[hpc-announce] [SPAA 2023] Call for Papers

Yan Gu yan.gu at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Oct 7 02:13:12 CDT 2022

The 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA
’23) <https://spaa.acm.org/> will run from June 17th to June 19th, 2023.
Workshops and tutorials will be on June 16th. SPAA 2023 will be held as
part of ACM FCRC <https://fcrc.acm.org/> in Orlando, Florida.

Submissions are sought in all areas of parallel and distributed computing,
including algorithms, data structures, computational models, complexity
theory, architectures, performance engineering, languages, runtime systems,
compilers, programming systems, and networking systems. Papers that are
purely theoretical, purely experimental, or contain both theory and
experiments are welcome.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited

   - Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
   - Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Data Structures
   - Models for Parallel and Distributed Computing
   - Parallel and Distributed Architectures
   - Parallel Programming Languages
   - System Software for Parallel and Concurrent Programming (including
   but not limited to Runtime, Compilers, and Tools)
   - Parallel Programming Frameworks and Domain-Specific Languages
   - Management of Massive Data Sets
   - Transactional Memory Hardware and Software
   - Supercomputer Architecture and Computing
   - Routing and Information Dissemination
   - Peer-to-Peer Systems
   - Mobile, Ad-Hoc, and Sensor Networks
   - Synergy of Parallelism in Algorithms, Programming and Architecture
   - Memory or I/O-efficient algorithms
   - Parallel Complexity Theory
   - Green Computing & Power-Efficient Architectures
   - Instruction Level Parallelism and VLSI
   - Scheduling Algorithms for Parallel Machines

Important Deadlines:

Abstract registration:   January 12, 2023
Full papers submission:  January 16, 2023
Rebuttal:                March 4-7, 2023
Notification:            March 22, 2023
Camera-ready:            April 20, 2023

Submission details:

Please indicate in the title of your submission whether this is a regular
paper or a brief announcement. All regular rejected papers automatically
will be considered for brief announcements. Titles of regular papers which
should not be considered for this option should mention “full paper only”
after the title. To help find the appropriate reviewers for your
submission, after the title, please write the letter corresponding to the
category that your submission falls under: (A) purely theoretical, (B)
purely experimental, or (C) mix of theory and experiments.

Submissions must use the final ACM “sigconf” format from
https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. More details are
forthcoming at https://spaa.acm.org/submission/.

Regular papers:

A regular paper submission must report on original research that has not
been previously or concurrently published.  Submitted manuscripts may not
exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column pages excluding bibliography.
All necessary details to substantiate the claims of the paper should be
included in a clearly marked appendix.
However, the reviewers are not
obligated to read the appendix.

Brief announcements:

Examples of good brief announcements include: work in progress,
announcement of tools/libraries, challenge problems posted to the
community, and corrections to earlier results. Brief announcements may also
include smaller results of interest. Submitted manuscripts may not exceed
three (3) single-spaced double-column pages for brief announcements
including bibliography.

Double-Blind Policy:

SPAA 2023 will employ a lightweight double-blind review process. That
means, the submission should omit authors’ names, affiliations, and contact
information. In addition, if the submission refers to prior work done by
the authors, the reference should be made in third person. Any supplemental
materials, if applicable, should also be anonymized. However, authors are
free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of the paper as they
normally would, such as submitting them to arXiv or giving talks on their
research ideas. The reviewers will be asked to refrain from actively
looking for the identity of the authors via web search.

Program Chair

Julian Shun, MIT

Program Committee

Grey Ballard, Wake Forest University
Guy Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University
Erin Carson, Charles University
Yi-Jun Chang, National University of Singapore
Rezaul Chowhury, Stony Brook University
Rathish Das, University of Liverpool
Maryam Dehnavi, University of Toronto
Laxman Dhulipala, University of Maryland, College Park
Dave Dice, Oracle Labs
Martín Farach-Colton, Rutgers University
Jeremy Fineman, Georgetown University
Mohsen Ghaffari, MIT
Phil Gibbons, Carnegie Mellon University
Seth Gilbert, National University of Singapore
Michael Goodrich, UC Irvine
Yan Gu, UC Riverside
Wen-mei Hwu, UIUC/NVIDIA
Sungjin Im, UC Merced
Rob Johnson, VMware
Jakub Łącki, Google Research
Quanquan Liu, Northwestern University
Prashant Pandey, University of Utah
Erez Petrank, Technion
Kirk Pruhs, University of Pittsburgh
Manish Purohit, Google
David Tench, Rutgers University
Jesper Larsson Traff, TU Wien
Peter Sanders, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Tao Schardl, MIT
Stefan Schmid, TU Berlin
Harsha Simhadri, Microsoft Research
Nodari Sitchinava, University of Hawaii
Edgar Solomonik, UIUC
Michael Spear, Lehigh University
Yihan Sun, UC Riverside
Helen Xu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Additional Notes:

If an author has any further questions regarding the policies listed above,
please contact the PC chair Julian Shun by email (jshun AT mit DOT edu) and
prefix the subject title with “[SPAA 23]”.

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