[hpc-announce] Table of Contents; Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (SCPE); Vol 22 No 1 (2021)

Marcin Paprzycki marcin at amu.edu.pl
Wed Jan 26 15:19:44 CST 2022

Continuing process of catching up (though issues till end of 2021 are 
already published ;-); Table of Contents; Scalable Computing: Practice 
and Experience (SCPE);  Vol 22 No 1 (2021);

ALL papers available (OPEN ACCESS) via: 

A Novel Approach for Cluster Head Selection using Trust Function in WSN
Vipul Narayan, A. K. Daniel

Mitigating Malicious Insider Attacks in the Internet of Things using 
Supervised Machine Learning Techniques
Mir Shahnawaz Ahmad

Estimation of Traffic Matrix from Links Load using Genetic Algorithm
Joseph L Pachuau, Arnab Roy, Gopal Krishna, Anish Kumar Saha

A Microservice Decomposition Method Through Using Distributed 
Representation of Source Code
Omar Al-Debagy, Peter Martinek

A Novel Sentiment Analysis for Amazon Data with TSA based Feature Selection
D. Anand Joseph Daniel, M. Janaki Meena

Distributed Application Checkpointing for Replicated State Machines
Özdinç Çelikel, Tolga Ovatman

Improved Localized Sleep Scheduling Techniques to Prolong WSN Lifetime
Nachiketa Tarasia, Amulya Ratna Swain, Soham Roy, Udit Narayana Kar

* SCPE does NOT charge any fees for publishing Open Access papers and is 
Indexed in SCOPUS and in Clarivate Analytics (former Thompson Reuters) 
Emerging Sources Citation Index *

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