[hpc-announce] CALL FOR PAPERS Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue On-device Artificial Intelligence solutions with applications on Smart Environments

Wisser, Grace gwisser at utk.edu
Tue Jan 21 08:55:37 CST 2025

CALL FOR PAPERS Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue

On-device Artificial Intelligence solutions with applications on Smart Environments



The recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the increasing computational power acted as catalyzer for the widespread diffusion of Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems (ICPSs) as a novel way to run smart applications with a “reasoning” component. Unfortunately, the limited hardware capabilities of these devices pose significant limitations on the complexity of the tasks and Deep Learning models that can be run effectively. During the years, solutions like weights compression or quantization have been proposed to address this issue, but they usually require a careful tuning and most of the time they consist in a post-training operation. From the very beginning, the training of complex Deep Learning models has always been reserved to powerful machines with large computing capabilities (typically identified in the Cloud), limiting the Edge only to the inference. However, these solutions do not work especially when latency, security, and high customization aspects become key prerequisites. In such a context emerges the need of novel methods to deliver the intelligence into an embedded system without the data leaving the device. Originally born as a complementary technology, On-device AI is expected to become a hot topic in the next years as a new paradigm where both training and inference processes are performed on the same device. If on the one hand, the possibility to run intelligent algorithms on these systems is a challenging task, on the other the benefits in terms of response time and energy efficiency derived from this technology are going to be the foundations for a novel type of “reasoning” systems. To this aim novel architectures and frameworks should be explored to enable the access to AI based tailored services. Considering a scenario where the Edge would potentially store sensitive data (that should never travers the Internet), it is evident that these devices could become the target of attacks by malicious users. In this sense, privacy and security aspects represent another key elements to be carefully considered and implemented.

This special issue has the goal to promote original, unpublished, high-quality research about On-device AI solutions applied to the Smart Environments and Industry 4.0 contexts.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*On-device training solutions
*On-device AI applications
*Federated Learning training and inference strategies on Edge devices
*AI Intelligent Systems
*AI for Microcontrollers
*AI applications at the Edge
*AI methods for Industrial applications
*AI based services at the Edge
*Hardware efficient Deep Learning applications
*Energy efficient Deep Learning algorithms
*Privacy and Security for Deep Learning
*Comparative analysis of on-device AI frameworks
*Implementation case studies
*Low-power AI applications and methods
*Lightweight AI algorithms for Edge devices
*Edge architectures and frameworks for AI


Fabrizio De Vita
University of Messina, Italy
fdevita at unime.it

Dario Bruneo
University of Messina, Italy
dbruneo at unime.it

Sajal K. Das
Missouri University of Science and Technology, US
sdas at mst.edu


Deadline for paper submission: February 25, 2025

Latest acceptance deadline for all papers: June 30, 2025



The FGCS’s submission system (Editorial Manager®)  will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from July 25, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type VSI: On-device AI. 

All submissions deemed suitable by the editors to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production to be published in the special issue.



GUIDE FOR AUTHORS: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.elsevier.com/journals/future-generation-computer-systems/0167-739X/guide-for-authors__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YLkPqJmGKGon-JL8ZwKDxIoQXznB4tsOy5zQhu1WEljMVO5RCsLEM3m5H4BvX3xu3dowJcvppfLVEo7jfTTRrj4$ 

* Please use Elsevier's Latex Style with "5p, times" option. So your document should start with \documentclass[5p,times]{elsarticle}
* You are recommended to use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YLkPqJmGKGon-JL8ZwKDxIoQXznB4tsOy5zQhu1WEljMVO5RCsLEM3m5H4BvX3xu3dowJcvppfLVEo7jbrdPRrI$ ) to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX (https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://www.bibtex.org/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YLkPqJmGKGon-JL8ZwKDxIoQXznB4tsOy5zQhu1WEljMVO5RCsLEM3m5H4BvX3xu3dowJcvppfLVEo7jqy4hB8o$ ) to generate your bibliography.
* Our LaTeX  (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.elsevier.com/latex__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YLkPqJmGKGon-JL8ZwKDxIoQXznB4tsOy5zQhu1WEljMVO5RCsLEM3m5H4BvX3xu3dowJcvppfLVEo7jUIIsaZQ$ ) site has detailed submission instructions, templates and other information.
* Article submitted to FGCS should be strictly double column, single spaced and limited to 18 pages; including all figures, tables, references.
* A manuscript longer than 18 pages will not be considered for review and returned to author to be revised to the correct format.

To view a complete list of the Call for Papers for Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, visit: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/future-generation-computer-systems/about/call-for-papers__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YLkPqJmGKGon-JL8ZwKDxIoQXznB4tsOy5zQhu1WEljMVO5RCsLEM3m5H4BvX3xu3dowJcvppfLVEo7jvloF_Mg$ 

Sent on behalf of Michela Taufer, Editor in Chief

Grace Wisser
Assistant Director, Global Computing Lab
Assistant to Editor in Chief, FGCS Journal

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