[hpc-announce] Call for paper and lightning talk submissions- CANOPIE-HPC at SC23

Laurie Stephey lastephey at lbl.gov
Fri Jul 14 16:21:47 CDT 2023

5th workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for
Isolated Environments in HPC (CANOPIE-HPC) at SC23

CANOPIE-HPC is a workshop focusing on containerization,
virtualization, and other methods to implement user-defined,
bring-your-own, or isolated software environments. Submissions will be
peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in IEEE Computer

Program chairs: Alberto Madonna and Laurie Stephey

Important Dates

Submission opens: June 1, 2023
Submission closes (hard deadline - no extensions): August 18, 2023
Decisions: September 8, 2023
Camera ready deadline: September 29, 2023
Workshop date: November 13, 2023

Note: Items are due at 23:59 “anywhere on Earth” on the specified
date. Specifically, this is 23:59 IDLW, i.e., UTC–12:00.


The ongoing revolution enabled via containerization, virtualization,
and new orchestration models has dramatically changed how applications
and services are delivered and managed across the computing industry.
This revolution has established a new ecosystem of tools and
techniques with new, flexible and agile approaches, and continues to
gain traction in the HPC community. In addition to HPC-optimized
container runtimes, emerging technologies like Kubernetes create a new
set of opportunities and challenges. While adoption is growing,
questions regarding best practices, foundational concepts, tools, and
standards remain. Our goal is to promote the adoption of these tools
and introspect the impact of this new ecosystem on HPC use cases. This
workshop serves as a key venue for presenting late-breaking research,
sharing experiences and best practices, and fostering collaboration in
this field. Our fifth workshop iteration will continue to emphasize
real-world experiences and challenges in adopting and optimizing these
new approaches for HPC.


The scope of this workshop is to better understand and improve
paradigms around containerization, virtualization and orchestration
for HPC use cases. The most well-known approaches are containers and
virtualization, but anything to further these goals is welcome.

Topics include but are not limited to:
* Container runtimes, virtual machine implementations, and other
related technologies
* Perspectives from container framework developers and  maintainers
* System and architecture portability
* Scientific reproducibility, including FAIR considerations
* Experience reports from users, developers, and system administrators
* Lessons from exascale
* HPC in the cloud and/or cloud in the HPC
* GPUs, accelerators, proprietary interconnects, and other hardware
* Security considerations when adopting container technologies,
including zero trust models
* Container and virtual machine image management, including
distribution and archiving
* Workflows, including interaction between traditional HPC
applications and containerized workflows or edge services
* Performance and scaling studies with containers and/or VMs
* Orchestration, scheduling, and/or resource management of jobs and
* New interaction techniques such as web apps (Jupyter, Rstudio, etc.)
* Community standards, including OCI
* Role of containerization in DevOps (ex: Gitlab CI/CD)
* Efforts to provide and curate containers
* Improving container user experience
* Future of containers (ex: web assembly, portability)
* Perspectives on container outreach- convincing native application
users/devs to make the jump

Workshop format

Although in the past several years CANOPIE-HPC has followed a more
traditional format, based on SC22 attendee feedback we plan to adjust
the format for SC23 to include additional lightning talks, panels, and
open discussion. The content of technical sessions will be driven by
the mix of accepted submissions curated by the program chairs. We will
offer two submission tracks: one for full paper submissions, and one
for lightning talks.

Full paper submissions will receive at least 3 peer reviews in the
SC23 submission system on the basis of scientific validity, impact to
the field, reproducibility, and opportunity for interactive discussion
at the workshop. The program committee will discuss the submissions
and their reviews over a conference call moderated by the program
chairs; final proceedings will be selected by majority vote of the
committee. As in all previous years, accepted submissions will be
published by the IEEE Computer Society for inclusion in the IEEE
Digital Library. Artifacts for reproducibility (digital archives of
code, README instructions, images, etc.) will be a significant factor
in paper acceptance into the workshop. Further details are available
in the “Submission procedure” section below.

For lightning talks, participants can submit an abstract that will be
reviewed by the program committee. Our lightning talk track is meant
to showcase demos, exploratory and late-breaking work, pain-points or
shortcomings in current container/virtualization technologies, and
projects that may not be fleshed-out enough to warrant a paper
submission. We especially encourage lightning talk submissions from
early career participants and people who are relatively new to the
world of containers/virtualization.

Diversity and inclusivity

Similarly to the broader field of HPC, the organizers recognize
concerns with diversity and inclusion in CANOPIE-HPC. We want to
continue to improve diversity and inclusion at leadership, program
committee, and participation levels. The expanded lightning talks
session is intended to lower the barrier to entry in the workshop and
involve more early-career and non-expert participants. We also plan to
include an open discussion section to invite additional audience
questions and participation.

Virtual attendance (another opportunity for inclusion) will be
guaranteed. We’ll make sure we have someone from the program community
monitoring the chat throughout the workshop to address any issues or
questions from our virtual attendees.

Submission procedure

Accepted manuscripts will be published in IEEE Computer Society.

Upload your paper in PDF format. Papers must use the new [ACM proceedings
templates](https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) and
the CCS2012 guide.
Manuscript length must
be between 6 and 12 pages, including references and figures.

We enthusiastically welcome original, high-quality submissions within the scope
above. These may describe complete studies; work-in-progress research; position
papers on controversial, emerging, or hot topics; state of the practice; or any
other manuscript the authors believe should be included in the CANOPIE-HPC
program. We encourage submissions from academia, industry, government, and/or
any other type of institution.  Each manuscript will be assessed using peer
review by program committee members (or outside reviewers, if needed) on the
basis of scientific validity, impact to the field, reproducibility,
inclusivity, and opportunity for useful and lively discussion at the workshop.
Review will be single-masked; i.e., reviewers will know authors’ identities,
but not vice versa. Authors should not anonymize their manuscripts. Each
manuscript submission will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and can
expect to have at least 3 reviews.

In conjunction with the SC Reproducibility Initiative, submissions should be as
transparent as possible regarding all methods. Submissions are also expected to
provide reproducibility artifacts such as reproduction instructions, source
code, build recipes, and/or container images. These should be included as part
of the submission in the form of
[Artifact Description/Artifact Evaluation
which adhere to an established format adopted by SC23.

The program committee will discuss the submissions and their reviews and select
the program over a video conference meeting. Submissions will be assessed
as-is, with no expectation of substantive revision after peer review, though
some submissions may be accepted conditional on specified changes

Submit your [SC23 CANOPIE-HPC

Submit your [SC23 CANOPIE-HPC lightning


Laurie A. Stephey
Scientific Data Architect
NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

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