[hpc-announce] [Deadline Extended] IWOCL 2025: 13th International Workshop on OpenCL and SYCL
Tom Deakin
tom.deakin at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Jan 7 04:09:55 CST 2025
The submissions deadline for IWOCL 2025 has been extended by one-week to January 19, 2025.
Announcing the call for submissions for the 13th International Workshop on OpenCL and SYCL.
+ IWOCL 2025
+ April 7-11 2025 (In-Person)
+ Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
+ https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.iwocl.org__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQob6mHvxg$
+ Submissions: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.iwocl.org/call-for-submissions/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQoei-YeX3$
IWOCL 2025 marks the 13th anniversary of the annual gathering of the international community of OpenCL and SYCL developers, researchers, implementers, scientists and Khronos Working Group members to share best practice, and to advance the use and evolution of these Khronos open compute languages for programming heterogeneous platforms. This pioneering workshop has been attracting an international audience of leading academic and industrial experts since 2013 and is the premier forum for the community to present, discuss and learn about applying OpenCL and SYCL to solve computationally-demanding problems across a wide range of application domains.
Submission Types
IWOCL welcomes the following four types of submissions.
1. Full Papers
2. Short Papers
3. Technical Presentations
4. Posters
The IWOCL proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library. To ensure the quality of the program all submissions will undergo peer review by at least three members of the Program Committee comprising world-leaders in OpenCL and SYCL.
Important Dates
+ Deadline for all submission types Sunday January 19, 2025 (previously Sunday January 12, 2025)
+ Author notifications (the week of) Monday February 24, 2025
+ Camera ready for papers and posters Monday March 24, 2025
+ Workshop Dates (Tutorial/s, Hackathon & Conference) April 7-11, 2025
All deadlines end at 23:59 anywhere on earth.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
+ Scientific and high-performance computing (HPC) applications
+ Machine learning training and inferencing
+ General performance optimization
+ Compiler IR and optimizations for SYCL and OpenCL programs
+ Development tools, including debuggers, profilers, and reference implementations
+ HPC frameworks and supporting libraries
+ Novel uses of and extensions to OpenCL and SYCL
+ The use of OpenCL and SYCL on CPU, GPU, DSP, NNP, FPGA and hardware accelerators on mobile, embedded, cloud, edge, and automotive platforms
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We welcome submissions from all and are firmly against the unfair and prejudicial treatment of people based on characteristics such as age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, social origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
Submission Guidelines
All presenters must attend in-person and register for the workshop at the prevailing rate to present their material and to have their submission included in the published proceedings.
1. Full Research Papers
We solicit the submission of full-length unpublished academic/technical papers detailing original research related to OpenCL and SYCL. Please submit full papers for review, which should be between 8-12 pages. Full Papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library proceedings, and should be prepared using the ACM *sigconf* template. If accepted, full papers will be presented at the conference.
2. Short Research Papers
We solicit the submission of short unpublished academic/technical papers detailing original research related to OpenCL and SYCL. Please submit short papers for review, which should be no longer between 3-4 pages. Short Papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library proceedings, and should be prepared using the ACM *sigconf* template. If accepted, short papers will be presented at the conference.
3. Technical Presentations
Technical submissions require a 500-1,000 word abstract. Additional supporting materials may be submitted as a single pdf document. If the talk includes computational results, we encourage these to be included for review. Technical presentations will be listed in the ACM Digital Proceeding Front Matter, referencing the presentations and abstracts published on the IWOCL website, but the abstract will not be included in the ACM Digital Library. If accepted, talks will be presented at the conference.
4. Posters
Please submit a 1-2 page overview of the poster. The overview of the poster will be included in the ACM Digital Library proceedings, and should be prepared using the ACM *sigconf* template. If accepted, posters will be displayed at the conference. Authors are responsible for printing and bringing the poster to the venue for display. Maximum poster size: A0 portrait format.
Selection Criteria
The IWOCL program committee will review submissions based on the following criteria.
+ Concept of the submission and its relevance and timeliness
+ Technical depth
+ Clarity of the submission
+ Research findings and results of your work
+ Your credentials and expertise in the subject matter
+ The Chairs and Program Committee members are also encouraged to submit their own papers, presentations or posters to IWOCL. For these submissions, the peer review will be organised by a different Chair, and the submitter will have no involvement in the review process nor final decision of acceptance.
LaTeX Submissions
For LaTeX submissions, ACM requires the source code of the document for proceedings. Please adhere closely to the supported LaTeX packages.
Published Proceedings
The IWOCL proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library. See: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://dl.acm.org/conference/iwocl/proceedings__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQoVYtbxWK$
How to Submit
Visit https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.iwocl.org/call-for-submissions/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQoei-YeX3$ or submit directly in Easychair: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwocl2025__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQoSEXLRX_$
IWOCL 2025 Committee Chairs
+ General Chair: Tom Deakin, University of Bristol, UK
+ Local Chair: Aksel Alpay, Heidelberg University, Germany
+ Program Co-Chair (SYCL): Dounia Khaldi, Intel, USA
+ Program Co-Chair (SYCL): Aksel Alpay, Heidelberg University, Germany
+ Program Co-Chair (OpenCL): Brice Videau, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
+ Proceedings Chair: Aditya Sadawarte, University of Bristol, UK
+ Organising Chair: Tim Lewis, The Khronos Group
The full list of Program Committee members can be found on the iwocl.org website.
Additional Information
For further details and updates, please consult the workshop web site at URL: https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://www.iwocl.org__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YqFNdpkUT4cHecqY-2rcf5FMAoLMVwBsQFbgDb9BDlay2zcDJqCVXzKRmgsTb3a0IBg45r5NWaBL3crNd9EmCIsQoW-OIS8M$ , or email submissions at iwocl.org We look forward to your contributions and meeting you in Heidelberg in April 2025.
Thank you very much. The IWOCL Organisers
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