[hpc-announce] CCGrid2025: Call For Papers

Maria Fazio mfazio at unime.it
Sun Nov 24 17:38:16 CST 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

The CCGrid2025 conference (The 25th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing) will go north in 2025 to the beautiful city of Tromsø, Norway. It will be held at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway. So save the date of the next CCGrid event from May 19 to May 22, 2025. Come celebrate the CCGrid Silver Jubilee while enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and the beauty of North Norway, with 24 hours of sunlight per day, while exchanging with your colleagues ! 


Conference scope:
The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing is a leading forum for disseminating and discussing research activities, resulting in a broad range of topics in distributed systems. Topics of interest ranged from computing Clusters to widely distributed clouds and Internet computing paradigms (like fog/edge computing for Internet of Things (IoT)), applied to societal challenges (like sustainability, security and AI). The conference features keynotes, technical presentations, posters, workshops, the SCALE challenge featuring live demonstrations and collocates the ICFEC conference. 

Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
    •   Track 1: /Hardware Systems and Networking:/ hardware architecture, networking of data centers. Virtualized hardware, Open hardware architectures
    •   Track 2: /Software Systems and Platforms:/ Programming models and runtime systems. Resource management and scheduling. Service-oriented architectures. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Monitoring and evaluation tools, analysis of system/application performance.
    •   Track 3: /Machine Learning (ML) for Systems and Systems for ML:/ abstraction, architecture, design and implementation supporting machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Use of ML/AI applications to enhance the performance of cluster, cloud and Internet-computing systems. ML/AI techniques for workload prediction. Application scheduling, resource placement, resilience in cluster, cloud and Internet-computing systems.
    •   Track 4: /Future Compute Continuum and Seamless Ecosystems:/ /Internet computing frontiers./ Future Internet. Osmotic computing. Post- and Non-Von Neumann computing. Quantum computing.
    •   Track 5: /Sustainable IT Systems: abstraction, architecture, design and implementation./ Ultra-low power systems architectures. Optimization and analysis in green computing. Environment-friendly computing ecosystems. Power, cooling and thermal awareness. Green edge, IoT, Cloud, datacenter and supercomputers.
    •   Track 6: /Applications and Workflows/: Data science. Machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Cyber-physical systems. e-Health. Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled smart systems and applications.
  Announced Keynote Speakers
    •   Kai Li, Princeton University
    •   Anne C. Elster, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU): HPC and Geophysical Forecasting
    •   Nathalie Mitton, Inria: Scientific Large Scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies (SLICES)

 Important dates: 
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE, UTC-12 timezone).
    - Deadline paper abstract: 2nd December 2024 
    - Deadline paper: 13th Dec 2024 
    - Author notification: 14th Feb 2025 
    - Camera ready: 14th March 2025 
    - Conference date: 19th to 22nd of May 2025
General Chairs
    •     Issam Raïs, UiT the Arctic University of Norway
    •     Laurent Lefevre, Inria
    •     Ivona Brandic, TU Wien
Program Committee chairs
    •     Manish Parashar, Utah University
    •     Alba C. M. A. Melo, University of Brasíla
    •     Matteo Sereno, Università di Torino
Workshop chairs
    •     Hélène Coullon, IMT Atlantique
    •     Lars Ailo, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Please visit : https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://ccgrid2025.uit.no/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!cUAQuXuRwDzRVLzJygpr5QrBbGhlEYVqBivnoOqrvuipsctN0OWc9CweIUUXcvW1vU3dhOvu3XNOk_bcyzl3rw$  for more details and updates

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