[hpc-announce] Call for Papers: Fifth edition of PERMAVOST Workshop at ACM HPDC 2025

Georg Hager georg.hager at fau.de
Mon Jan 27 08:58:42 CST 2025


5th Workshop on Performance EngineeRing, Modelling, Analysis, and 
VisualizatiOn STrategy
In conjunction with ACM HPDC 2025, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Submission deadline ------------------- March 1, 2025, AoE
Notification -------------------------- April 11, 2025
Camera ready deadline ----------------- April 26, 2025, AoE
Workshop ------------------------------ July 20, 2025

Workshop website: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://permavost.github.io/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YDwpJuiEmJuMtA-gajg8pmUhjMvVjzbRlGY6AmxvJ5WNyjzn0W3cPr-FpjZjUhmFmI9mpzsEgbpkgeF6JtAd4To1tIre$ 

Modern software engineering is becoming increasingly complex. Especially
in high-performance computing (HPC), with cutting-edge infrastructure
and novel problems of unprecedented scale, monitoring and analyzing the
performance of such applications and infrastructure has become essential
for their improvement, design, and maintenance. In the current era, the
development and maintenance of these applications are no longer the sole
responsibility of computer scientists. Instead, they involve a diverse
group of experts, including mathematicians, scientists, and engineers
from various disciplines. Many of these developers lack formal computer
science training and increasingly rely on tools created by computer
scientists to analyze and optimize their code. This growing
interdependence highlights the need for a collaborative forum where
different stakeholders can work together effectively.

Topics of Interest
PERMAVOST aims to bring together key stakeholders -- application
developers, domain scientists, performance analysts, and tool developers
-- to collaborate and bridge gaps in the following areas:

* Key metrics, patterns, and performance pitfalls: Identifying
   strategies to recognize and leverage performance insights to enhance
   application efficiency.
* Emerging challenges: Addressing issues arising from new computing
   architectures, programming paradigms, novel scientific problems, and
   the processing of data at varying scales.
* Usability in performance tools: Exploring how modern usability design
   principles can be integrated into performance analysis tools to better
   support their users.
* Broad-spectrum accessibility: Developing analysis methods and
   methodologies that cater to users with varying levels of HPC

We solicit papers which encompass the following topics of interest, but
are not limited to: Performance analysis and modeling of real-world

* Data visualization for performance analysis
* Usability studies and user-centric design of HPC tools
* Inefficiencies in programming patterns and computing architectures
* Patterns, anomaly detection, and performance characterization in HPC
* Performance engineering strategies, methodologies, and use cases
* Human-computer interfaces for performance data exploration
* Energy efficiency and management in performance analysis and engineering
*Performance analysis in emerging HPC domains, including Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Containers, and Cloud

Format and Proceedings
The length of the paper is 5 pages, including the bibliography. Each
submission will undergo a minimum of three single-blind peer reviews.
Review criteria will include the originality, technical soundness,
potential impact, significance, and quality of presentation. The papers
must be submitted online through HotCRP in PDF using the ACM master
template format.
Accepted papers will be published Open Access in the ACM Digital Library
with no additional fee, as part of the workshop proceeding.

We look forward to your contributions and participation in the PERMAVOST
workshop at ACM HPDC this July!


Workshop General Chair
Ayesha Afzal - Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center

Program Co-Chairs
Radita Liem - RWTH Aachen University and Sarah Neuwirth - Johannes 
Gutenberg University Mainz

Publicity Chair
Georg Hager - Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center

Program Committee

Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center

Please contact workshop general chair Ayesha Afzal for any inquiries:
ayesha.afzal at fau.de.

Dr. Georg Hager
Head of Training & Support
Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Martensstrasse 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Tel. +49 9131 85-28973, Fax +49 9131 302941
mailto:georg.hager at fau.de

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