[hpc-announce] CCIW'19 Call for Papers

Ana Gainaru ana.gainaru at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 11:53:00 CDT 2019

1rd International Workshop on Converged Computing Infrastructure (CCIW 2019)
(Call for Papers)

June 24, 2019 @ Phoenix, Arizona, USAhttps://cciw.github.io

Important dates

Full papers due: April 10, 2019
Deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE)


CCIW 2019 is organized in conjunction with HPDC (The International ACM
Symposium on
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing) 2019, Phoenix,
AZ, June 22-29

Workshop Overview

The focus of this workshop is to discover and discuss open challenges
of the computing
infrastructure convergence problem, and to draw preliminary solutions
for tackling such
problems. The workshop aims to act as a liaison, a common forum for
experts from computing
domains, such as HPC, big data, AI to discuss the
infrastructure-related problems that
could be tackled through a concerted approach. The workshop combines
three major domains
of high interest to HPDC under one umbrella that emphasizes
convergence: high performance
computing, big data analytics, large scale machine learning.

The case for deep convergence needs pragmatic arguments. Addressing
the lack of performance
studies for the deep convergence problem, in this workshop we will
provide a dedicated forum
for preliminary performance studies of processing representative
big-data and HPC workloads
on a common infrastructure. In our vision, the deep convergence
entails defining common
software-and-hardware ecosystems, catering to the needs of all
computing domains. To achieve
deep convergence, we advocate for a complete redesign of the
software-hardware stacks through
software-hardware concertation. This is achieved by identifying common
software building
blocks  for all computing domains, mapping them to their most suited
hardware, and offering
efficient mechanisms for combining these in efficient, large-scale
workflows. Such workflows
would have  the capability to efficiently describe combinations of
HPC, AI, and BD workloads,
that efficiently share resources on a deeply converged infrastructure.

Topics of Interest

We invite the submission of original work that is related to the topics below.
The submitted articles can either be short (4 pages) position papers, or long
(8 pages) research papers. We especially encourage submissions that look into
the convergence of the three focus domains - HPC, BD, and AI. Topics
of interest
include, but are not limited to:

- Resource-management and scheduling for converged infrastructure
- Interoperability, interference mitigation, performance variability
- Novel system architectures and programming models for converged
- Performance studies of converged infrastructure, performance
portability and compatibility
- Converged storage systems, malleable and reconfigurable runtimes and
- Hardware-software co-design and concertation
- Identifying common building blocks, libraries, and functionality for
- Convergence with the cloud, redefining elasticity and scalability
for converged infrastructure
- New classes of applications, applications at the boundary of HPC,
Big Data, AI,
  Machine Learning, or Deep Learning, or combinations of, that fit
best on converged infrastructure

Paper Submission

Proceedings of this workshop will be published in CD format and will
be available at the conference.
Camera-ready version of accepted papers must be compliant with the ACM
Master Template with sigconf format
(please be sure to use the current version).

 * Submissions must be in English and in PDF format
 * Submissions are NOT double-blind
 * Only web-based submissions are allowed
 * Please submit your paper via the submission system:
 * Submission Link : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccwi2019

Important dates

 * Full papers due: April 10, 2019
 * Paper Acceptance Notification: April 25, 2019
 * Camera-ready deadline: May 6, 2019
 * Workshop: June 24, 2019


General Co-chairs
 * Bogdan Nicolae - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
 * Alexandru Uta - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
 * Carlos Costa - IBM, USA
 * Ana Gainaru - Vanderbilt University, USA

Program Committee

 * Ana Gainaru - Vanderbilt University, USA
 * Alexandru Uta - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
 * Youssef Nashed - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
 * Bogdan Nicolae - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
 * Alexandru Costan - INRIA, France
 * Jan S Rellermeyer - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
 * Kamesh Madduri - The Pennsylvania State University, USA
 * Dongfang Zhao - University of Nevada, Reno, USA
 * Hongyang Sun - Vanderbilt University, USA
 * Bogdan Ghit - Databricks, USA
 * Carlos Costa - IBM, USA
 * Yoonho Park - IBM, USA
 * James Dinan - Intel, USA

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