[hpc-announce] ESwML 2025 Call For Papers [March 31, 2025] (In Conjunction with ASPLOS-25/EuroSys-25)

Parasyris, Konstantinos parasyris1 at llnl.gov
Tue Jan 7 11:02:42 CST 2025

I apologize if you already received this CFP.

This is a CALL FOR PAPERS for:

  ESwML 2025

The Second International Workshop on 
Empowering Software Development through Machine Learning


Important Deadlines:
*    Submission due date: February 7, 2025 (AoE)
*   Author notification: February 21, 2025
*   Workshop scheduled date: March 31, 2025

Call For Papers

The software of tomorrow will heavily rely on the use of machine learning models. 
This will span various aspects including using Machine Learning (ML) models during 
software development time to enhance developer productivity, designing ML 
heuristics to improve application execution, and adopting surrogate Neural 
Networks (NN) models within applications to replace expensive computations
 and accelerate their performance. However, several challenges limit the 
broad adoption of ML in today’s software. The goal of Empowering Software
 Development through Machine Learning (ESwML) half-day workshop is to establish 
a platform where researchers, scientists, application developers, computing center staff,
 and industry professionals can come together to exchange ideas and explore how artificial
 intelligence can help in effective and efficient use of future systems.

This workshop will actively drive discussion and aim to answer the following questions:

This workshop will actively drive discussion and aim to answer the following questions:

* How can we leverage the advances in Machine Learning to ease the software development process?
* What tools are missing to bridge the interaction with ML models during application development?
* Can we improve the accuracy and efficiency of ML models by exposing to them existing analytical tools? For example, enabling Large Language Models to interact with memory sanitizers etc.
* How can we seamlessly integrate ML models into applications to improve their performance while
   ensuring the correctness of the generated outputs?

Paper and abstract submission

We seek abstracts describing recent or ongoing research related to the research topics
 in the ESwML workshop. All researchers and practitioners are welcome to submit their
work for presentation at this workshop. This is an in-person workshop and only the slides 
will optionally be posted on the workshop website.

Short papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. Format is 1-4 double-column 
Pages excluding references. Submissions should be printable on US Letter or A4 paper.
Please submit your manuscripts through hotcrp.

Note: Presentations and short papers will be made available online only with the explicit consent 
of the authors. Authors who wish to share their presentations are encouraged to inform the workshop organizers.

Workshop Co-chairs
* Florina Ciorba (University of Basel, Switzerland), florina.ciorba at unibas.ch
* Harshitha Menon (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA), harshitha at llnl.gov
* Konstantinos Parasyris (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) parasyris1 at llnl.gov

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