[MOAB-dev] r1481 - in MOAB/trunk: . refiner

pebay at mcs.anl.gov pebay at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Dec 24 13:48:35 CST 2007

Author: pebay
Date: 2007-12-24 13:48:35 -0600 (Mon, 24 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1481

ENH: moving these files to the refiner directory

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp	2007-12-19 20:41:46 UTC (rev 1480)
+++ MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#include "MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp"
-#include "MBInterface.hpp"
-#include <assert.h>
-MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( MBInterface* parentMesh )
-  assert( parentMesh );
-  this->mesh = parentMesh;
-  this->reset_vertex_tags();
-void MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::reset_vertex_tags()
-  this->vertexSize = 0;
-  this->vertexTags.clear();
-int MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::add_vertex_tag( MBTag tag_handle )
-  int offset = this->vertexSize; // old size is offset of tag being added
-  int tagSize;
-  MBTagType tagType;
-  if ( this->mesh->tag_get_size( tag_handle, tagSize ) != MB_SUCCESS )
-    return -1;
-  if ( this->mesh->tag_get_type( tag_handle, tagType ) != MB_SUCCESS )
-    return -1;
-  if ( tagType == MB_TAG_BIT )
-    {
-    // Pad any bit tags to a size in full bytes.
-    tagSize = ( tagSize % 8 ? 1 : 0 ) + ( tagSize / 8 );
-    }
-  // Now pad so that the next tag will be word-aligned:
-  while ( tagSize % sizeof(int) )
-    ++tagSize;
-  this->vertexSize += tagSize;
-  this->vertexTags.push_back( std::pair< MBTag, int >( tag_handle, offset ) );
-  return offset;

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp	2007-12-19 20:41:46 UTC (rev 1480)
+++ MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
- * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
- * 
- * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
- * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Coroporation, the U.S. Government
- * retains certain rights in this software.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- */
-/** \class MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
-  *
-  * This is an abstract class that embodies the rule used during edge-based mesh
-  * refinement to decide whether an edge should be subdivided or not.
-  * Subclasses must implement the pure virtual evaluate_edge() function.
-  *
-  * \author David Thompson
-  *
-  * \date 19 November 2007
-  */
-#include "MBTypes.h" // for MB_DLL_EXPORT
-#include <vector>
-class MBInterface;
-class MB_DLL_EXPORT MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
-  /// Construct an evaluator.
-  MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( MBInterface* parentMesh );
-  /// Destruction is virtual so subclasses may clean up after refinement.
-  virtual ~MBEdgeSizeEvaluator();
-  /** \brief Returns true if the edge \a p0 - \a p2 should be subdivided, false otherwise.
-    *
-    * The arguments \a p0, \a p1, and \a p2 are all pointers to arrays of 6 doubles each
-    * while the arguments \a t0, \a t1, and \a t2 are all pointers to arrays of tag data
-    * defined at the corresponding point. While the endpoints \a p0 and \a p2 are
-    * immutable, the mid-edge point coordinates \a p1 and tag data \a t1 may be altered by
-    * evaluate_edge(). Altered values will be ignored if evaluate_edge() returns false.
-    * Be careful to ensure that all calls to evaluate_edge() perform identical modifications
-    * given identical input values!
-    *
-    * A list of tags passed in \a t0, \a t1, and \a t2 is stored in the vertexTags member.
-    * The vertexSize member stores the total length of data associated with each pointer (in bytes).
-    * Subclasses may access vertexTags and vertexSize directly; the refiner uses public methods to
-    * populate vertexTags before evaluate_edge() is called.
-    */
-  virtual bool evaluate_edge(
-    const double* p0, const void* t0,
-    double* p1, void* t1,
-    const double* p2, const void* t2 ) = 0;
-  /// Clear the list of tag values that will appear past the vertex coordinates in \a p0, \a p1, and \a p2.
-  void reset_vertex_tags();
-  /** Add a tag to the list of tag values that will appear past the vertex coordinates.
-    * The return value is the offset into each vertex coordinate pointer (\a p0, \a p1, \a p2) where the
-    * tag value(s) will be stored.
-    */
-  int add_vertex_tag( MBTag tag_handle );
-  /// Return the number of bytes to allocate for tag data per point.
-  int get_vertex_tag_size() { return this->vertexSize; }
-  std::vector< std::pair< MBTag, int > > vertexTags;
-  int vertexSize;
-  MBInterface* mesh;

