[hpc-announce] TCHPC Student Travel Awards for SC22

Aditya Devarakonda devaraa at wfu.edu
Thu Sep 1 10:14:51 CDT 2022

Important Dates

Application Deadline: September 25th 2022, AOE
Award Notification: September 30th, 2022

TCHPC will be sponsoring 8-10 student travel awards to attend the SC22
(Supercomputing 2022) conference scheduled for Dallas, Texas from
November 13-18, 2022. We are looking to fund a diverse group including
graduate and undergraduate students, from USA and international
universities. Preference will be given to students who are first-time
attendees and/or from minority or underrepresented groups. Giving a
presentation at SC is not a requirement. The award will cover travel
costs up to $1000 for recipients from North American Universities and
$1500 for recipients outside of North America. The award includes
complimentary technical program registration to SC22.

To apply, please visit: https://tc.computer.org/tchpc/home-page/page-of-awards/

Students receiving the award are expected to (i) attend the TCHPC
career panel and (ii) fill in a post conference survey on their
experiences at SC22.

The application will open on August 28th and close on September 25th.
We will send notifications by September 30th.  If you have any
questions regarding the travel award, please send an email to
tchpcstudents at computer.org

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