[hpc-announce] [IEEE IC2E 2025] Call for Papers - Abstract Deadline: April 17, 2025

Wes J. Lloyd wlloyd at uw.edu
Wed Jan 15 23:02:48 CST 2025

IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IEEE IC2E 2025)
September 23-26, 2025, Rennes, France

The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) is a premier conference on Cloud Computing, which in the last two decades has significantly changed the way IT resources are consumed. IC2E provides a high-quality, comprehensive forum where researchers and practitioners can exchange information on engineering principles, enabling technologies, and practical experiences related to Cloud Computing. The conference brings together experts who work on different levels of the cloud stack – including systems, storage, networking, platforms, databases, applications, and software engineering. IC2E offers an end-to-end view of the challenges and technologies in Cloud Computing, fosters new research that addresses the interaction between different layers of the stack, and ultimately helps shape the future of cloud-transformed business and society.

Environmental challenges are currently reshaping Cloud engineering priorities as they urgently require our attention, both on reducing the environmental impacts of Cloud systems and on participating to propose sustainable answers to these environmental challenges. A particular focus will be given at IC2E 2025 on sustainable Cloud computing and Cloud for sustainability, while other topics (listed above) are most welcome.

IC2E invites submissions of high-quality research papers describing fully developed results and ongoing foundational and applied work related to all aspects of cloud engineering. The IC2E Program Committee will interpret “cloud engineering” very broadly – to include everything from engineering principles to practical experiences, and advances that target different levels of the cloud stack, from both academia and industry. In particular, submissions on topics of emerging interest in the research and development communities are encouraged. Authors can choose to submit their papers under either the Research and Vision or Industry and Experience Track. Submissions are invited on the following non-exhaustive list of topics for both tracks:

- Sustainability concerns on all levels of the Cloud stack and on all parts of Cloud systems
- Cloud systems for sustainability, e.g., sustainable Cloud systems for environment modeling and monitoring
- Cloud management and engineering, from single (micro-)services to complete system landscapes
- Cloud applications, ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) over Big Data to Machine Learning
- Cloud systems, including storage, data distribution, and serverless computing
- Cloud security and privacy concerns on all levels of the Cloud stack
- Fog and Edge Computing, and all other system types in the Cloud-Edge Compute Continuum
- Everything as a Service
- Non-technical aspects of Cloud Computing, e.g., Cloud governance or cloud economics

Abstract Submission Deadline:  April 17, 2025
Paper Submission Deadline: April 24, 2025
Acceptance Notification:  June 23, 2025
Camera Ready Deadline: July 31, 2025

Please visit the CFP on the conference website for manuscript guidelines:


General Chair: Guillaume Pierre, University of Rennes
General Chair: Cristina L. Abad, ESPOL University of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Program Chair:  Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CNRS, France
Program Chair: Wes J. Lloyd, University of Washington, USA

Industry Track Chair: Tamar Eilam, IBM Research, USA

Workshop Chair: Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, France
Workshop Chair: Monica Vitali, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Poster/demos Chair: Tommaso Cucinotta, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Poster/demos Chair: Sebastian Werner, TU Berlin, Germany

Publicity Chair: Daniel Balouek, Inria, France
Publicity Chair: Abel Souza, UC Santa Cruz, USA

Wes Lloyd
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Systems
School of Engineering and Technology, University of Washington - Tacoma
Tacoma, Washington

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