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp	2007-12-19 20:41:46 UTC (rev 1480)
+++ MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#include "MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp"
-MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit( MBInterface* parentMesh )
-  : MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( parentMesh )
-  int i;
-  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
-  this->coeffC = 0.;
-  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    {
-    this->coeffB[i] = this->coeffA[i] = this->coeffA[i+3] = 0.;
-    }
-  this->coeffB[0] = 1.;
-  // Default to a scaling ratio of 1.
-  this->ratio = 1.;
-bool MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::evaluate_edge(
-  const double* p0, const void* t0,
-  double* p1, void* t1,
-  const double* p2, const void* t2 )
-  double L2 = 0.;
-  double delta;
-  int i;
-  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    {
-    delta = p2[i+3] - p0[i+3];
-    L2 += delta * delta;
-    }
-  // parametric coords in p1[{0,1,2}]
-  double x = p1[3];
-  double y = p1[4];
-  double z = p1[5];
-  double F2 =
-    this->coeffA[0] * x * x + 2. * this->coeffA[1] * x * y + 2. * this->coeffA[2] * x * z +
-    this->coeffA[3] * y * y + 2. * this->coeffA[4] * y * z +
-    this->coeffA[5] * z * z +
-    this->coeffB[0] * x + this->coeffB[1] * y + this->coeffB[2] * z +
-    this->coeffC;
-  F2 = F2 * F2; // square it
-  double r2 = this->ratio * this->ratio;
-  if ( 4. * F2 / L2 < r2 )
-    return true; // Midpoint is close to surface => split edge
-  return false; // Don't split edge
-void MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::set_implicit_function( double* coeffs )
-  int i;
-  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
-  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    {
-    this->coeffA[i  ] = coeffs[i];
-    this->coeffA[i+3] = coeffs[i + 3];
-    this->coeffB[i  ] = coeffs[i + 6];
-    }
-  this->coeffC = coeffs[9];
-void MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::get_implicit_function( double*& coeffs )
-  int i;
-  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
-  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    {
-    coeffs[i] = this->coeffA[i  ];
-    coeffs[i + 3] = this->coeffA[i+3];
-    coeffs[i + 6] = this->coeffB[i  ];
-    }
-  coeffs[9] = this->coeffC;

Deleted: MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp	2007-12-19 20:41:46 UTC (rev 1480)
+++ MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
- * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
- * 
- * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
- * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Coroporation, the U.S. Government
- * retains certain rights in this software.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- */
-/** \class MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit
-  *
-  * This is an simple example edge evaluator tha subdivides edges based
-  * on their midpoint's distance to a simple, fixed-form implicit surface
-  * written as \f$ x^T A x + B x + C \f$ where \f$x\f$ is a column vector of
-  * holding the edge midpoint coordinates, \f$A\f$ is a symmetric 3x3 matrix,
-  * \f$B\f$ is a 1x3 row vector, and \f$C\f$ is a scalar.
-  * Whenever the implicit function divided by half of the edge length is smaller than
-  * some minimum ratio (which defaults to 1), the edge is marked for subdivision.
-  *
-  * \author David Thompson
-  *
-  * \date 19 November 2007
-  */
-#include "MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp"
-class MB_DLL_EXPORT MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit : public MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
-  /// Construct an evaluator.
-  MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit( MBInterface* parentMesh );
-  /// Destruction is virtual so subclasses may clean up after refinement.
-  virtual ~MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit();
-  /** \brief Given an edge of length L, true when edge midpoint is within $\alpha^2$ of $\left(\frac{2f(x,y,z)}{L}\right)^2$.
-    */
-  virtual bool evaluate_edge(
-    const double* p0, const void* t0,
-    double* p1, void* t1,
-    const double* p2, const void* t2 );
-  /// Set the 9 coefficients of the implicit function. The vector contains the entries of A, followed by B, followed by C.
-  virtual void set_implicit_function( double* coeffs );
-  /// Get the 9 coefficients of the implicit function. The vector contains the entries of A, followed by B, followed by C.
-  void get_implicit_function( double*& coeffs );
-  /// Set the threshold ratio of function value to half-edge length that triggers subdivision.
-  virtual void set_ratio( double r ) { this->ratio = r; }
-  /// Get the threshold ratio of function value to half-edge length that triggers subdivision.
-  double get_ratio() { return this->ratio; }
-  double coeffA[6];
-  double coeffB[3];
-  double coeffC;
-  double ratio;

