,
+ 2, 5,
+ 5, 4,
+ 4, 7,
+ 7, 6,
+ 6, 8,
+ 8, 1,
+ 3, 9,
+ 9, 8, // 10
+ 5, 9,
+ 9, 7,
+ 10, 12,
+ 12, 11,
+ 11, 14,
+ 14, 13,
+ 13, 16,
+ 16, 15,
+ 15, 17,
+ 17, 10, // 20
+ 12, 18,
+ 18, 17,
+ 14, 18,
+ 18, 16,
+ 6, 19,
+ 19, 13,
+ 1, 20,
+ 20, 11,
+ 19, 21,
+ 21, 8, // 30
+ 14, 21,
+ 21, 20,
+ 4, 22,
+ 22, 15,
+ 22, 23,
+ 23, 7,
+ 16, 23,
+ 23, 19,
+ 2, 24,
+ 24, 10, // 40
+ 24, 25,
+ 25, 5,
+ 17, 25,
+ 25, 22,
+ 20, 26,
+ 26, 3,
+ 12, 26,
+ 26, 24,
+ 28, 30,
+ 30, 29, // 50
+ 29, 31,
+ 31, 2,
+ 1, 32,
+ 32, 28,
+ 30, 33,
+ 33, 32,
+ 31, 33,
+ 33, 3,
+ 34, 36,
+ 36, 35, // 60
+ 35, 37,
+ 37, 11,
+ 10, 38,
+ 38, 34,
+ 36, 39,
+ 39, 38,
+ 37, 39,
+ 39, 12,
+ 28, 40,
+ 40, 35, // 70
+ 20, 41,
+ 41, 32,
+ 37, 41,
+ 41, 40,
+ 29, 42,
+ 42, 34,
+ 42, 43,
+ 43, 31,
+ 38, 43,
+ 43, 24, // 80
+ 40, 44,
+ 44, 30,
+ 36, 44,
+ 44, 42 };
+ test_element( input_file_1, MBEDGE, 84, 2, edge_conn );
+void test_quads()
+ const int quad_conn[] = { 1, 3, 9, 8, // 1
+ 3, 2, 5, 9,
+ 8, 9, 7, 6,
+ 9, 5, 4, 7,
+ 10,12,18,17,
+ 12,11,14,18,
+ 17,18,16,15,
+ 18,14,13,16,
+ 6,19,21, 8,
+ 19,13,14,21, // 10
+ 8,21,20, 1,
+ 21,14,11,20,
+ 4,22,23, 7,
+ 22,15,16,23,
+ 7,23,19, 6,
+ 23,16,13,19,
+ 2,24,25, 5,
+ 24,10,17,25,
+ 5,25,22, 4,
+ 25,17,15,22, // 20
+ 1,20,26, 3,
+ 20,11,12,26,
+ 3,26,24, 2,
+ 26,12,10,24,
+ 28,30,33,32,
+ 30,29,31,33,
+ 32,33, 3, 1,
+ 33,31, 2, 3,
+ 34,36,39,38,
+ 36,35,37,39, // 30
+ 38,39,12,10,
+ 39,37,11,12,
+ 1,20,41,32,
+ 20,11,37,41,
+ 32,41,40,28,
+ 41,37,35,40,
+ 29,42,43,31,
+ 42,34,38,43,
+ 31,43,24, 2,
+ 43,38,10,24, // 40
+ 28,40,44,30,
+ 40,35,36,44,
+ 30,44,42,29,
+ 44,36,34,42,
+ };
+ test_element( input_file_1, MBQUAD, 44, 4, quad_conn );
+void test_hexes()
+ const int hex_conn[] = { 6, 19, 23, 7, 8, 21, 27, 9,
+ 19, 13, 16, 23, 21, 14, 18, 27,
+ 7, 23, 22, 4, 9, 27, 25, 5,
+ 23, 16, 15, 22, 27, 18, 17, 25,
+ 8, 21, 27, 9, 1, 20, 26, 3,
+ 21, 14, 18, 27, 20, 11, 12, 26,
+ 9, 27, 25, 5, 3, 26, 24, 2,
+ 27, 18, 17, 25, 26, 12, 10, 24,
+ 1, 20, 26, 3, 32, 41, 45, 33,
+ 20, 11, 12, 26, 41, 37, 39, 45,
+ 3, 26, 24, 2, 33, 45, 43, 31,
+ 26, 12, 10, 24, 45, 39, 38, 43,
+ 32, 41, 45, 33, 28, 40, 44, 30,
+ 41, 37, 39, 45, 40, 35, 36, 44,
+ 33, 45, 43, 31, 30, 44, 42, 29,
+ 45, 39, 38, 43, 44, 36, 34, 42 };
+ test_element( input_file_1, MBHEX, 16, 8, hex_conn );
+template <int L>
+std::vector<int> find_parents( const int parent_conn[][L], int num_parent, int id )
+ std::vector<int> results;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_parent; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j) {
+ if (parent_conn[i][j] == id)
+ results.push_back( i+1 );
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+int check_geometric_set( MBInterface& moab,
+ int dim, int id,
+ const int* children, int num_children,
+ std::vector<int> parents )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBTag gid_tag, dim_tag;
+ rval = moab.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = moab.tag_get_handle( "GEOM_DIMENSION", dim_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ void* tag_vals[] = { &dim, &id };
+ MBTag tags[] = { dim_tag, gid_tag };
+ MBRange ents;
+ rval = moab.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, tags, tag_vals, 2, ents );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)ents.size() );
+ const MBEntityHandle geom = ents.front();
+ std::vector<int> exp_rel, act_rel;
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> rel;
+ if (num_children) {
+ exp_rel.resize( num_children );
+ std::copy( children, children+num_children, exp_rel.begin() );
+ std::sort( exp_rel.begin(), exp_rel.end() );
+ rel.clear();
+ rval = moab.get_child_meshsets( geom, rel ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( num_children, (int)rel.size() );
+ act_rel.resize( rel.size() );
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( gid_tag, &rel[0], rel.size(), &act_rel[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::sort( act_rel.begin(), act_rel.end() );
+ CHECK( exp_rel == act_rel );
+ }
+ if (!parents.empty()) {
+ exp_rel = parents;
+ std::sort( exp_rel.begin(), exp_rel.end() );
+ rel.clear();
+ rval = moab.get_parent_meshsets( geom, rel ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( parents.size(), rel.size() );
+ act_rel.resize( rel.size() );
+ rval = moab.tag_get_data( gid_tag, &rel[0], rel.size(), &act_rel[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::sort( act_rel.begin(), act_rel.end() );
+ CHECK( exp_rel == act_rel );
+ }
+ return 0;
+void test_geometric_topology()
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1 );
+ // expected geometric vertices, specified by global ID
