[hpc-announce] Supercomputing Spotlights: by Eng Lim Goh, June 14

Rio Yokota rioyokota at rio.gsic.titech.ac.jp
Tue May 30 00:56:54 CDT 2023

Title: Generative AI : Disruptions and Implications for Institutions,
Enterprises and Society
Presenter:  Eng Lim Goh, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2:30-3:10 pm UTC (30 min talk + 10 min questions)
8:30 am PDT / 11:30 am EDT / 2:30 pm UTC / 5:30 pm CEST

Participation is free, but registration is required
Registration link:

Supercomputing Spotlights is a new webinar series featuring short
presentations that highlight the impact and successes of
high-performance computing (HPC) throughout our world. Presentations,
emphasizing achievements and opportunities in HPC, are intended for
the broad international community, especially students and newcomers
to the field. Supercomputing Spotlights is an outreach initiative of
SIAG/Supercomputing (https://siag-sc.org) …  Join us!

Abstract: Generative AI so named because it can generate text, images,
and music. Currently, they are typically implemented with Large
Language Models; a subset of Foundation Models. In the case of text
generation, massive data and computation are devoted to training it
for vocabulary, grammar, then behavior and even personality. As a
result, its responses to your prompts are or can seem highly
human-like and creative. This feature has made it and will make it a
valuable tool in many ways. However, with this power come disruptions
that are rippling across institutions, enterprises, and society. In
light of them, we will discuss deployment, scalability,
sustainability, and governance of Generative AI.

Bio: Dr. Eng Lim Goh is HPE Senior Vice President for value from data
and AI for customers. As principal investigator of the experiment
aboard the International Space Station to operate autonomous
supercomputers on long duration space travel, he was awarded NASA’s
Exceptional Technology Achievement Medal. His other work includes
co-inventing blockchain-based swarm learning applications for finance
and healthcare, which was featured on the cover of Nature; overseeing
deployment of AI to Formula 1 racing; industrial application of
technologies behind a champion poker bot; co-designing the systems
architecture for simulating a biologically detailed mammalian brain;
predicting predisposition to vaccine side effects by machine learning
of gene expression data; and co-inventing a data-intensive fabric for
Exascale systems. Extracting value from data is one common factor of
all the above. He has eleven U.S. patents, of which 4 are ESG related;
plus 2 others pending.

Best regards,
The SIAG/SC officers for 2022-2023
Lois Curfman McInnes (chair)
Hatem Ltaief (vice chair)
Michael Bader (program director)
Rio Yokota (secretary)

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