[hpc-announce] [Deadline Extended] ACM BuildSys 2021 - Nov. 17-18 - Coimbra, Portugal - Call for Workshops

Stephen Xia sx2194 at columbia.edu
Thu May 27 18:10:54 CDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We want to let you know that the workshop proposal submission deadline for
the ACM International Conference for Energy-Efficient Built Environments,
Cities, and Transportation (ACM BuildSys) has been extended by two weeks. The
new deadline is June 10, 2021.

Every year, the ACM International Conference on Systems for
Energy-Efficient Built Environments, Cities, and Transportation (ACM
BuildSys) features co-located workshops on new trends or emerging topics of
interest to the BuildSys research community. Continuing this trend, ACM
BuildSys 2021 will include a limited number of high quality, half- or
full-day workshops or tutorials. Workshops are opportunities for exploring
in-depth topics related to the areas of the built environment, cities, and
transportation systems, broadly defined. Tutorials are a venue for
researchers to provide an instructional seminar on a particular, relevant
technology. Both workshops and tutorials will provide international forums
for scientists, engineers, and users to exchange and share their new ideas,
experiences, and research results. The proceedings of the workshop program
will be published by ACM Digital Library along with the conference

BuildSys 2021 Website: http://buildsys.acm.org/2021

Call for Workshops:


Please consider subscribing to our mailing list to get all the latest
updates about BuildSys 2021!

Mailing list: http://eepurl.com/hwla1D


Extended proposal submission deadline: June 10th, 2021 AoE

Notification: June 18th, 2021


The BuildSys 2021 Workshops will likely be co-located with the ACM SenSys
2021 Workshops, but the exact dates are to be determined. We plan to have
both an online presence and a physical presence in Coimbra, Portugal. This
plan may change subject to local COVID-19 guidelines.

You are invited to submit a workshop proposal to the Workshop co-Chairs,
which should contain the following information:

1) Administrative Details

a. Workshop title

b. Main contact details

c. Workshop organizers (including contact details)

d. Intention for a half-day or full-day workshop

2) Workshop Details

a. Workshop theme

b. Suitability to BuildSys audience

c. Draft call for papers

d. A tentative list of TPC members

3) Projections and History

a. Expected number of submitted/accepted papers, papers sessions, keynotes,
panels, etc.

b. If appropriate, a description of the history of the workshop, including
the number of submitted/accepted papers, the number of attendees, the
format, etc.

c. If the same (or similar) workshop was held in the past at an ACM
BuildSys conference, the number of participants each year


Decisions to accept/reject workshop proposals will be made by the Workshops
Co-Chairs in consultation with the Conference and Program Chair based on
the overall quality and compatibility with the ACM BuildSys 2021 program.

The organizers of accepted workshops will be responsible for their own
publicity (e.g. website and call for papers) as well as the reviewing and
paper selection process. For the ACM BuildSys proceedings publication they
need to comply with publication guidelines and timing of the conference.

They will be required to cooperate closely with the Workshops Co-Chairs and
the ACM BuildSys 2021 local organizers to finalize all organizational
details. Workshop registrations and payments will be made via the
Conference registration system, and payments to the facilities will thus be
taken care of by the local BuildSys organizers. In particular, local
organizers may require that all workshops adhere to specific requirements
regarding the general timetable, registration, and catering.


Please email a PDF of your proposal to both:

Bharathan Balaji (bhabalaj at amazon.com)

Sid Chi-Kin Chau (sid.chau at anu.edu.au)

Please use the email subject as: BuildSys 2021 Workshop Proposal. Only
complete proposals with all required information will be considered.


Clayton Miller and Stephen Xia

BuildSys 2021 Publicity Chairs

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