[hpc-announce] CFP: SC24 Call for Panel Proposals

Preeti pmalakar at cse.iitk.ac.in
Mon Apr 15 07:35:30 CDT 2024

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Dear Colleagues,

Consider submitting a panel proposal for SC24, Atlanta, 17-22 Nov 2024. 
The submission deadline is approaching (April 26).

SC runs one of the highest number of panels at any computing-related 
These highly engaging panel discussions enable lively interactions among 
the community members at the SC Conference.

Panels topics include

- Parallel programming methods, models, languages, and environments
- HPC software and runtime systems
- Reproducibility and confirming studies
- Architectures
- Ethics and societal impact of HPC
- Debugging and correctness tools
- Performance evaluation, scalability, and portability
- High-performance I/O, storage, archive, and file systems
- Applications and application frameworks
- Algorithms, numerical methods, and libraries
- Scalable data analytics and management
- AI, machine learning, and deep learning
- Scientific and information visualization
- Power use monitoring and optimization
- Systems administration and/or resource management of HPC systems
- Fault tolerance, reliability, maintainability, and adaptability
- Cloud, data center, and distributed computing
- High-performance networking
- Computer and network security
- Novel forms of computing
- Embedded and/or reconfigurable systems
- Collaborative environments and strategies
- HPC education
- “Hot topics” of current interest to the SC community
- Creating a diverse and inclusive HPC community

We also encourage you to consider submitting to some of the emerging/hot 
topics of current interest:

- High performance networking (and new interconnects)
- Scientific visualization and scalable data analysis
- HPC education
- Emerging architectures (accelerators, cooling,..)
- High performance I/O and storage architecture
- Performance analysis at exascale
- Quantum computing

The Panels Committee strongly promotes diversity and inclusivity in
all aspects. We particularly welcome and encourage panels that include 
diverse panelists,
particularly those typically underrepresented at the conference.

For more details, visit: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://sc24.supercomputing.org/program/panels/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!dLlnp9u4UDeIdvkndaoqDnfmtB56S8JtrNcBUgE9lWe6kkOBkjHDi7ZUwCB-4TVHx1PTTfDypweKmexc1VxZkmOHbF6cyw$ 

- April 26, 2024: Submissions close
- June 7, 2024: Notifications no later than
- November 19 - 22, 2024: SC24 Panels

Contact the chairs at panels at info.supercomputing.org


Preeti Malakar, IIT Kanpur (pmalakar at cse.iitk.ac.in), SC24 Panels Chair
David Abramson, University of Queensland (david.abramson at uq.edu.au), 
SC24 Panels Vice Chair

SC24 Panels Committee

Gabrielle Allen, University of Wyoming
Vito Bongiorno, Retired
Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), University of Chicago
Elizabeth Jessup, University of Colorado
Sven Karlsson, Technical University of Denmark
Divya M G, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Bangalore
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Manish Parashar, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI), 
University of Utah
Vijayalakshmi Saravanan, University of South Dakota, Rochester Institute 
of Technology
Jesper Larsson Träff, Technical University Wien (Vienna University of 
Osman Unsal, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, University of Amsterdam


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