[MOAB-dev] r1991 - MOAB/trunk/test/h5file

kraftche at mcs.anl.gov kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jul 8 10:24:09 CDT 2008

Author: kraftche
Date: 2008-07-08 10:24:09 -0500 (Tue, 08 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 1991

remove old HDF5 parallel test

Modified: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am	2008-07-07 22:44:04 UTC (rev 1990)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am	2008-07-08 15:24:09 UTC (rev 1991)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/mhdf/include -I$(top_builddir)
 check_PROGRAMS = h5test h5legacy h5varlen h5sets_test
-parallel_programs = parallel varlen_ll mhdf_parallel
+parallel_programs = varlen_ll mhdf_parallel
   check_PROGRAMS += $(parallel_programs)
@@ -16,6 +16,4 @@
 h5varlen_SOURCES = h5varlen.cpp
 parallel_SOURCES = parallel.cpp
 varlen_ll_SOURCES = varlen_ll.cpp
-mhdf_parallel_SOURCES = mhdf_parallel.c
-mhdf_parallel_LDADD = ../../mhdf/libmhdf.la
 h5sets_test_SOURCES = h5sets_test.cpp

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/blocks.h5m
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/parallel.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/parallel.cpp	2008-07-07 22:44:04 UTC (rev 1990)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/parallel.cpp	2008-07-08 15:24:09 UTC (rev 1991)
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-/*#include <assert.h>*/
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include "MBCore.hpp"
-#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
-#include "MBParallelConventions.h"
-#include "WriteHDF5Parallel.hpp"
-#include "FileOptions.hpp"
-#include "testdir.h"
-int numproc, rank;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#  define assert(A) do_assert(__FILE__, __LINE__, (A), #A)
-#  define assert(A)
-void do_assert( const char* file, int line, bool condition, const char* condstr )
-  if (condition)
-    return;
-  fprintf(stderr, "[%d] Assert(%s) failed at %s:%d\n", rank, condstr, file, line );
-  abort();
-#  define START_SERIAL                     \
-     for (int _x = 0; _x < numproc; ++_x) {\
-       MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );      \
-       if (_x != rank) continue     
-#  define END_SERIAL                       \
-     }                                     \
-     MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD )
-MBCore *iFace = NULL;
-MBTag blockTag, geomTag, ifaceTag, idTag, gidTag;
-static void printerror( const char* format, ... )
-  FILE* const ostream = stdout;
-  fprintf(ostream, "[%d] ", rank );
-  va_list args;
-  va_start(args, format);
-  vfprintf(ostream, format, args );
-  va_end(args);
-  fprintf(ostream, "\n" );
-  fflush(ostream);
-void create_interface( MBEntityHandle geom, int proc );
-volatile int go = 0;
-extern "C" void handle_signal( int sig )
-  go = 1;
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
-  MBErrorCode rval;
-  int i;
-  MBRange::iterator riter;
-  std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::iterator viter;
-  MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
-  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numproc );
-  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank    );
-  iFace = new MBCore();
-  const char* defaults[] = { "out.blocks.h5m", "../../" TEST_DIR "/h5file/blocks.h5m" };
-  bool wait_for_sig = false;
-  const char** fnames = (const char**) argv + 1;
-  int fname_count = argc - 1;
-  if (argc > 1 && !strcmp( argv[i], "-w" )) {
-    ++fnames;
-    --fname_count;
-  }
-  if (0 == fname_count) {
-    fnames = defaults;
-    fname_count = 2;
-  }
-  else if (1 == fname_count) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w] output_file input_file [input_file2 ...]\n", argv[0] );
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (wait_for_sig)
-  {
-    signal( SIGUSR1, &handle_signal );
-    while (!go) sleep(1);
-  }
-  printerror ( "MPI Initialized." );
-  char wd[PATH_MAX];
-  getcwd( wd, sizeof(wd) );
-  printerror ("WorkingDir: %s\n", wd);
