[hpc-announce] [CfP - extended deadline] The 9th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2025)

Lena Mashayekhy mlena at udel.edu
Tue Jan 14 07:31:19 CST 2025


The 9th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2025)
May 19th-22nd, 2025, Tromsø, Norway

URL: https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://icfec2025.ontariotechu.ca/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!a_n4F7mzc0Z4lnPzSGIKU9835Ehq5z8CncKZChv_q3s_srVq-6MWixNT9djJxWVggJ8Lrtl_uhIR4Cv-YhYvmQ$ 

We are delighted to invite you to the 9th IEEE International Conference on
Fog and Edge Computing

The conference seeks to attract high-quality contributions covering
both theory and practice over systems research and emerging
domain-specific applications related to next-generation distributed
systems that cover different parts of the cloud-edge compute
continuum. This covers different computing models, including mist
computing, edge computing, multi-access edge computing, fog computing,
and mobile cloud computing.

Some representative topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Data centers and infrastructures along the compute continuum
* Mobility management along the compute continuum
* Federated learning and distributed machine learning in and for the
compute continuum
* 5G/6G for the compute continuum
* Middleware and runtime systems for the compute continuum
* Programming models for the compute continuum
* Storage and data management platforms along the compute continuum
* Scheduling and resource management for the compute continuum
* Security, privacy, trust, and provenance issues for the compute continuum
* Distributed consensus and blockchains in the compute continuum
* Modeling and simulation for and in the compute continuum
* Performance monitoring and metering of infrastructures along the
compute continuum
* (Big) Data processing in the compute continuum
* Energy-efficient computing in the compute continuum

We invite original manuscripts that have neither been published
elsewhere nor are under review at a different venue. Papers should
follow the IEEE template for conference proceedings. Authors should
submit papers, written in English, electronically in PDF format, and
may not exceed 8 letter-size pages in length, including all figures,
tables, and references. Apart from full papers, authors may also
submit poster papers, which may not exceed 2 pages in length.

All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical
strength, significance, presentation, and relevance to the conference
by at least three reviewers. Papers may be submitted online at
https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icfec2025__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!a_n4F7mzc0Z4lnPzSGIKU9835Ehq5z8CncKZChv_q3s_srVq-6MWixNT9djJxWVggJ8Lrtl_uhIR4CsZNGYZLg$ .

Papers that are accepted for publication may be accepted as REGULAR
papers (8 pages), SHORT papers (5 pages), or POSTER papers (2 pages),
depending on the reviewers' recommendations. Accepted regular, short,
and poster papers will be included in the conference proceedings that
will be published through the IEEE Computer Society Conference
Publishing Services.

Further submission information can be found at
https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://icfec2025.ontariotechu.ca/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!a_n4F7mzc0Z4lnPzSGIKU9835Ehq5z8CncKZChv_q3s_srVq-6MWixNT9djJxWVggJ8Lrtl_uhIR4Cv-YhYvmQ$ .

* Jan. 23, 2025: Paper submission deadline (extended)
* Feb. 28, 2025: Author notification
* Mar. 15, 2025: Camera-ready submission
* May 19-22, 2025: Conference (on-site in Tromsø, Norway)

General Chairs:
* Khalid Elgazzar, Ontario Tech University, Canada
* Lena Mashayekhy, University of Delaware, USA

Program Committee Chairs:
* Cristina L. Abad, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador
* Stefan Schulte, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
* Subhajit Sidhanta, IIT Kharagpur, India

The organizing committee of IEEE ICFEC 2025 can be reached via email
at stefan.schulte at tuhh.de.

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