[hpc-announce] CALL FOR PAPERS Generative AI in Cybersecurity - Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue

Wisser, Grace gwisser at utk.edu
Wed Dec 18 07:44:46 CST 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue
Generative AI in Cybersecurity



The world of cybersecurity is changing very rapidly, and the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) represents a major transition in defense systems as well as attack tactics. Over the last decade, AI developments, especially through chatbots such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and DALL-E, have permeated several sectors, enhancing efficiency in operations and availing innovative approaches. This transformative technology is now at the center stage of cybersecurity by offering unprecedented possibilities and new challenges. Generative AI’s power transcends traditional use cases, fortifying defenses but also creating fresh angles for cyber threats. This special issue intends to examine the multifaceted influence of GenAI on cybersecurity by providing a comprehensive understanding of its potential to transform threat detection, mitigation, and response strategies. In particular, we are looking for ground-breaking studies that address topics including vulnerability assessment, automated hacking, ransomware and malware generation, as well as automation in cyber-defense mechanisms. There is also a need for papers examining the ethical concerns surrounding the use of GenAI within the cybersecurity landscape, hence promoting a balanced approach toward this potent tool.

The topics of Interest Include, but are not limited to:

*Vulnerability Assessment: Enhancing detection and assessment methodologies with GenAI.
*Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks: Crafting sophisticated social engineering attacks and developing prevention strategies.
*Automated Hacking and Attack Payload Generation: Automating hacking processes and generating complex attack payloads.
*Ransomware and Malware Code Generation: Creating and detecting advanced malicious software.
*Polymorphic Malware Generation: Generating and neutralizing dynamic, AI-generated threats.
*Cyberdefense Automation: Automating and enhancing defense mechanisms through AI integration.
*Cybersecurity Reporting and Threat Intelligence: Leveraging AI for advanced threat intelligence and proactive defense.
*Secure Code Generation and Detection: Employing AI for secure code generation and vulnerability detection.
*Identification of Cyber Attacks: Real-time attack identification and response using AI.
*Developing Ethical Guidelines: Establishing ethical norms for AI deployment in cybersecurity.
*Enhancing Cybersecurity Technologies: Augmenting existing tools and methodologies with AI.
*Incident Response Guidance: Utilizing AI in incident response and management.
*Malware Detection: Advancing detection techniques with AI.
*Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Generative AI: Comprehensive analysis of societal impacts and ethical considerations.


S. Leili Mirtaheri
University of Calabria, Italy
leili.mirtaheri at dimes.unical.it

Andrea Pugliese
University of Calabria, Italy
andrea.pugliese at unical.it

Valerio Pascucci
University of Utah, United States of America
pascucci at acm.org


Deadline for paper submission: May 15, 2025

Latest acceptance deadline for all papers: September 15, 2025



The FGCS’s submission system (Editorial Manager®) will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from November 1, 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type VSI: GenAI in Cybersecurity.

All submissions deemed suitable by the editors to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production to be published in the special issue.



GUIDE FOR AUTHORS: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.elsevier.com/journals/future-generation-computer-systems/0167-739X/guide-for-authors__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bBbGuyXyvd0OSt7TpqZGuoYFXsqnCVIxra6ZUUf00WRbbSnpVerZKexVkzzoDu_9HBrw1Ma44YWKxTwFycBNSzg$ 

* Please use Elsevier's Latex Style with "5p, times" option. So your document should start with \documentclass[5p,times]{elsarticle}
* You are recommended to use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bBbGuyXyvd0OSt7TpqZGuoYFXsqnCVIxra6ZUUf00WRbbSnpVerZKexVkzzoDu_9HBrw1Ma44YWKxTwFt8V8URg$ ) to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX (https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://www.bibtex.org/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bBbGuyXyvd0OSt7TpqZGuoYFXsqnCVIxra6ZUUf00WRbbSnpVerZKexVkzzoDu_9HBrw1Ma44YWKxTwF4Y0JoUU$ ) to generate your bibliography.
* Our LaTeX  (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.elsevier.com/latex__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bBbGuyXyvd0OSt7TpqZGuoYFXsqnCVIxra6ZUUf00WRbbSnpVerZKexVkzzoDu_9HBrw1Ma44YWKxTwFB8AdnCc$ ) site has detailed submission instructions, templates and other information.
* Article submitted to FGCS should be strictly double column, single spaced and limited to 18 pages; including all figures, tables, references.
* A manuscript longer than 18 pages will not be considered for review and returned to author to be revised to the correct format.

To view a complete list of the Call for Papers for Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, visit: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/future-generation-computer-systems/about/call-for-papers__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bBbGuyXyvd0OSt7TpqZGuoYFXsqnCVIxra6ZUUf00WRbbSnpVerZKexVkzzoDu_9HBrw1Ma44YWKxTwFLHXYSS4$ 

Submitted on behalf of Michela Taufer, Editor-in-Chief, Future Generation Computer Systems

Grace Wisser
Assistant Director, Global Computing Lab
Assistant to Editor in Chief, FGCS Journal

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