[hpc-announce] [CFP] GrAPL 2025 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FEB 8 2025

Tumeo, Antonino Antonino.Tumeo at pnnl.gov
Fri Jan 31 15:47:32 CST 2025




GrAPL 2025: Workshop on Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning

June 4, 2025
Co-Located with IPDPS 2025
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT


Data analytics is one of the fastest growing segments of computer science. Many real-world analytic workloads combine graph and machine learning methods. Graphs play an important role in the synthesis and analysis of relationships and organizational structures, furthering the ability of machine-learning methods to identify signature features. Given the difference in the parallel execution models of graph algorithms and machine learning methods, current tools, runtime systems, and architectures do not deliver consistently good performance across data analysis workflows. In this workshop we are interested in graphs, how their synthesis (representation) and analysis is supported in hardware and software, and the ways graph algorithms interact with machine learning. The workshop’s scope is broad and encompasses the wide range of methods used in large-scale data analytics workflows.
This workshop seeks papers on the theory, model-based analysis, simulation, and analysis of operational data for graph analytics and related machine learning applications. In particular, we are interested, but not limited to the following topics:

* Provide tractability and performance analysis in terms of complexity, time-to-solution, problem size, and quality of solution for systems that deal with mixed data analytics workflows;
* Investigate novel solutions for accelerating graph learning-based methods using methodologies such as graph neural networks and knowledge graphs;
* Discuss graph programming models and associated frameworks such as GraphBLAS, Galois, Pregel, the Boost Graph Library, GraphChi, etc., for building large multi-attributed graphs;
* Discuss how frameworks for building graph algorithms interact with those for building machine learning algorithms;
* Discuss the convergence of graph analytics, frameworks, and graph databases;
* Discuss hardware platforms specialized for addressing large, dynamic, multi-attributed graphs and associated machine learning;
* Discuss the problem domains and applications of graph methods, machine learning methods, or both.
Besides regular papers, short papers (up to four pages) describing work-in-progress or incomplete but sound, innovative ideas related to the workshop theme are also encouraged.


Position or full paper submission: February 8, 2025 AoE (EXTENDED)
Notification: February 28, 2025 
Camera-ready: March 6, 2025 
Workshop: June 4, 2025


Submission site: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/ipdps/?page=Submit&id=GrAPLWorkshopFullSubmission&site=ipdps2025__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z4O097kV0XoYLNxewULXi1t9qb4J9wHLz8IVzIVpK3YtLPs7C0qGdJ9uzGVv0S4Dt8LXSv9EGofp26-g8Q48A7BLICtoo1jQww$ 

Authors can submit two types of papers: Short papers (up to 4 pages) and long papers (up to 10 pages). All submissions must be single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references.

The templates are available at: 
https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z4O097kV0XoYLNxewULXi1t9qb4J9wHLz8IVzIVpK3YtLPs7C0qGdJ9uzGVv0S4Dt8LXSv9EGofp26-g8Q48A7BLICvrbYTGhg$ .


* General co-Chairs

Nesreen K. Ahmed (Outshift by CISCO), nesahmed at cisco.com 
Manoj Kumar (IBM), manoj1 at us.ibm.com

* Program co-Chairs

Ariful Azad (Texas A&M University), ariful at tamu.edu
Yllka Velaj (University of Vienna), yllka.velaj at univie.ac.at

* GrAPL's Little Helpers

Tim Mattson (Intel)
Scott McMillan (CMU SEI)
Antonino Tumeo (PNNL)

* Technical Program Committee

Sameh Abdulah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, SA
Scott Beamer, University of California, Santa Cruz, US
Vivek Bharadwaj, University of California, Berkeley, US
Benjamin Brock, Intel, US
Bibrak Qamar Chandio, Intel, US
Aditya Devarakonda, Wake Forest University, US
Marquita Ellis, IBM TJ Watson, US
S M Ferdous, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Oded Green, NVIDIA, US
Yuxi Hong, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US Md Taufique Hussain, Indiana University, US
Abdullah Al Raqibul Islam, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US Sourav Medya, University of Illinois Chicago, US 
Mihail Popov, French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation, FR
Giulia Preti, CENTAI, IT
Jason Riedy, AMD, US 
Ilie Sarpe, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE Oguz Selvitopi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
Lorenzo Severini, Unicredit, IT
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NL 
Helen Xu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Albert-Jan Yzelman, Huawei, CH

Other Members TBD

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