[hpc-announce] Fw: CFP- Programming using Directives (WACCPD 2019) (in conjunction with SC19) November 18, 2019
neelima reddy
reddy_neelima at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 24 05:46:44 CDT 2019
[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email. If you'd like to opt out of these announcements, information on how to unsubscribe is available at the bottom of this email.]======================================================================== Sixth Workshop on Accelerator Programming using Directives (WACCPD 2019) (in conjunction with SC19) November 18, 2019 - https://waccpd.org ========================================================================
Call for Papers
The ever-increasing heterogeneity in supercomputing applications has given rise to complex compute node architectures offering multiple, heterogeneous levels of massive parallelism. As a result, the 'X' in MPI+X demands more focus. Exploiting the maximum available parallelism out of such systems necessitates sophisticated programming approaches that can provide scalable as well as portable solutions without compromising on performance. A programmer's expectation from the scientific community is to deliver solutions that would allow maintenance of a single code base whenever possible avoiding duplicate effort.
Raising the abstraction of the code is one of the effective methodologies to reduce the burden on the programmer while improving productivity. Software abstraction-based programming models, such as OpenMP and OpenACC, have been serving this purpose over the past several years as the compiler technology steadily improves. These programming models address the 'X' component by providing programmers with high-level directive-based approaches to accelerate and port scientific applications to heterogeneous platforms.
Recent architectural trends indicate a heavy reliance of future Exascale machines on accelerators for performance. Toward this end, the workshop will highlight the improvements over state-of-art through the accepted papers and prompt discussion through keynote/panel that draws the community's attention to key areas that will facilitate the transition to accelerator-based high- performance computing (HPC). The workshop aims to showcase all aspects of heterogeneous systems discussing innovative high-level language features, lessons learned while using directives to migrate scientific legacy code to parallel processors, compilation and runtime scheduling techniques among others.
WACCPD2019 will be co-located with SC19, Denver. In the past five years of this workshop, WACCPD has been one of the major forums at SC to bring together programming model users, developers, and tools community to share knowledge and experiences to tackle emerging complex parallel computing systems.
Topics of interest for workshop submissions include (but are not limited to) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Programming experiences porting applications in any scientific domain
* Compiler and runtime support for current and emerging architectures
(e.g. heterogeneous architectures, low-power processors)
* Experiences in implementing compilers for accelerator directives on newer architectures
* Language-based extensions and its prototype for directive-based programming models
* Abstract handling of complex/heterogeneous memory hierarchies
* Extensions to and shortcomings of current directives for heterogeneous systems
* Comparisons against lower or higher-level abstractions
* Application performance evaluation, validation, and lessons learned
* Modeling, verification and performance analysis tools
* Auto-tuning and optimization strategies
* Parallel computing using hybrid programming paradigms (e.g. MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, OpenSHMEM)
* Asynchronous execution and scheduling (task-based approaches)
* Scientific libraries interoperability with directive-based models
* Power/energy studies and solutions targeting accelerators or heterogeneous systems
Workshop Important Deadlines
Submission Deadline: August 22, 2019 AOE
Author notification: September 30, 2019
Workshop Ready Deadline: October 10, 2019 AOE
Camera Ready papers due: December 10, 2019 AoE
Submission Process & Proceedings
WACCPD papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation at the workshop. The paper presented will be published as post-proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) with Springer. Papers should be submitted electronically via the SC19 Submission Page (https://submissions.supercomputing.org/?page=Submit&id=SC19WorkshopWACCPDSubmission&site=sc19) and follow the Springer LNCS format. Submissions are limited to 20 pages. The 20-page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does not include references, for which there is no page limit. Authors are encouraged to provide an artifact appendix similar to SC19's reproducibility initiative. If an Artifact Description (AD) is provided, the paper is considered to get the Best Paper Award.
Further information can be found on the WACCPD web page: https://www.waccpd.org
Sandra Wienke (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) and Sridutt Bhalachandra (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA), WACCPD Program Chairs Email: organizers at waccpd.org
Steering Committee
* Barbara Chapman (Stony Brook, USA)
* Duncan Poole (OpenACC, USA)
* Jeffrey Vetter (ORNL, USA)
* Kuan-Ching Li (Providence University, Taiwan)
* Oscar Hernandez (ORNL, USA)
Program Committee
* Adrian Jackson (Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Andreas Herten (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
* Arpith Jacob (Google, USA)
* Cheng Wang (Microsoft, USA)
* Chris J. Newburn (NVIDIA, USA)
* Christian Iwainsky (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
* Christian Terboven (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
* Christopher Daley (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
* David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
* Giuseppe Congiu (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
* Haoqiang Jin (NASA-Ames, USA)
* Jeff Larkin (NVIDIA, USA)
* Kelvin Li (IBM, USA)
* Manisha Gajbe (Intel, USA)
* Michael Wolfe (NVIDIA/PGI, USA)
* Ray Sheppard (Indiana University, USA)
* Ron Lieberman (AMD, USA)
* Ronan Keryell (Xilinx, USA)
* Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
* Simon Hammond (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
* Sameer Shende (University of Oregon, USA)
* Thomas Schwinge (Mentor Graphics, Germany)
* Tom Scogland (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
* William Sawyer (CSCS, Switzerland)
Publicity Chair:
Neelima Bayyapu (NMAM Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India)
Web Chair:
Shu-Mei Tseng (University of California, Irvine, USA)
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