[hpc-announce] Call for applications: IEEE Cluster 2024 Student Mentoring Program

Abhinav Bhatele bhatele at cs.umd.edu
Wed Aug 7 23:40:50 CDT 2024

Call for Applications for the IEEE Cluster 2024 Student Mentoring
Program and Travel Grants

Application deadline: August 16, 2024
Notifications: August 30, 2024

Apply here: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/ieeecluster__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!b-GZXPYtjd0kATMTeuVqHDEgt4BE6hhAVmpwlr8VrVo86LXhtfZzQASL4rSHLy08tKwHd6w1-xV6gGrNAcaWGSa4Ag$ 

The Student Mentoring Program at IEEE Cluster 2024 is a program for
graduate and undergraduate students to help them in building their
scientific career as efficiently as possible. The scientific
presentations and interactions with conference attendees help them
develop their technical skills. The Student Mentoring Program
complements and extends this development by fostering the integration
of the students into the Cluster scientific community, advising them
to plan their professional career in academia or industry, improving
their scientific communication skills, and providing them with the
right entry points for efficient professional networking.

Applying to the Mentoring Program
The Student Mentoring Program is not just another publication venue.
All interested students can apply through a simple process, by
providing a short description of why they want to participate in the
conference, the id(s) of any works submitted to the conference or
associated workshops, the name of their advisor, and their CV. The
student’s adviser should endorse the student’s application and will be
contacted once the application is submitted.

Student Travel Awards
For students at U.S. institutions:
Thanks to the National Science Foundation, several travel awards will
be available for students enrolled in U.S. institutions (at the time
of the conference) and participating in the Student Mentoring Program
at the IEEE Cluster 2024 conference. Notice of travel awards will be
made prior to the conference. The travel awards will be distributed
post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual flights,
registration, and lodging expenses submitted by the student. Both
graduate and undergraduate students can apply.

For students at Japanese institutions:
Thanks to the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS), dozens
of travel awards will be available for students enrolled in Japanese
institutions. Students with accepted papers in the main conference
track or in workshops, or students with posters are eligible for the
travel award. Notice of travel awards will be made prior to the
conference. In the case of many applications, we will conduct a
selection process under the advice of the technical program committee
of the conference. The travel awards will be distributed
post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel
and accommodation expenses submitted by the student. Please note that
this award will not cover the registration fee. Both graduate and
undergraduate students can apply.

Note: The awards will be competitive in the sense that not every
applicant is guaranteed to receive a Travel Award. Acceptance to the
student program is separate from getting a travel award.

Contact: cluster2024-student at ml.riken.jp

Student Program Co-Chairs:
Abhinav Bhatele, University of Maryland, USA
Teruo Tanimoto, Kyushu University, Japan

Student Funding Liaison:
Weikuan Yu, Florida State University, USA

Abhinav Bhatele, cs.umd.edu/~bhatele
Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park

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