Copied: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp (from rev 1480, MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp)
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.cpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp"
+#include "MBInterface.hpp"
+#include <assert.h>
+MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( MBInterface* parentMesh )
+  assert( parentMesh );
+  this->mesh = parentMesh;
+  this->reset_vertex_tags();
+void MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::reset_vertex_tags()
+  this->vertexSize = 0;
+  this->vertexTags.clear();
+int MBEdgeSizeEvaluator::add_vertex_tag( MBTag tag_handle )
+  int offset = this->vertexSize; // old size is offset of tag being added
+  int tagSize;
+  MBTagType tagType;
+  if ( this->mesh->tag_get_size( tag_handle, tagSize ) != MB_SUCCESS )
+    return -1;
+  if ( this->mesh->tag_get_type( tag_handle, tagType ) != MB_SUCCESS )
+    return -1;
+  if ( tagType == MB_TAG_BIT )
+    {
+    // Pad any bit tags to a size in full bytes.
+    tagSize = ( tagSize % 8 ? 1 : 0 ) + ( tagSize / 8 );
+    }
+  // Now pad so that the next tag will be word-aligned:
+  while ( tagSize % sizeof(int) )
+    ++tagSize;
+  this->vertexSize += tagSize;
+  this->vertexTags.push_back( std::pair< MBTag, int >( tag_handle, offset ) );
+  return offset;

Copied: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp (from rev 1480, MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp)
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
+ * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
+ * 
+ * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
+ * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Coroporation, the U.S. Government
+ * retains certain rights in this software.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ */
+/** \class MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
+  *
+  * This is an abstract class that embodies the rule used during edge-based mesh
+  * refinement to decide whether an edge should be subdivided or not.
+  * Subclasses must implement the pure virtual evaluate_edge() function.
+  *
+  * \author David Thompson
+  *
+  * \date 19 November 2007
+  */
+#include "MBTypes.h" // for MB_DLL_EXPORT
+#include <vector>
+class MBInterface;
+class MB_DLL_EXPORT MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
+  /// Construct an evaluator.
+  MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( MBInterface* parentMesh );
+  /// Destruction is virtual so subclasses may clean up after refinement.
+  virtual ~MBEdgeSizeEvaluator();
+  /** \brief Returns true if the edge \a p0 - \a p2 should be subdivided, false otherwise.
+    *
+    * The arguments \a p0, \a p1, and \a p2 are all pointers to arrays of 6 doubles each
+    * while the arguments \a t0, \a t1, and \a t2 are all pointers to arrays of tag data
+    * defined at the corresponding point. While the endpoints \a p0 and \a p2 are
+    * immutable, the mid-edge point coordinates \a p1 and tag data \a t1 may be altered by
+    * evaluate_edge(). Altered values will be ignored if evaluate_edge() returns false.
+    * Be careful to ensure that all calls to evaluate_edge() perform identical modifications
+    * given identical input values!
+    *
+    * A list of tags passed in \a t0, \a t1, and \a t2 is stored in the vertexTags member.
+    * The vertexSize member stores the total length of data associated with each pointer (in bytes).
+    * Subclasses may access vertexTags and vertexSize directly; the refiner uses public methods to
+    * populate vertexTags before evaluate_edge() is called.
+    */
+  virtual bool evaluate_edge(
+    const double* p0, const void* t0,
+    double* p1, void* t1,
+    const double* p2, const void* t2 ) = 0;
+  /// Clear the list of tag values that will appear past the vertex coordinates in \a p0, \a p1, and \a p2.
+  void reset_vertex_tags();
+  /** Add a tag to the list of tag values that will appear past the vertex coordinates.
+    * The return value is the offset into each vertex coordinate pointer (\a p0, \a p1, \a p2) where the
+    * tag value(s) will be stored.
+    */
+  int add_vertex_tag( MBTag tag_handle );
+  /// Return the number of bytes to allocate for tag data per point.
+  int get_vertex_tag_size() { return this->vertexSize; }
+  std::vector< std::pair< MBTag, int > > vertexTags;
+  int vertexSize;
+  MBInterface* mesh;

