[hpc-announce] Call for Participation - SBAC-PAD 2019

Ricardo Santos ricardo at facom.ufms.br
Mon Sep 9 21:08:04 CDT 2019

SBAC-PAD 2019 - Call for Participation
31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and  High
Performance Computing
October, 15-18, 2019
Deville Prime Hotel, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil

We invite you to come and join us for the SBAC-PAD 2019,
co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, to be held at the Deville Prime
Hotel, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil in October 15-18, 2019.

SBAC­-PAD started in 1987 and has continuously presented an overview
of new developments, applications, and trends in computer
architecture, parallel and distributed computing technologies.
SBAC-PAD is open for faculty
members, researchers, specialists, and graduate students around the

Campo Grande is known as “Morena city” by the color of its land. Campo
Grande is also well known by its historical origins in the indigenous
culture. It is located on the Mercosur route, near the Pantanal,
Bonito, Bodoquena National Park, and other municipalities with rich
fishing and ecotourism. More details on the city and lodging can be
seen at http://sbac-pad.facom.ufms.br/local/city/ and

SBAC-PAD will feature 3 keynote speeches, industrial talks, and
workshop talks covering topics on In-Network Computing, Quantum
Computing, AI & HPC, Reproducible Research, among others. The
symposium contains technical sessions with high-quality papers
covering a broad spectrum of solutions on architecture, and
high-performance and distributed computing areas.

SBAC-PAD 2019 will be co-located with the first edition of the
SBAC-PAD PhD Forum & Student Mentoring Program, the 10th Workshop on
Applications for Multi-Core Architectures (WAMCA), and the Workshop on
High Performance Computing for Smart Cities (WHPCSC).

The early registration deadline is September, 20th, 2019

Looking forward to seeing you in Campo Grande!

General and Publicity Chairs of SBAC-PAD 2019

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