[hpc-announce] CFP: The 4th Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys'21) co-located with ACM EuroSys 2021

Matthew Danish mrd45 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Dec 9 14:50:15 CST 2020

(Apologize if you receive multiple copies of this call.)
The 4th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking 
(EdgeSys'21) co-located with EuroSys 2021
26 April, 2021 | Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Given the growing demand for real-time gathering and processing of vast 
amount of data from data-intensive services such as autonomous driving 
and augmented reality (AR), we are witnessing a visible trend to push 
computing and data analytics closer to the edge of networks for benefits 
in low latency, reliability, throughput, security and privacy. Supported 
by lightweight virtualization technologies such as Docker Containers and 
Unikernels, the decentralized edge computing paradigm aims to offer 
efficient access to various geographically distributed computing 
resources. In this context, the EdgeSys workshop focuses on the 
confluence of edge computing, decentralized communication and 
distributed computing. For example, there are several industry-led edge 
computing and orchestration platforms such as KubeEdge, Firecracker, and 
Azure Sphere. In the decentralized communication space, systems such as 
Mastodon and Matrix have been developed. There are also lots of academic 
research activities on mobile data and computation offloading (e.g., 
Cloudlet, Talket, ThinkAir, MAUI, and MADNet) and systems that combine 
decentralization and computation/storage offloading together, such as 
IPFS. In addition, as data analytics and machine learning are 
increasingly offered as a service, the next phase of evolution is to 
extend the offerings beyond basic algorithms and push the analytics 
closer to the edge where the data from users and devices is first 
captured. In this regard, edge computing has the potential to enable a 
new class of real-time data analytics platforms and services. We expect 
such edge-driven data analytics will emerge and reshape the existing 
cloud-based data processing pipelines. The knowledge from this new edge 
pipeline can further power future cyber-physical and network services, 
such as cognitive assistance and proactive accident prevention for 
autonomous driving.

The 4th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking 
(EdgeSys'21), in conjunction with ACM EuroSys 2021, aims to bring 
together system researchers, data scientists, engineers and 
practitioners to identify open directions and discuss the latest 
research ideas and results on edge systems, analytics and networking, 
especially those related to novel and emerging technologies and use 
cases. The EdgeSys'21 workshop focuses on systems, analytics and 
networking aspects, covering system architecture, distributed ML 
algorithms, decentralized networking, distributed consensus and ledger 
techniques, edge services and data analysis.

Over the past three years, EdgeSys has been gathering substantial 
community contributions in edge computing domain - especially with high 
quality TPC, keynotes, panel and technical papers from US, Europe, and 
Asia, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft Research, Intel, 
IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Toyota, Telefonica, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Yale, 
UCLA, Cambridge, Imperial, EPFL, TU Delft, MPI, TUM, Tsinghua, Peking 
and Fudan.

The topics include but are not limited to the following:

- System Architecture for Edge Computing
- Serverless and In-network Computing (P4)
- Edge Storage Systems
- Edge-driven Data Analytics
- Distributed Machine Learning for Edge Analytics and Services
- Edge Security and Privacy
- Lightweight Virtualization for Edge Computing
- Distributed Consensus Algorithms and Ledger Technologies
- Infrastructure and Toolkit for Edge Computing and Analytics
- System Performance and Measurement
- Edge Networking and IoT Communications
- (Autonomous) Management of Edge Systems
- TinyML for Edge Systems
- Machine Learning for Edge Networking
- Security and Trust Management

Workshop & TPC Chairs:
Aaron Ding (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Richard Mortier (University of Cambridge, UK)

Steering Committee:
Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge, UK)
Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University, USA)
Steve Uhlig (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Dirk Kutscher (Hochschule Emden, Germany)
Dieter Kranzlmuller (University of Munich | LRZ, Germany)
Peter Pietzuch (Imperial College London, UK)

Technical Program Committee:
Antonio Barbalace (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Yang Chen (Fudan University, China)
Claudio Cicconetti (IIT-CNR, Italy)
Ferran Diego (Telefónica Research, Spain)
Lars Eggert (NetApp, Finland)
Bryan Ford (EPFL, Switzerland)
James Gross (KTH, Sweden)
Paola Grosso (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Geert Heijenk (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Wenjun Hu (Yale University, USA)
Junchen Jiang (University of Chicago, USA)
Sven Karlsson (DTU, Denmark)
Matthias Kovatsch (Huawei Research, Germany)
Shen Li (Facebook, USA)
Grace Liu (CMU, USA)
Jonathan Mace (MPI, Germany)
Iqbal Mohomed (Samsung AI, Canada)
Roberto Morabito (Princeton University | Ericsson, USA)
Shadi Noghabi (Microsoft Research, USA)
Jörg Ott (TUM, Germany)
Qifan Pu (Google, USA)
Eve Schooler (Intel, USA)
Pieter Simoens (imec - Ghent University, Belgium)
Georgios Smaragdakis (TU Berlin, Germany)
Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Nikolay Tcholtchev (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany)
Shiqiang Wang (IBM, USA)
Martijn Warnier (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Chenren Xu (Peking University, China)
Ennan Zhai (Alibaba, USA)
Fusang Zhang (Chinese Academy of Science, China)

Publicity Chair:
Matthew Danish (University of Cambridge, UK)

Web Chair:
Wiebke Toussaint (TU Delft, Netherlands)

Submission Guidelines:
Authors are encouraged to submit papers describing original and 
unpublished research, not currently under review in other venues. In 
particular, innovative, early-stage ideas and preliminary results are 
welcome. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files, formatted 
for 8.5x11-inch paper. The length of the paper must be no more than 6 
pages in the ACM double-column format (10-pt font), including references 
and everything. The authors are suggested to use the ACM Master article 
template. The reviews will be single-blind. The first page must contain 
an abstract, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), as well as 
the corresponding contact information. Each submission will receive 
independent, blind peer reviews from the program committee. Accepted 
papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. At least one of the 
authors of every accepted paper must register and present the paper at 
the workshop.

The program committee will select one paper for the Best Paper Award.

Submission deadline: 26 February 2021
Acceptance notification: 26 March 2021
Camera-ready: 5 April 2021
Workshop date: 26 April 2021
Submission Link: https://edgesys21.hotcrp.com/

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