-  for (i = 1; i < fname_count; ++i)
-  {
-    printerror ( "Reading \"%s\"...", fnames[i] );
-    rval = iFace->load_mesh( fnames[i], 0, 0 );
-    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
-    {
-      printerror( "Failed to read mesh file: \"%s\"", fnames[i] );
-      exit( i+1 );
-    }
-  }
-  printerror( "Read %d files.", fname_count - 1 );
-  MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );  
-  printerror( "Getting/creating tags...");
-  rval = iFace->tag_get_handle( MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, blockTag ); assert(!rval);
-  rval = iFace->tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, geomTag ); assert(!rval);
-  rval = iFace->tag_get_handle( GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, idTag ); assert(!rval);
-  rval = iFace->tag_create( PARALLEL_SHARED_PROC_TAG_NAME, 2*sizeof(int),
-                           MB_TAG_SPARSE, ifaceTag, 0 ); assert(!rval);
-  rval = iFace->tag_create( PARALLEL_GID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(MBEntityHandle),
-                            MB_TAG_SPARSE, gidTag, 0 ); assert(!rval ||
-                                                                 // might have already been allocated
-                                                               rval == MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED);
-    // Get the list of geometry volumes this processor is to export
-    // (id % numproc == rank).
-  printerror( "Getting volumes to export...");
-  MBRange myvolumes;
-  int dim = 3;
-  const void* dimarray[] = {&dim};
-  rval = iFace->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &geomTag, dimarray, 1, myvolumes ); assert(!rval);
-  if (myvolumes.empty())
-  {
-    printerror ("Mesh contains no geometry sets.");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  riter = myvolumes.begin();
-  while (riter != myvolumes.end())
-  {
-    int id;
-    rval = iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*riter, 1, &id ); assert(!rval);
-    if (id % numproc == rank)
-      ++riter;
-    else
-      riter = myvolumes.erase( riter );
-  }
-  if (myvolumes.empty())
-  {
-    printerror( "No mesh to export.");
-    exit (1);
-  }
-    // Create interface mesh sets.
-    // Iterate in descending geometric dimension.
-  for (int dimension = 2; dimension >= 0; --dimension)
-  {
-    MBRange geometry;
-    std::vector<MBEntityHandle> children;
-    for (riter = myvolumes.begin(); riter != myvolumes.end(); ++riter)
-    {
-      children.clear();
-      rval = iFace->get_child_meshsets( *riter, children, 3 - dimension ); assert(!rval);
-      for (viter = children.begin(); viter != children.end(); ++viter)
-      {
-        int dim;
-        rval = iFace->tag_get_data( geomTag, &*viter, 1, &dim );assert(!rval);
-        if (dim == dimension)
-          geometry.insert(*viter);
-      }
-    }
-    assert(geometry.size());  // assuming no topological spheres...
-    std::vector<MBEntityHandle> volumes, parents, parent_vols;
-    for (riter = geometry.begin(); riter != geometry.end(); ++riter)
-    {
-      volumes.clear();
-      rval = iFace->get_parent_meshsets( *riter, volumes, 3 - dimension );
-      assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
-int id2;
-char tmpcstr[32];
-rval = iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*riter, 1, &id2 ); assert(!rval);
-std::string s = dimension == 2 ? "surface" : dimension == 1 ? "curve" : dimension == 0 ? "vertex" : "UNKNOWN";
-sprintf(tmpcstr," %d", id2);
-s += tmpcstr;
-s += " : volumes:";
-sprintf(tmpcstr," %d :", (int)volumes.size());
-s += tmpcstr;
-for (viter = volumes.begin(); viter != volumes.end(); ++viter)
-  int dim;
-  rval = iFace->tag_get_data( geomTag, &*viter, 1, &dim ); assert(!rval);
-  if (dim != 3) // not a volume 
-    {continue;}
-  rval = iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*viter, 1, &id2 ); assert(!rval);
-  sprintf(tmpcstr," %d", id2);
-  s += tmpcstr;
-printerror("%s", s.c_str());
-      for (viter = volumes.begin(); viter != volumes.end(); ++viter)