+ const int vertex_ids[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 };
+ // List of global IDs of surfacs in geometric volumes, indexed by ID-1
+ const int volume_surfs[2][6] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
+ { 7, 8, 9, 6,11,12 } };
+ // List of global IDs of curves in geometric surfaces, indexed by ID-1
+ // Curve IDs of zero indicates that corresponding surface doesn't exist.
+ const int surf_curves[12][4] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
+ { 5, 6, 7, 8 },
+ { 9, 6,10, 4 },
+ {11, 7, 9, 3 },
+ {12, 8,11, 2 },
+ {10, 5,12, 1 },
+ {13,14, 1,16 },
+ {17,18, 5,20 },
+ {10,18,22,16 },
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // no surf 10
+ {24,20,12,14 },
+ {22,17,24,13 } };
+ // List of global IDs of vertices in geometric curves, indexed by ID-1
+ // Vertex IDs of zero indicates that corresponding curve doesn't exist.
+ const int curve_verts[24][2] = { { 1, 2 },
+ { 2, 3 },
+ { 3, 4 },
+ { 4, 1 },
+ { 5, 6 }, // 5
+ { 6, 7 },
+ { 7, 8 },
+ { 8, 5 },
+ { 4, 7 },
+ { 1, 6 }, // 10
+ { 3, 8 },
+ { 2, 5 },
+ { 9,10 }, // 13
+ {10, 2 },
+ { 0, 0 }, // no curve 15
+ { 1, 9 },
+ {13,14 },
+ {14, 6 },
+ { 0, 0 }, // no curve 19
+ { 5,13 },
+ { 0, 0 }, // no curve 21
+ { 9,14 },
+ { 0, 0 }, // no curve 23
+ {10,13 } };
+ // check all vertices
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(vertex_ids)/sizeof(vertex_ids[0])); ++i)
+ check_geometric_set( mb, 0, vertex_ids[i], 0, 0,
+ find_parents<2>(curve_verts,24,vertex_ids[i]) );
+ // check all curves
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 24; ++i)
+ if (curve_verts[i-1][0])
+ check_geometric_set( mb, 1, i, curve_verts[i-1], 2,
+ find_parents<4>(surf_curves,12,i) );
+ // check all surfs
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 12; ++i)
+ if (surf_curves[i-1][0])
+ check_geometric_set( mb, 2, i, surf_curves[i-1], 4,
+ find_parents<6>(volume_surfs,2,i) );
+ // check all volumes
+ std::vector<int> empty;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
+ check_geometric_set( mb, 3, i, volume_surfs[i-1], 6, empty );
+void test_geometric_sets()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1 );
+ MBTag gid_tag, dim_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GEOM_DIMENSION", dim_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // verify mesh entity counts
+ MBRange verts, curves, surfs, vols;
+ int dim = 0;
+ const void* vals[] = {&dim};
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, vals, 1, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ dim = 1;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, vals, 1, curves );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ dim = 2;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, vals, 1, surfs );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ dim = 3;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, vals, 1, vols );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 12u, (unsigned)verts.size() );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 20u, (unsigned)curves.size() );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 11u, (unsigned)surfs.size() );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2u, (unsigned)vols.size() );
+ // check that each vertex has a single node, and that the
+ // node is also contained in any parent curve
+ MBRange ents;
+ MBRange::iterator i;
+ for (i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ ents.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( *i, ents ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)ents.size() );
+ CHECK( ents.all_of_type(MBVERTEX) );
+ }
+ // check that each curve has one node and two edges
+ for (i = curves.begin(); i != curves.end(); ++i) {
+ ents.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( *i, ents ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBVERTEX) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBEDGE) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 3u, (unsigned)ents.size() );
+ }
+ // check that each surface has 1 node, 4 edges, 4 quads
+ for (i = surfs.begin(); i != surfs.end(); ++i) {
+ ents.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( *i, ents ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBVERTEX) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 4u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBEDGE) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 4u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBQUAD) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 9u, (unsigned)ents.size() );
+ }
+ // check that each volume has 1 node and 8 hexes.
