[hpc-announce] Deadline extended for DSL workshop at Euro-Par (one week to go!)

Nick Brown n.brown at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri May 13 11:58:49 CDT 2022

                             DEADLINE EXTENDED, ONE WEEK TO GO!

      First international workshop on Domain Specific Languages for HPC

             In conjunction with Euro-Par 2022
         22nd or 23rd August 2022, Glasgow Scotland


Submission deadline: Extended to 20th May 2022 AoE
Author notification: July 1st, 2022

We invite the submission papers between 10 and 12 pages long which will
be peer reviewed and authors of accepted papers will be invited to
present at the workshop and their paper published in the workshop's
Springer post-proceedings.

Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) have the potential to revolutionize the
development of scientific high-performance software by providing
scientists with abstractions that are tailored for their specific
problem. By encoding rich domain knowledge by the programmer, the
compilation tool-chain is then able to make effective choices around
parallelism. Furthermore, if designed correctly, then the programmer is
able to express their workload in an architecture-independent fashion,
thus making portability across architectures possible, with the
compilation tool-chain doing much of the heavy lifting.

Many believe that DSLs have the potential to get us closer to achieving
the three P’s; productivity, performance, and performance portability.
Whilst historically this objective has been often seen as somewhat of a
chimera, there is wide acceptance in the HPC community that we need to
solve the programming challenges associated with future exascale
machines. Furthermore, there is a growing consensus that the benefits
that DSLs can deliver are paramount and could be critical in unlocking
the full potential of future supercomputers.

However there are numerous hurdles that must be overcome if DSLs are to
be widely accepted, and this workshop aims to explore these different
facets and enable a conversation between different parts of the
community to help promote DSL adoption. In addition to the contributed
session it is also our plan to hold an interactive hackathon around MLIR
and general DSL tooling.

Call for Papers
We invite you to submit papers between 10 and 12 pages long detailing
original work, including but not limited to the following topics:

* Compiler technologies supporting DSL development
* Appropriate DSL technologies and techniques for targeting HPC and
* Novel domain specific abstractions
* Success stories in porting codes to use a DSL
* Mixing DSLs with other technologies
* Consolidation of underlying DSL software stacks
* Programming heterogeneous architectures using DSLs
* Frameworks and libraries for raising the abstraction level
* Best practice for developing DSLs
* Programmer productivity studies

Paper Submission Guidelines
All papers should be formatted according to Springer LNCS guidelines
and submitted via EasyChair at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=europar2022 (ensure you select
the correct track to submit to which is EuroPar Workshop on Domain
Specific Languages for High Performance Computing 2022).

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to speak at the workshop and
their papers will appear in the workshop post-proceedings published with

More details, are available on the workshop webpage at
https://xdsl.dev/europar/ or email n.brown at epcc.ed.ac.uk
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

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