[hpc-announce] [CFP] WAML-HPC at PPAM 2022 - Announcement and Call for Papers or Abstracts

Sergio Iserte siserte at uji.es
Wed Feb 23 14:56:00 CST 2022

We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested

   First Workshop on Applications of Machine Learning and
   Artificial Intelligence in High-Performance Computing


                       Held in conjunction with PPAM 2022
Gdansk, Poland - September 11-14, 2022 - https://ppam.edu.pl


Machine learning and artificial intelligence methods have become pervasive
in recent years due to numerous algorithmic advances and the accessibility
of computational power. In HPC, these methods have been used to replace,
accelerate or enhance existing solvers. This workshop focuses on AI-based
solutions to increase performance, reduce energy consumption, or increase
the accuracy in HPC applications or tools. WAML-HPC22 is the first workshop
jointly organized with the PPAM conference.

The topics include, but are not limited to:
       * Disruptive uses of HPC technologies in the field of AI, ML, or DL.
       * Integration of predictive models to improve performance of
scientific applications in terms of execution time and/or simulation
       * Workflow of applying AI/ML/DL to scientific applications in HPC
       * Characterization and study on how to use HPC techniques with
       * HPC Tools and infrastructure to improve the usability of AI/ML/DL
to scientific applications.
       * Optimized HPC systems design and setup for efficient AI/ML/DL.

Paper Submission and Publication
       * All rules of paper submission of the PPAM conference apply. In
       * Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the Workshop topics.
       * Papers presented at the Workshop will be included into the
conference proceedings and published after the conference by Springer in
the LNCS series.
       * Before the Workshop, abstracts of accepted papers will be posted
on this site.
       * Authors should submit papers (PDF files) using the online
submission tool
       * Papers are not to exceed 10 pages (LNCS style)

Alternatively, abstracts of the size 500 – 800 words or original papers,
are invited for the Workshop. The latter should be prepared according to
the Springer LNCS and PPAM 2022 rules. The authors of accepted abstracts
can feature their contributions in the oral session, but only papers
presented at PPAM 2022 will be included in the proceedings.

Important Dates
   * Paper due May 6, 2022
   * Notification of acceptance June 17, 2022
   * Conference: September 11-14, 2022
   * Camera-ready: November 2, 2022

Workshop Organizers
   * Krzysztof Rojek (Czestochowa Univ. of Technology, Poland)
krojek at icis.pcz.pl
   * Sergio Iserte (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) siserte at uji.es

Program Committee
   * Paweł Gepner - Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
   * Stefano Markidis - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
   * Oriol Lehmkuhl - Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   * Kevin Brown - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
   * Roberto Paredes - Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
   * Christine Harvey - The MITRE Corporation
   * Richard Gerber - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

We are committed to hosting WAML-HPC workshop held in conjunction with PPAM
2022 on-site and will fulfill all the safety standards prescribed by the
government and health authorities pertaining to Covid-19. Therefore, we
strongly encourage submissions from people who plan to attend the
conference in person. For those who cannot travel, we will offer the
possibility of remote participation.

Sergio Iserte, Ph.D. <http:/bit.ly/siserte>
Post-doctoral Fellow in Multiphase Fluids Research Group @ Jaume I
University (UJI), Spain.

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