[hpc-announce] Call For Papers IEEE ESSCA 2020 - Workshop on Emerging Security Solutions for Critical Applications

후세인 라쉬드[RASHEED HUSSAIN] rasheed1984 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 14:46:53 CDT 2020

[Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]


International Workshop On Emerging Security Solutions For Critical
Applications (ESSCA 20) co-located with 8th IEEE Conference on
Communications and Network Security (CNS 2020) Avignon, France -- 29 June-1
July 2020




The recent advancements in computation and communication technologies have
boosted the development of futuristic applications in different domains
such as connected and autonomous cars, IoT, healthcare, finance, and smart
infrastructure. Emerging trends in smart security solutions are the true
enablers for widespread and secure adaptation of these smart applications.
This workshop will bring together a group of experts with an interest in
emerging security solutions for critical applications in various domains
related to everyday life.

This workshop also aims to merge cross-disciplinary, innovative ideas from
industry and academic research for comprehensive security and privacy
assessment of critical applications in different domains. The submitted
research will examine new and innovative smart applications that are
enabled by the latest research and business trends. Also, various
challenges related to security and privacy will be addressed, and
controversial issues in services and applications will be targeted.

Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, mobility and above all security
are the core requirements for all critical applications. The workshop will
highlight the recent developments in this evolving area from the
perspective of design, computation, service, privacy and security.  This
workshop aims to bring together industrial and academic research to cover
security and privacy aspects of critical applications in different domains
such as online and mobile banking, public safety and disaster response,
automotive and transportation, IoT, and smart infrastructure. Furthermore,
this workshop will also highlight the recent developments in the security
of such applications in the afore-mentioned domains. It will provide a
platform for exchanging new ideas and research collaboration. The topics of
interest for the workshop are following, but not limited to:

.              Emerging techniques for automotive (connected and autonomous
cars) security

.              Machine and Deep learning-based security techniques for
critical applications

.              Blockchain-based security in critical applications

.              Internet of Things security through emerging techniques
including, but not limited to, blockchain, machine learning, deep learning

.              Security issues in finance and banking and solutions through
emerging techniques

.              Application Programming Interface (API) security for
critical applications

.              Communication and network security for critical applications
using blockchain and machine/deep learning

.              Authentication and identity management in smart applications

.              Standardization activities for securing smart and critical

Papers are limited to 6 pages in length, excluding references/appendices
(maximum 8 pages in total), in the standard IEEE conference paper format.
All papers accepted for the workshop will be published in the CNS 2020
proceedings and included in IEEExplore.

Important dates:

.              Paper submission deadline: 11 April 2020

.              Notification of acceptance: 3 May 2020

.              Final paper submission: 8 May 2020

.              Workshop: 1 July 2020



Workshop Co-Chairs

Fatima Hussain, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, Canada

Rasheed Hussain, Innopolis University, Russia

Brett Noye, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, Canada

Syed Ali Hassan, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad,


*Rasheed Hussain, PhD*
[image: View Rasheed Hussain's profile on LinkedIn]
*Associate Professor,*
*SMIEEE | ACM Distinguished Speaker,*
*Director, Networks and Blockchain Lab,*
*Director, Institute of Information Security and Cyber-Physical Systems
*Innopolis University (IU),*
Universitetskaya St, 1, Innopolis, Tatarstan, 420500,
Associate Editor: IEEE Access
<http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/aboutJournal.jsp?punumber=6287639>, Internet
Technology Letters (ITL), Wiley
<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2476-1508>, AHSWN,
<http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/ahswn-home/> IEEE Internet
Initiative <https://internetinitiative.ieee.org/newsletter>
Email: r.hussain at innopolis.ru
Home: https://sites.google.com/site/rasheedinfosec/

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