[hpc-announce] [MiM Free Webinars] In-memory computing talks - Rest of 2021 plan

Nima TaheriNejad nima.taherinejad at tuwien.ac.at
Thu Sep 30 02:52:35 CDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

After a summer break, we resume our biweekly Mondays in Memory (MiM)* 
free webinars on October 18th with a talk by Prof. Shanbhag from the 
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign on "In-memory computing - A 
Shannon-inspired Perspective".

We have two more talks planned for this year;
+++  15/November by Prof. Roy from Purdue University on opportunities 
and challenges of IMC-based machine learning, and
+++  6/December by Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon from TU Dresden on 
fundamentals and code optimization for IMC using Racetrack memories.

For more information please visit
The link to webinars are always posted there shortly before the actual 
webinar starts.

Feel free to forward this information to your students and other 
interested colleagues. We look forward to welcoming you all in our next 
webinars! and stay tuned for more talks next year!

Best regards,
Nima TaheriNejad

*MiM is a biweekly webinar series dedicated to all aspects and 
technologies for in-memory computing and in a broader sense near memory 
computing. MiM is free and open to everyone around the world (no 
registration is required), held on the first and third Monday of each 

Nima TaheriNejad, PhD
Assisstant Professor,
TU Wien, Institute of Computer Technology,

Gusshausstrasse 27-29, Room CA0229
1040 Vienna, Austria, +43-1-58801-384-52

My latest publications (selected short list):
Efficient Respiratory Rate Extraction on Smartwatch @ IEEE EMBC 2020
RoSA: A Framework for Modeling Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Systems @ IEEE ACCESS 2020
Autonomous Systems, Trust and Guarantees @ IEEE Design & Test 2020
UBAR: User and Battery Aware Resource Management for Smartphones @ ACM TECS 2021
Exact Stochastic Computing Multiplication in Memristive Memory @ IEEE Design & Test 2021
SIXOR: Single-cycle In-memristor XOR @ IEEE TVLSI 2021

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