+ for (i = vols.begin(); i != vols.end(); ++i) {
+ ents.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( *i, ents ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBVERTEX) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 8u, (unsigned)ents.num_of_type(MBHEX) );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 9u, (unsigned)ents.size() );
+ }
+ // Check that for each geometric entity, any contained vertices
+ // are adjacent to some entity in one of its parents.
+ MBRange parents, geom, nodes, tmp;
+ for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
+ const void* vals[] = {&d};
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, vals, 1, geom );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (i = geom.begin(); i != geom.end(); ++i) {
+ nodes.clear();
+ ents.clear();
+ parents.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( *i, MBVERTEX, nodes ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.get_parent_meshsets( *i, parents ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (MBRange::iterator j = parents.begin(); j != parents.end(); ++j) {
+ tmp.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension( *j, d+1, tmp ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ ents.merge( tmp );
+ }
+ tmp.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( ents, 0, false, tmp, MBInterface::UNION );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ nodes = nodes.subtract( tmp );
+ CHECK( nodes.empty() );
+ }
+ }
+// expect one block containing entire mesh, with id == 1
+void test_blocks()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1 );
+ MBTag mat_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, mat_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange blocks;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &mat_tag, 0, 1, blocks );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)blocks.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle block = blocks.front();
+ int id;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( mat_tag, &block, 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, id );
+ MBRange block_hexes, mesh_hexes;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, mesh_hexes ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension( block, 3, block_hexes, true ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( mesh_hexes == block_hexes );
+// Common code for test_side_sets and test_node sets
+//\param count Number of expected sets
+//\param ids Expected IDs of sets
+//\param set_surfs One list for each id in "ids" containing the
+// ids of the geometric surfaces expected to be
+// contained in the boundary condition set.
+void test_bc_sets( const char* tag_name, unsigned count,
+ const int* ids,
+ const std::vector<int> set_surfs[] )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1 );
+ MBTag ss_tag, gid_tag, dim_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( tag_name, ss_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GEOM_DIMENSION", dim_tag ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // check number of sidesets and IDs
+ MBRange sidesets;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &ss_tag, 0, 1, sidesets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( count, (unsigned)sidesets.size() );
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> handles(count,0);
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = sidesets.begin(); i != sidesets.end(); ++i) {
+ int id;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( ss_tag, &*i, 1, &id ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ unsigned idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
+ if (ids[idx] == id)
+ break;
+ CHECK( idx != count );
+ CHECK( handles[idx] == 0 );
+ handles[idx] = *i;
+ }
+ // get surface faces
+ std::vector<MBRange> exp(count);
+ MBRange surfs, tmp;
+ MBTag tags[] = { dim_tag, gid_tag };
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ exp[i].clear();
+ surfs.clear();
+ const int two = 2;
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < set_surfs[i].size(); ++j) {
+ const void* vals[] = { &two, &set_surfs[i][j] };
+ surfs.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, tags, vals, 2, surfs );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)surfs.size() );
+ tmp.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension( surfs.front(), 2, tmp, true ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ exp[i].merge( tmp );
+ }
+ }
+ // check each bc set
+ MBRange act;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ act.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension( handles[i], 2, act, true ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( exp[i] == act );
+ }
+// expect two sidesets containing two geometric surfaces each:
+// sideset 1 : surfaces 1 and 7
+// sideset 2 : surfaces 5 and 11
+void test_side_sets()
+ int ids[] = { 1, 2 };
+ std::vector<int> surfs[2];
+ surfs[0].push_back( 1 );
+ surfs[0].push_back( 7 );
+ surfs[1].push_back( 5 );
+ surfs[1].push_back( 11 );
+ test_bc_sets( NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME, 2, ids, surfs );
+void test_node_sets()
+ int ids[] = { 1, 2 };
+ std::vector<int> surfs[2];
+ surfs[0].push_back( 2 );
+ surfs[0].push_back( 8 );
+ surfs[1].push_back( 3 );
+ surfs[1].push_back( 9 );
+ test_bc_sets( DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, 2, ids, surfs );
+void test_file_set()
+ MBCore mb_impl;
+ MBInterface& mb = mb_impl;
+ MBEntityHandle set;
+ read_file( mb, input_file_1, &set );
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBRange exp, act;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( 0, exp ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( set, act ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ exp.erase( set );
+ CHECK( exp == act );
Added: MOAB/trunk/test.cub
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: MOAB/trunk/test.cub
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
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