[hpc-announce] CFPP: ICPP2019 (August 5-8, 2019, Kyoto Japan)

Hiroto TADANO tadano at cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Jul 1 03:37:38 CDT 2019

Dear Sir or Madam,
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)

##### ICPP 2019: 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing #####

### Venue and Date
- Venue: Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan
- Date: August 5-8, 2019
- Web: http://www.icpp-conf.org/

  * Early Registration Due: July 10, 2019 (JST)
  * The final program will be available in the week of July 1st, but the list of all of the accepted papers is available on the website.

High performance computing is a key technology to solve large problems in science, engineering, and business by utilizing computing power
which has been evolving to the future. The International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) is one of the oldest continuously running
computer science conferences in parallel computing in the world. It is a premier forum for researchers, scientists, and practitioners in academia,
industry, and government to present their latest research findings in all aspects of the field.

### Highlight of the Conference Program

- Keynote Speakers
  * Depei Qian (Beihang University, China)
    Title: Major issues in exascale computing in China

  * Satoshi Sekiguchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
    Title: Transforming SMEs and Manufacturing industry business into AI ready empowered by the ABCI

  * Richard Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
    Title: Performance engineering for sparse matrix, tensor, and graph computations

- Workshops
  * AWASN: Applications of Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
  * BIOHPC: Novel High Performance Computing algorithms and platforms in Bioinformatics
  * EMS: International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems
  * FREPAS: Failure Resilience in Emerging Parallel Applications and Systems
  * P2S2: International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing
  * PDML: Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning
  * SRMPDS: International Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems
  * EE HPC SOP: Energy Efficient HPC State of the Practice

- 106 Paper Presentations
- Poster Session plus Reception on Tuesday, August 6th
- A Banquet on Wednesday, August 7th

### ICPP 2019 Program Committee
  Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo/RIKEN R-CCS, Japan), Co-Chair
  Martin Schulz (Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany), Co-Chair
  Tetsuya Hoshino (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Deputy Chair

### Algorithms
  Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA), Track Chair
  Emmanuel Agullo (INRIA, France), Vice-Chair

### Applications
  Rio Yokota (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Track Chair
  Amanda Randles (Duke University, USA), Vice-Chair

### Architecture
  Masaaki Kondo (The University of Tokyo/RIKEN R-CCS, Japan), Track Chair
  Aaron Smith (Microsoft Research, USA), Vice-Chair

### Performance
  Georg Hager (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Germany), Track Chair
  Tanzima Islam (Western Washington University, USA), Vice-Chair

### Software
  Balazs Gerofi (RIKEN R-CCS, Japan), Track Chair
  Rolf Riesen (Intel, USA), Vice-Chair

### Organizing Committee
  Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba, Japan), General Chair
  Hiroto Tadano (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Deputy Chair

* Hiroto TADANO
* Center for Computational Sciences
* University of Tsukuba
* mailto:tadano at cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

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