[hpc-announce] [Call For Participation][IPDRM 2023] 6th International Workshop on Emerging Parallel Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware at SC23

Monsalve Diaz, Jose M jmonsalvediaz at anl.gov
Wed Nov 1 08:17:00 CDT 2023


6th International Workshop on Emerging Parallel Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware IPDRM 2023.

Collocated with SC23, Denver, OR, USA

November 12, 2023 at 2:00 PM MST

https://ipdrm16.github.io and https://sc23.supercomputing.org/session/?sess=sess428

The International Workshop on Emerging Parallel Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware (IPDRM) is the annual workshop focused on novel and disruptive ideas in parallel, distributed, and heterogeneous runtime systems. Ever since the creation of this workshop in 2017, we have been attracting researchers from academia and industry, with non-conventional contributions to different fields, including, but not limited to dataflow, MPI based communication and scheduling, and hardware/software co-design. We encourage the participation of any original manuscript that highlights middleware for novel accelerators and appliances, network utilization, and IO.

This year’s version will be held in Denver, CO, as part of the Supercomputing SC23 conference.

====== TOPICS ======

This workshop will emphasize novel, disruptive research ideas over incremental advances. We will solicit papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following areas:

Frameworks and software techniques bridging HPC and AI/ML

- Novel data ingestion pipelines

- Interactions between python and lower-level languages

- Runtime considerations for improving AI/ML performance

- HCP Memory movement/data management techniques for AI/ML

- Intersection of AI/ML and HPC

- Novel distribution of AI/ML on HPC resources

Runtime System/Middleware Techniques, Design, and Evaluation

- Runtime/middleware for exascale/large scale computing

- Runtime/middleware for accelerators or appliances

- Network and IO middleware technology

- Modeling and performance analysis of runtime systems

- Interactions between runtime systems and middleware

- Runtime-architecture co-design

- Tuning and optimization studies

- Workflow/application-centric challenges and solutions for runtime systems

Constraints and Issues for Runtime Systems and Middleware

- Heterogeneous resource management

- Data movement

- Memory models

- Scalability

Design Principles and Programming Support

- High-level programming models (e.g., thread and task-based models, data parallel models, and stream programming) and domain-specific languages

- Programming frameworks, parallel programming, and design methodologies

- Methodologies and tools for runtime and middleware design, implementation, verification, and evaluation

====== PROGRAM ======

14:00-15:00     Distinguished Speaker: DeepSpeed4Science: Enabling Future Large-Scale Scientific Discovery through Sophisticated AI System Technologies. (Shuaiwen Leon Song, Microsoft)

15:00-15:30     Break

15:30-16:00     Invited Talk: HPC Software Scaling for ML Using CXL 3.0 GFAM. (Patrick Estep, Micron)

16:00-16:20     Dask-Extended External Tasks for HPC/ML In Transit Workflows. (Amal Gueroudji, ANL; Julien Bigot, CEA; Bruno Raffin, INRIA; Robert Ross, ANL)

16:20-16:50     Invited Talk: Enabling Large Dynamic Neural Network Training with Learning-Based Runtime Memory Management. (Dong Li, University of California Merced)

16:50-17:10     MPI-xCCL: A Portable MPI Library over Collective Communication Libraries for Various Accelerators.   (Chen-Chun Chen, Kawthar Shafie Khorassani, Pouya Kousha, Qinghua Zhou, Jinghan Yao, Hari Subramoni, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, OSU)

17:10-17:29     A gem5 Implementation of the Sequential Codelet Model: Reducing Overhead and Expanding the Software Memory Interface. (Dawson Fox, UDEL; Jose Monsalve Diaz, ANL; Xiaoming Li, UDEL)

17:29-17:30     Closing


General Chairs:    Barbara Chapman, HPE

                   Shirley Moore, University of Texas at El Paso

                   Eun Jung Park, Qualcomm

                   Joseph Manzano, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Program Chair:    Joshua Suetterlein, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Publicity Chair:  Jose Monsalve Diaz, Argonne National Laboratory

Publication Chair: Oceane Bel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Diversity Chair:   Cimone Wright-Hamor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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