[hpc-announce] 5th International Workshop on Cloud, IoT and Fog Systems (and Security) - CIFS 2023

Sakman Mehmet Cihan (sakm) sakm at zhaw.ch
Mon Jul 31 12:06:53 CDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

5th International Workshop on Cloud, IoT, and Fog Systems (and Security)

— CIFS 2023<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch/cifs2023/> (previous editions: CIFS 2022<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch/>>, CIFS 2019<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch/cifs2019/>, CIFS 2020<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch/cifs2020/>, CIFS 2021<http://cifs.servicelaboratory.ch/cifs2021/>)

Co-located with the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing — <https://www.ucc-conference.org/> UCC 2023 <https://ucc-conference.org/>

Taormina (Messina), Italy, December 4-7 2023



Powerful data paths along sensor-edge/fog-cloud continuums are becoming mainstream in all application domains. In agriculture, mobility, retail and government, the acquisition of data in Internet of Things (IoT) networks and their transmission and (pre-)processing along pipelines or workflows is increasingly maturing from do-it-yourself setups towards holistically orchestrated, managed, scheduled and secured systems. Advanced capabilities such as distributed in-memory processing, aggregation, learning and insights generation are becoming available for such distributed contexts, and modern cloud development frameworks support the onboarding of edge, IoT and robotic equipment, leading to programmable elastic Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that support dynamic data paths and computing topologies.

The annual CIFS workshop gathers researchers and innovators around the challenges of building and operating complex computing topologies and associated cloud architectures around the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, bridging the digital world with our environment. It calls for research and experience reports, from the algorithm level to completed production systems, in order to advance the knowledge resulting from progress in overcoming the challenges. CIFS also welcomes data-centric studies, simulations, testbeds and similar helpful software solutions.

This year, in addition to all regular topics, we would like to discuss in particular networking equipment and communication/computation strategies in relation to IoT and edge/fog processing. There are many open challenges related to resilience in crises and emergency situations, governance and operational concerns such as SDN and the secure integration of networking equipment and edge AI platforms with cloud platforms.

Topics of Interest

We solicit research papers (up to 6p) and technical industry reports (typically 3-6p) on the following topics:

  *   IoT-fog-cloud pipelines, architectures, and continuums in various domains, from industrial deployments to smart cities

  *   IoT-cloud and IoT-edge/fog-cloud networking and computation placement

  *   Smartness, adaptivity, fluidity, and dynamicity for processing sensed data

  *   Computing paradigms: multi-cloud, fog, serverless, osmotic, continuum computing

  *   Applications in digital mobility, retail, agriculture, urban planning, and other CPS fields

  *   End-to-end reliability and security concepts across IoT-fog-cloud continuums and networked CPS and CPSoS

  *   Physical and digital security of IoT deployments, smart meters, and other end devices

  *   Privacy, scalability, and economics considerations as well as trade-offs

  *   Cross-border, cross-provider, and cross-stack security issues

  *   Secure and safety-aware cloud/fog computing concepts for emergency situations

  *   Security, resilience, and governance in clouds and continuums

  *   Distributed messaging and data storage security and proof-of-ownership/provision/retrievability

Submission Information

Submitted manuscripts must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format and may not exceed six (6) ACM-formatted *double-column* pages, including figures, tables, and references. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, rigor in analysis, quality of results, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. Your submission is subject to a determination that you are not under any sanctions by ACM. Accepted papers will later be converted into single-column format through the ACM TAPS process and therefore need to use the new templates that are single-column by default. Switch them to double-column for authoring your paper. This is possible in both the Word and the LaTeX templates.

Submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cifs2023<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cifs2023>

Important Dates

  *   Paper Submissions Due September 8, 2023

  *   Acceptance Notification: October 4, 2023

  *   Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due October 21, 2023

All deadlines are indicated as AOE - Anywhere On Earth.

Technical Programme Committee

  *   Nitin Auluck, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India

  *   Daniel Batista, IME - USP, Brazil

  *   Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Chalmers, Sweden

  *   Jens Jensen, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK

  *   Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Coordinated Science Laboratory, USA

  *   Stephen Kirkman, Regis University, USA

  *   Kostas Magoutis, University of Crete, Greece

  *   Andras Markus, University of Szeged, Hungary

  *   Edvard Martins de Oliveira, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil

  *   Mahyar Moghaddam, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

  *   Atay Özgövde, Bogazici University, Turkey

  *   Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK

Best regards,
Workshop organizers,

Mehmet Cihan Sakman, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Josef Spillner, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Cristina Abad, ESPOL, Ecuador
Urs Seiler, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Switzerland

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