[hpc-announce] CFP - 4th International Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning for the Intelligent Computing Continuum (DML-ICC)

Luiz Fernando Bittencourt bit at ic.unicamp.br
Tue Sep 3 18:37:04 CDT 2024

4th International Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning for the Intelligent Computing Continuum (DML-ICC)
In conjunction with the 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2024)
16-19 December 2024
Sharjah, UAE


### Background ###
As the cloud extends to the fog and to the edge, computing services can be scattered over a set of computing resources that encompass users' devices, the cloud, and intermediate computing infrastructure deployed in between. Moreover, increasing networking capacity promises lower delays in data transfers, enabling a continuum of computing capacity that can be used to process large amounts of data with reduced response times. Such large amounts of data are frequently processed through machine learning approaches, seeking to extract knowledge from raw data generated and consumed by a widely heterogeneous set of applications. Distributed machine learning has been evolving as a tool to run learning tasks also at the edge, often immediately after the data is produced, instead of transferring data to the centralized cloud for later aggregation and processing. 

Following the successful DML-ICC 2022, 2022 and 2023, this fourth edition of DML-ICC keeps the aim to be a forum for discussion among researchers with a distributed machine learning background and researchers from parallel/distributed systems and computer networks. By bringing together these research topics, we look forward in building an Intelligent Computing Continuum, where distributed machine learning models can seamlessly run on any device from the edge to the cloud, creating a distributed computing system that is able to fulfill highly heterogeneous applications requirements and build knowledge from data generated by these applications.

### Topics ###
DML-ICC 2024 workshop aims to attract researchers from the machine learning community, especially the ones involved with distributed machine learning techniques, and researchers from the parallel/distributed computing communities. Together, these researchers will be able to build resource management mechanisms that are able to fulfill machine learning jobs requirements, but also use machine learning techniques to improve resource management in large distributed systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Autonomic Computing in the Continuum
- Business and Cost Models for the Computing Continuum
- Complex Event Processing and Stream Processing
- Computing and Networking Slicing for the Continuum
- Distributed Machine Learning for Resource Management and Scheduling
- Distributed Machine Learning in the Computing Continuum
- Distributed Machine Learning applications
- Distributed Machine Learning performance evaluation
- Federated Learning
- Intelligent Computing Continuum architectures and models
- Management of Distributed Learning tasks
- Mobility support in the Computing Continuum
- Network management in the Computing Continuum
- Privacy using Distributed Learning
- Programming models for the Computing Continuum
- Resource management and Scheduling in the computing continuum
- Smart Environments (Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Industry, etc.)
- Theoretical Modeling for the Computing Continuum

### Submissions ###

Paper submission is double-blind, through Easychair:

The DML-ICC workshop invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 6 pages in IEEE double-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Up to 2 additional pages might be purchased upon the approval of the proceedings chair.

All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process and will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. The submitted document should not include author information and should not include acknowledgements, citations or discussion of related work that would make the authorship apparent. Submissions containing author identifying information may be subject to rejection without review.

Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register as author, non-student rate and present the paper in person.

At least one author of each paper must be registered for the conference for the paper to be published in the proceedings. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE and made available online via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ACM Digital Library.

Please check the DML-ICC webpage for more details on paper format: https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://www.lrc.ic.unicamp.br/dml-icc/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z9PNu2aZMeY1ui1nQEuUCjPakXzgiDKZmXywNyV1ortETJre06nf2ztwbXX664fiZcmzSFXuxyFN5Y_WqF6Rr4w$ 

### Important Dates ###
Paper submission due:  20 September, 2024 (Extended)
Notification to authors: 10 October, 2024
Camera-ready papers due: 20 October, 2024
Workshop date: 16-19 December 2024

### DML-ICC Honorary Chairs ###
- Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Filip De Turck, Ghent University, Belgium

### DML-ICC Co-Chairs ###
- Luiz F. Bittencourt, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
- Valeria Cardellini, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy
- Yassine Himeur, University of Dubai, UAE

### Program Committee (TBC) ###
- Atakan Aral, University of Vienna, Austria
- José Javier Berrocal-Olmeda, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Robert Birke, University of Torino, Italy
- Rodrigo Calheiros, Western Sydney University, Australia
- Marilia Curado, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Ivana Dusparic, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Omar Elharrouss, UAE University, UAE
- Fodil Fadli, Qatar University, Qatar
- Stefano Iannucci, University of Rome III, Italy
- Carlos Kamienski, Federal University of ABC, Brazil
- Wei Li, University of Sydney, Australia
- Zoltán Mann, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Wathiq Mansoor, University of Dubai, UAE
- Radu Prodan, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
- Christian Esteve Rothenberg, University of Campinas, Brazil
- Josef Spillner, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- Javid Taheri, Karlstad University, Sweden
- Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
- Karima Velasquez, University of Coimbra, Portugal

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