[hpc-announce] Call for Participation: HPCA 2022

José L. Abellán jlabellan at ucam.edu
Mon Mar 14 06:55:36 CDT 2022

Main Program: https://hpca-conf.org/2022/program/
Keynotes: https://hpca-conf.org/2022/keynotes/
Workshops/Tutorials: https://hpca-conf.org/2022/workshops-tutorials/
Registration here: https://whova.com/portal/registration/ppopp_202204/
Dear community,

We would like to announce that the detailed program of HPCA 2022 is
available online and cordially invite registrations to join us.

We have made every effort to hold HPCA in person, by delaying it, but
unfortunately, it does not seem possible. The “in presence” experience
remains a fundamental aspect of any conference and of HPCA in the specific,
for its many networking moments, as well as for the social activities.
However, the safety of the community is once more a priority. Considering
the current surge in the COVID-19 positive cases in Korea (~300K today),
the US department of state updated the travel advisory. Other countries
view the current situation of Korea in a similar manner.

Although there is no way to mitigate the disappointment of not being able
to meet in person, we trust the rich and interesting program will bring us
together online to comment and contribute to the exciting talks and
conversations with the speakers and authors of the full HPCA 2022 program.

Full paper presentation videos will be uploaded to Whova before the start
of the conference such that attendees can view them prior to the
conference; approximately two weeks before the start of the conference. We
plan on making these videos available (e.g., YouTube) after the conference.

Short presentation videos will be used on the day of the conference during
each session. Each paper is given 15 minutes during the conference. The
session chair will play the video for each paper, followed by live Q&A.
These videos will only be used during the conference itself and not saved

On behalf of the whole HPCA Committee, we thank you very much in advance
for your support and are looking forward to e-welcoming you at HPCA 2022!

Jongse Park, Wenjie Xiong, and José L. Abellán
Publicity chairs
[image: beacon]


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