[hpc-announce] [Deadline Extended] QServ '23: International Workshop on Quality of Service-Aware Serverless Computing (co-located with UCC 2023)

Matteo Nardelli nardelli at ing.uniroma2.it
Fri Sep 8 10:15:00 CDT 2023

* International Workshop on Quality of Service-Aware Serverless
Computing (QServ '23)
* https://qserv23.github.io

The International Workshop on Quality of Service-Aware Serverless
Computing (QServ '23) is co-located with the 16th IEEE/ACM
International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023)
that will take place in Taormina (Italy) on December 4-7, 2023.

Important Dates
 - Submission deadline: September 19, 2023
 - Notification to authors: October 25, 2023
 - Camera-ready deadline: October 31, 2023
 - Workshop: December 4-7, 2023 (TBA)

All times in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) timezone.

Scope and Topics

Serverless computing has gained enormous popularity in recent years,
promising seamless scalability, fine-grained pricing, and simplified
management. According to the serverless paradigm, providers should
take care of most operational issues, with users only responsible for
deploying applications and specifying desired Quality of Service (QoS)
levels. This fostered the development of the so-called
Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) computing paradigm, that is nowadays
offered by most popular cloud providers.

However, current implementations of serverless struggle to fully
realize this computing paradigm vision, and serverless adoption for
many applications is slowed down. For instance, latency-sensitive
applications cannot tolerate unpredictable cold start delays of FaaS
platforms; also, stateful serverless applications are currently not
well supported.

These challenges become even more difficult to solve as we consider
the adoption of serverless at the edge of the network as well as in
the emerging cloud-edge continuum, where resource constraints and
their heterogeneity represent a serious challenge for QoS guarantees.

In this workshop, we solicit high quality contributions that fit with
the overarching theme of guaranteeing QoS levels in serverless
computing systems and applications.

We invite submissions of original research papers, as well as vision
papers and experience reports.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

 - Performance modeling, isolation, and optimization for serverless
 - Resource management for serverless systems in cloud and edge environments
 - Middleware and frameworks for QoS-aware serverless
 - Serverless architectures in the cloud-edge continuum
 - Scheduling, offloading, and elasticity techniques for serverless
 - Reliable, fault-tolerant, and available serverless systems
 - Energy-efficient and sustainable serverless computing
 - QoS-aware serverless in Internet of Things applications
 - Artificial Intelligence solutions for QoS-aware orchestration of
serverless functions

Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit papers electronically through the following

Submitted manuscripts must represent original unpublished research that is
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Manuscripts are
submitted in PDF format and may not exceed six (6) pages, including figures,
tables, and references, in the standard ACM format for conference
All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on correctness,
originality,technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results,
of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees.
submission is subject to a determination that you are not under any
by ACM.

The workshop adopts a double-blind review process, where neither authors nor
reviewers know each other’s identities. This means that papers must not list
or otherwise identify the authors. References to previous work should be
in the third person so as to not reveal the identities of the authors.
Submissions that are not anonymous may be rejected without review.

At least one author of each paper must be registered for the conference
registration; non-workshop, non-student) in order for the paper to be
in the proceedings.

Workshop Co-Chairs
- Matteo Nardelli (Bank of Italy, Italy)
- Gabriele Russo Russo (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
- Carlo Vallati (University of Pisa, Italy)

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