-      {
-          // Is the adjacent volume local or remote?
-        int id, proc, dim;
-        rval = iFace->tag_get_data( geomTag, &*viter, 1, &dim ); assert(!rval);
-        if (dim != 3) // not a volume 
-          continue;
-        rval = iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*viter, 1, &id ); assert(!rval);
-        proc = id % numproc;
-        if (proc == rank) 
-          continue;
-          // Is this entity already part of some parent interface set?
-          // Get list of immediate parents.
-        parents.clear();
-        if (2 - dimension > 0)  // empty list for surfaces.
-          iFace->get_parent_meshsets( *riter, parents, 1 );
-          // Check if any parent entity is the remote volume
-        bool skip = false;
-        for (std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::iterator piter = parents.begin();
-             piter != parents.end(); ++piter)
-        {
-          parent_vols.clear();
-          iFace->get_parent_meshsets( *piter, parent_vols, 2 - dimension );
-          if (std::find( parent_vols.begin(), parent_vols.end(), *viter ) != parent_vols.end() )
-          {
-            skip = true;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!skip)
-        {
-rval = iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*riter, 1, &id2 ); assert(!rval);
-printerror("Creating interface for %s %d in remote volume %d",
-dimension == 2 ? "surface" : dimension == 1 ? "curve" : dimension == 0 ? "vertex" : "UNKNOWN",
-id2, id );
-          create_interface( *riter, proc );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }  
-    // Find any blocks containing my volumes
-  printerror( "Getting element blocks...");
-  MBRange blocks, myblocks;
-  rval = iFace->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &blockTag, 0, 1, blocks ); assert(!rval);
-  MBRange export_list, block_contents;
-  for (riter = myvolumes.begin(); riter != myvolumes.end(); ++riter)
-  {
-    bool dovol = true;
-    for (MBRange::iterator biter = blocks.begin(); biter != blocks.end(); ++biter)
-    {
-      block_contents.clear();
-      rval = iFace->get_entities_by_type( *biter, MBENTITYSET, block_contents ); assert(!rval);
-      if (block_contents.find(*riter) != block_contents.end())
-      {
-        export_list.insert( *biter );
-        myblocks.insert(*biter);
-        dovol = false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (dovol)
-    {
-      export_list.insert( *riter );
-    }
-  }
-    // Remove from blocks any volumes not to be exported by this processor
-  for (riter = myblocks.begin(); riter != myblocks.end(); ++riter )
-  {
-    rval = iFace->get_entities_by_type( *riter, MBENTITYSET, block_contents ); assert(!rval);
-    for (MBRange::iterator biter = block_contents.begin(); biter != block_contents.end(); ++biter)
-    {
-      if (myvolumes.find(*biter) == myvolumes.end())
-      {
-        rval = iFace->remove_entities( *riter, &*biter, 1 );
-        assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-    // Print the list of sets to export.
-  printerror( "exporting sets: " );
-  for (riter = export_list.begin(); riter != export_list.end(); ++riter)
-  {
-    int id, dimension;
-    if (MB_SUCCESS == iFace->tag_get_data( blockTag, &*riter, 1, &id ))
-      printerror( "\tblock %d", id );
-    else if(MB_SUCCESS == iFace->tag_get_data( geomTag, &*riter, 1, &dimension ))
-    {
-      id = -1;
-      iFace->tag_get_data( idTag, &*riter, 1, &id );
-      printerror( "\t%s %d", dimension == 0 ? "vertex" :
-                             dimension == 1 ? "curve" :
-                             dimension == 2 ? "surface" :
-                             dimension == 3 ? "volume" :
-                             "invalid geom dimension", 
-                             id );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printerror( "\tunknown meshset %ul", (unsigned long)*riter );
-    }
-  }
-    // Convert range to vector
-  std::vector<MBEntityHandle> list(export_list.size());
