[hpc-announce] CFP: FGCS Special Issue on Heterogeneous Computation, Deadline Extended

Chen Liu cliu at clarkson.edu
Thu May 9 10:02:52 CDT 2019

Future Generation Computer Systems
Special Issue on Heterogeneous Computation in Specific Domain
Accelerations (HC-SDA)

Important dates
Extended Manuscript Submission Deadline: May 31, 2019 AOE (Firm Deadline)
Initial Decision: July 31, 2019
Revised Manuscript Due: September 7, 2019
Decision Notification: October 21, 2019
Final Manuscript Due: December 7, 2019

Data are being generated at an unprecedented rate in the IoT era
across various applications. How to process the Big Data in a timely
manner is a major obstacle we are facing nowadays. The growing
diversity and heterogeneity of the hardware platform just added
another layer of difficulty on top of a challenging problem. Even
though heterogeneous platform such a GPUs, Xeon Phis, and FPGAs, has
been widely adopted. However, how to effectively and efficiently
utilize different hardware accelerators together to serve one single
application remains a challenge for heterogeneous computing

In this special issue, we seek original unpublished research on
algorithms, models, applications and tools for heterogeneous computing
to accelerate the performance, to improve energy efficiency, and to
enhance reliability of heterogeneous platforms from edge to cloud and
in between. We are particularly interested in heterogeneous computing
research employing two or more different types of hardware

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Microarchitecture design on heterogeneous processor/system combined
with emerging memory/storage system (PCM, SSD, etc.)
Heterogeneous parallel programming paradigms and models.
Energy efficient parallel accelerating models for heterogeneous platforms.
Parallel algorithms for heterogeneous and/or hierarchical systems,
including many-cores and hardware accelerators (FPGAs, GPUs, Xeon
Phis, etc.)
Heterogeneous computation supports for autonomous vehicle driving, or
other applications using artificial intelligent algorithms (e.g.
images processing, features recognition, etc.)
Heterogeneous computing in large-scale datacenter.
Software engineering implementation on heterogeneous computing.
Multiple objectives optimization on heterogeneous platforms.
Task scheduling algorithms on heterogeneous computation, cloud and
datacenter platforms.
Experience of porting parallel software from supercomputers to
heterogeneous platforms.
Fault tolerance of parallel computations on heterogeneous platform.

Submission Guidelines
Original, high-quality contributions that are not yet published or
that are not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed
conferences are sought. Papers will be peer-reviewed by independent
reviewers and selected based on originality, scientific quality and
relevance to this Special Issue. The journal editors will make final
decisions about the acceptance of the papers.

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Guide for
Authors available from the online submission page of the Future
Generation Computer Systems at
"Authors should select SI "VSI: HC-SDA" when they reach the "Article
Type" step in the submission process.

Guest editors
Dr. Chen Liu, Clarkson University, USA (cliu at clarkson.edu)
Dr. Songwen Pei, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,
China (swpei at usst.edu.cn)

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