[hpc-announce] [SRDS 2019] Joint call for workshop papers – SRDS 2019 - Deadline June 21

Vania Marangozova-Martin vania.marangozova-martin at imag.fr
Fri Jun 14 12:46:41 CDT 2019

** Please excuse duplicate mails **

Joint call for workshop papers – SRDS 2019


Lyon, France
Workshops: October 1, 2019
Conference: October 2-4, 2019

The 38th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS
2019) is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed
systems design, development and evaluation, with emphasis on reliability,
availability, safety, dependability, security, and real-time.

SRDS 2019 will be held in the beautiful and easy-to-reach city of Lyon, France,
from 1 to 4 October 2019.

Four of the workshops associated with SRDS 2019 are accepting papers:

- DRSS 2019: 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems
- RaSTEES 2019: 1st Workshop on Reliable and Secure Trusted ExEcution Systems
- WBD 2019: 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability
- W-PSDS 2019: Fifth Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems

**The deadlines are common to all workshops:**
- Submission: 21 June 2019
- Acceptance notification: 19 July 2019

**NEW: authors of accepted papers at SRDS 2019 workshops will be offered
  the possibility to also present a poster during the main conference**

===== 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (DRSS 2019) =====


The goal of the workshop is to provide a common forum where storage researchers
from across the world can debate new research ideas and directions. By
gathering researchers and practitioners working on storage research topics and
related areas such as big data, data science, distributed systems, databases,
networking, and security, the workshop aims at discussing current state of the
art, emerging challenges and trends, as well as, novel solutions for storage

Workshop Chairs:
- João Paulo, INESC TEC and University of Minho
- Chentao Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

= 1st Workshop on Reliable and Secure Trusted ExEcution Systems (RaSTEES 2019) =

A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a practical solution to improving the
reliability and security of applications running in an untrusted environment.
Examples of TEEs include Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone and AMD SME/SEV.
Unfortunately, using a TEE is not a straightforward task. Not only does TEE
hardware have several limitations, but there is also a lack of software support
for implementing efficient and secure systems. The RaSTEES workshop aims to
bring together specialists across the world to solve these new challenges and
help build a better understanding of new directions in Trusted Execution
Systems research.


Workshop Chairs: 
- Pierre-Louis Aublin, Keio University, Japan
- Kenji Kono, Keio University, Japan
- Dan O’Keeffe, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
- Valerio Schiavoni, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

===== Second International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability (WBD2019) =====


The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability aims to provide a
forum where the dependability aspects of blockchain can be discussed. This
includes use of blockchain for increased dependability, dependable blockhain
mechanisms, consensus mechanisms, formal verification of blockchain code and
performance evaluations. We welcome technical papers containing theory,
methods, techniques and evaluations as well as case studies describing
blockchain deployments. The workshop welcomes submissions in the form of full
papers (6 pages) or short work-in-progress or position papers (2 pages).

Workshop Chairs: 
- Stephane Frenot, Université de Lyon, France
- Mikael Asplund, Linköping University, Sweden 

===== 5th Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (W-PSDS 2019) =====


The goal of the workshop is to bring researchers and practitioners from the 
distributed systems and reliability communities together to discuss the current
state of the art, emerging challenges, trends, and novel solutions for the 
implementation and deployment of planetary-scale distributed systems and 
applications. The workshop welcomes submissions in the form of short 
papers (6 pages) and contributed talks (2 pages).

Workshop Chairs: 
- João Leitão (NOVA-LINCS & NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Bernardo Ferreira (NOVA-LINCS & NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Vania Marangozova-Martin
Associate Professor,
Dept. Computer Science,
University of Grenoble

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