Copied: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp (from rev 1480, MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp)
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.cpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include "MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp"
+MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit( MBInterface* parentMesh )
+  : MBEdgeSizeEvaluator( parentMesh )
+  int i;
+  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
+  this->coeffC = 0.;
+  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+    this->coeffB[i] = this->coeffA[i] = this->coeffA[i+3] = 0.;
+    }
+  this->coeffB[0] = 1.;
+  // Default to a scaling ratio of 1.
+  this->ratio = 1.;
+bool MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::evaluate_edge(
+  const double* p0, const void* t0,
+  double* p1, void* t1,
+  const double* p2, const void* t2 )
+  double L2 = 0.;
+  double delta;
+  int i;
+  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+    delta = p2[i+3] - p0[i+3];
+    L2 += delta * delta;
+    }
+  // parametric coords in p1[{0,1,2}]
+  double x = p1[3];
+  double y = p1[4];
+  double z = p1[5];
+  double F2 =
+    this->coeffA[0] * x * x + 2. * this->coeffA[1] * x * y + 2. * this->coeffA[2] * x * z +
+    this->coeffA[3] * y * y + 2. * this->coeffA[4] * y * z +
+    this->coeffA[5] * z * z +
+    this->coeffB[0] * x + this->coeffB[1] * y + this->coeffB[2] * z +
+    this->coeffC;
+  F2 = F2 * F2; // square it
+  double r2 = this->ratio * this->ratio;
+  if ( 4. * F2 / L2 < r2 )
+    return true; // Midpoint is close to surface => split edge
+  return false; // Don't split edge
+void MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::set_implicit_function( double* coeffs )
+  int i;
+  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
+  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+    this->coeffA[i  ] = coeffs[i];
+    this->coeffA[i+3] = coeffs[i + 3];
+    this->coeffB[i  ] = coeffs[i + 6];
+    }
+  this->coeffC = coeffs[9];
+void MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit::get_implicit_function( double*& coeffs )
+  int i;
+  // Default to the plane: x = 0.
+  for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+    coeffs[i] = this->coeffA[i  ];
+    coeffs[i + 3] = this->coeffA[i+3];
+    coeffs[i + 6] = this->coeffB[i  ];
+    }
+  coeffs[9] = this->coeffC;

Copied: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp (from rev 1480, MOAB/trunk/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp)
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit.hpp	2007-12-24 19:48:35 UTC (rev 1481)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
+ * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
+ * 
+ * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
+ * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Coroporation, the U.S. Government
+ * retains certain rights in this software.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ */
+/** \class MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit
+  *
+  * This is an simple example edge evaluator tha subdivides edges based
+  * on their midpoint's distance to a simple, fixed-form implicit surface
+  * written as \f$ x^T A x + B x + C \f$ where \f$x\f$ is a column vector of
+  * holding the edge midpoint coordinates, \f$A\f$ is a symmetric 3x3 matrix,
+  * \f$B\f$ is a 1x3 row vector, and \f$C\f$ is a scalar.
+  * Whenever the implicit function divided by half of the edge length is smaller than
+  * some minimum ratio (which defaults to 1), the edge is marked for subdivision.
+  *
+  * \author David Thompson
+  *
+  * \date 19 November 2007
+  */
+#include "MBEdgeSizeEvaluator.hpp"
+class MB_DLL_EXPORT MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit : public MBEdgeSizeEvaluator
+  /// Construct an evaluator.
+  MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit( MBInterface* parentMesh );
+  /// Destruction is virtual so subclasses may clean up after refinement.
+  virtual ~MBEdgeSizeSimpleImplicit();
+  /** \brief Given an edge of length L, true when edge midpoint is within $\alpha^2$ of $\left(\frac{2f(x,y,z)}{L}\right)^2$.
+    */
+  virtual bool evaluate_edge(
+    const double* p0, const void* t0,
+    double* p1, void* t1,
+    const double* p2, const void* t2 );
+  /// Set the 10 coefficients of the implicit function. The vector contains the entries of A, followed by B, followed by C.
+  virtual void set_implicit_function( double* coeffs );
+  /// Get the 10 coefficients of the implicit function. The vector contains the entries of A, followed by B, followed by C.
+  void get_implicit_function( double*& coeffs );
+  /// Set the threshold ratio of function value to half-edge length that triggers subdivision.
+  virtual void set_ratio( double r ) { this->ratio = r; }
+  /// Get the threshold ratio of function value to half-edge length that triggers subdivision.
+  double get_ratio() { return this->ratio; }
+  double coeffA[6];
+  double coeffB[3];
+  double coeffC;
+  double ratio;

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