[hpc-announce] [CFP] -- DEADLINE APPROACHING -- RSDHA'21 at SC21: Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures

Mehmet Belviranli belviranli at mines.edu
Mon Aug 23 08:37:19 CDT 2021

                    Call for Papers
                      RSDHA 2021:
       Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely
               Heterogeneous Architectures

             Held in conjunction with SC'21,
             in cooperation with IEEE-TCHPC

                   St. Louis, MO, USA
                   November 19, 2021



Recent trends toward the end of Dennard scaling and Moore's law makes
the current and upcoming computing systems more specialized and complex,
consisting of more complex and heterogeneous architectures in terms of
processors, memory hierarchies, on-chip-interconnection networks,
storage, etc. This trend materialized in the mobile and embedded market,
and it is entering the enterprise, cloud computing, and high performance
computing markets.

RSDHA is a forum for researchers and engineers in both HPC domain and
embedded/mobile computing domain to gather together and discuss (1) the
latest ideas and lessons learned from the previous experience on
traditional (i.e., vertical) and heterogeneity-based (i.e., horizontal)
scaling in their own domains and (2) possible synergistic approach and
interaction between the two domains to find a good balance between
programmability and performance portability across diverse ranges of
heterogeneous systems from mobile to HPC.

--Scope and Aims--

The RSDHA workshop aims to serve as a forum for investigating the
un-explored region of the two-dimensional space of traditional
node-based (i.e., vertical) and heterogeneity-based (i.e., horizontal)
scaling of the current and upcoming HPC and mobile/embedded systems.

The scope of this workshop can be categorized in two primary areas:
1) Horizontal Scaling, which will cover the studies that will enable HPC
applications to utilize a more diverse range of processors, and
2) Vertical Scaling, which will cover the studies that investigate the
application of the traditional HPC techniques to the mobile and
autonomous systems to beat the multi-node scalability challenges as the
mobile/embedded systems become increasingly more connected.

--Research Areas of Interest--

The research areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Performance-portable parallel programming paradigms for newly
emerging accelerator types
- Runtimes for arbitrary degrees of heterogeneous diversity
- Analytical modeling for general-purpose and domain-specific
programmable accelerators
- Application of heterogeneous programming/scheduling techniques used
in embedded and mobile computing to HPC systems and vice versa
- Communication and memory access challenges for clustered execution
of highly diverse platforms
- Analytical resource consumption modeling and decision making
mechanisms for edge-cloud systems
- Compositional resource management and workload balancing across the
collaborative clusters
- Fault tolerant and resilient execution for mobile and autonomous


- Authors are invited to submit original papers of at least 6 pages in
length and at most 10 pages, which include tables, figures, and your
appendices, but excluding references.
- All submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE Conference
Proceedings format (see
- Full papers are expected to be published in the IEEE Xplore digital
archive in collaboration with IEEE TCHPC, pending final acceptance of
workshop proceedings.
- Please submit papers through the Supercomputing 2021 Linklings site:

--Important Dates--

- Submission deadline: September 3, 2021 (AoE)
- Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2021
- Camera-ready deadline: October 11, 2021 (AoE)
- Workshop: November 19, 2021

--Workshop Organizers--

- Mehmet E. Belviranli, Colorado School of Mines, USA
      E-mail: belviranli at mines.edu<mailto:belviranli at mines.edu>
- Seyong Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
      E-mail: lees2 at ornl.gov<mailto:lees2 at ornl.gov>
- Shuaiwen Leon Song, The University of Sydney, Australia
      E-mail: shuaiwen.song at sydney.edu.au<mailto:shuaiwen.song at sydney.edu.au>

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