[hpc-announce] CHEOPS 2025 - Call for Work in Progress Submissions [Due Feb 21st, 2025]

Amelie Chi Zhou amelie.czhou at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 21:11:23 CST 2025


The fifth Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and
Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS)


March 31st, 2025


Held in conjunction with EuroSys 2025


We are pleased to announce the fourth Workshop on Challenges and
Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS'25).
CHEOPS'25 will be hosted in conjunction with EuroSys'25.

The fifth workshop on “Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and
Performant Storage Systems” (CHEOPS) is aimed at researchers, developers of
scientific applications, engineers and everyone interested in the evolution
of storage systems. As the developments of computing power, storage and
network technologies continue to diverge, the bandwidth performance gap
between them widens. This trend, combined with the ever growing data
volumes and data-driven computing such as machine learning, results in I/O
and storage limitations, impacting the scalability and efficiency of
current and future computing systems. Some of these challenges are
quantitative, such as scale to match exascale system requirements, or
latency reduction of the software stack to efficiently integrate new
generations of hardware like storage class memory (SCM). Some other issues
are more subtle and arise with the increased complexity of the storage
solutions, like new smarter and more potent data management tools,
monitoring systems or interoperability between I/O components or data

The main objective of this workshop is to discuss state-of-the-art
research, innovative ideas and experiences that focus on the design and
implementation of storage systems in both academic and industrial worlds.

Topics of Interest


Submissions may be more hands-on than research papers, so we explicitly
encourage submissions in the early stages of research. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

Operating system optimizations

Kernel and user space file/storage systems

Including virtual file systems

Cloud, parallel and distributed file/storage systems

Network challenges, such as scalability, QoS and partitionability

Approaches for low-latency and heterogeneous storage systems

Such as SCM and NVRAM combined with HDDs

Metadata management

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Storage requirements of ML and AI applications

Using ML and AI within storage systems (e.g., to replace heuristics)

Hybrid solutions using file systems and databases

Approaches using query and database interfaces, including key-value stores

Optimized indexing techniques

Data organizations to support online workflows

Data privacy and data security

Domain-specific data management solutions

Application I/O characterization

Storage systems modeling and analysis tools

Data reduction techniques

Lossless and lossy compression, deduplication

UI/UX for storage systems

Related experiences from users: what worked, what didn’t?

Feedback and empirical evaluation of storage systems

Work in Progress (WIP) Submissions


There will be a WIP session where presenters provide brief (5-minute) talks
on their on-going work, with fresh problems/solutions. WIP will not be
included in the proceedings. A one-page abstract is required.


Submissions due: Feb 21st, 2025
Notification: Mar 1st, 2025

Submissions by email: Please email your submission as a PDF attachment of
the one-page abstract to Amelie Chi Zhou (amelieczhou at hkbu.edu.hk) and Kira
Duwe (kira.duwe at epfl.ch). Put “CHEOPS 2025 WIP” as the first part of the
message subject.

Workshop Organizers


Steering Committee:

- Jean-Thomas Acquaviva - DDN, France

- Jalil Boukhobza - National Institute of Advanced Technologies of Brittany
(ENSTA Bretagne), France

- Suren Byna - The Ohio State University, USA

- Konstantinos Chasapis - DDN, France

- Kira Duwe - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

- Shadi Ibrahim - Inria, France

- Michael Kuhn - Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), Germany

General Chair:

- Suren Byna - The Ohio State University, USA

Program Co-Chairs:

- Amelie Chi Zhou - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

- Kira Duwe - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

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