-  std::copy( export_list.begin(), export_list.end(), list.begin() );
-    // Assign global ID tag to all entities to make sure
-    // all procs are starting out with the same thing.
-  MBRange everything, extra;
-  iFace->get_entities_by_handle( 0, everything ); // doesn't include meshsets
-  iFace->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, extra );
-  everything.merge( extra );
-  for (MBRange::iterator all_iter = everything.begin();
-       all_iter != everything.end(); ++all_iter) {
-    rval = iFace->tag_set_data( gidTag, &*all_iter, 1,  &*all_iter );  assert(!rval); 
-  }
-    // Write all the mesh in a single, serial file to compare with
-    // the parallel output.
-  if (0 == rank) {
-    std::string sname = fnames[0];
-    sname += ".serial.h5m";
-    rval = iFace->write_mesh( sname.c_str() );
-    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
-    {
-      printerror("Failed to write serial file: \"%s\"", sname.c_str());
-      exit( 127 );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printerror("Wrote combined serial file: \"%s\"", sname.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-    // Write individual file from each processor
-  char str_rank[6];
-  sprintf(str_rank, "%02d", rank );
-  std::string name( str_rank );
-  name += ".";
-  name += fnames[0];
-  char* ptr = strrchr( fnames[0], '.' );
-  if (ptr && strcmp(ptr, ".h5m"))
-    name += ".h5m";
-  printerror ("Writing individual file: \"%s\"", name.c_str() );
-  rval = iFace->write_mesh( name.c_str(), &list[0], list.size() ); 
-  //rval = iFace->write_mesh( name.c_str() );
-  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
-  {
-    printerror( "Failed to write per-processor file: \"%s\"", name.c_str() );
-    exit( 127 );
-  }
-  printerror( "Wrote per-processor file: \"%s\"", name.c_str() );
-  MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );  
-    // Write combined file
-  std::vector<std::string> qa;
-  qa.push_back( "MOAB Parallel HDF5 Writer." );
-  time_t t = time( 0 );
-  qa.push_back( ctime( &t ) );
-  std::string qa3( "Processor " );
-  qa3 += rank;
-  qa.push_back( qa3 );
-  WriteHDF5Parallel *writer = new WriteHDF5Parallel( iFace );
-  printerror ("Writing parallel file: \"%s\"", fnames[0] );
-  rval = writer->write_file( fnames[0], true, 
-                             FileOptions("PARALLEL=FORMAT"),
-                             &list[0], list.size(), qa );
-  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
-  {
-    printerror( "Failed to write parallel file: \"%s\"", fnames[0] );
-    exit( 127 );
-  }
-  printerror( "Wrote parallel file: \"%s\"", fnames[0] );
-  H5close();
-  MPI_Finalize();
-  delete writer;
-  delete iFace;
-  return 0;
-void create_interface( MBEntityHandle geom, int proc )
-   MBEntityHandle iface_set;
-   MBErrorCode rval;
-   int procs[2];
-   if (((proc % 2) == (rank % 2)) == (proc < rank))
-   {
-     procs[0] = proc;
-     procs[1] = rank;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     procs[0] = rank;
-     procs[1] = proc;
-   }
-   rval = iFace->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, iface_set ); assert(!rval);
-   rval = iFace->tag_set_data( ifaceTag, &iface_set, 1, procs ); assert(!rval);
-   std::vector<MBEntityHandle> children;
-   rval = iFace->get_child_meshsets( geom, children, 0 ); assert(!rval);
-   children.push_back(geom);
-   rval = iFace->add_entities( iface_set, &children[0], children.size() ); assert(!rval);
-   for (std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::iterator iter = children.begin();
-        iter != children.end(); ++iter)
-   {
-      // Set global ID tag
-     std::vector<MBEntityHandle> contents;
-     rval = iFace->get_entities_by_handle( *iter, contents ); assert(!rval);
-     rval = iFace->tag_set_data( gidTag, &contents[0], contents.size(), &contents[0] );  assert(!rval); 
-   }

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/ptest.cub
(Binary files differ)

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