[hpc-announce] IHPCES 2020 -- Submission Deadline Extension (to Jan 6)

Dominik Bartuschat dominik.bartuschat at fau.de
Sun Dec 8 09:53:05 CST 2019

*** CALL FOR PAPERS -- Submission Deadline Extension ***

Tenth International Workshop on Advances in High-Performance 
Computational Earth Sciences: Applications and Frameworks (IHPCES 2020)

Dear colleagues,

IHPCES 2020, the 10th workshop in the series of "Advances in 
High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences" workshops,
will take place in conjunction with the ICCS 2020 Conference
in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from June 3-5, 2020.

The objective of this series of workshops is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion
of state-of-the-art research in high performance computational earth sciences.
IHPCES workshops foster communication between Earth scientists, applied mathematicians,
and computer scientists. The workshop therefore presents a unique opportunity to exchange
advanced knowledge, computational methods, and science discoveries in computational geosciences.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
   Large-scale simulations on supercomputing systems in earth sciences
   Advanced modeling and simulations on natural disaster prevention and mitigation
   Advanced numerical methods for high performance computational earth sciences
   Parallel and distributed algorithms and programming strategies for supercomputers
   Software engineering for parallel systems with multi-core processors and accelerators
   Algorithms for Big Data analytics and applications for large-scale data processing
   Methodologies and tools designed for extreme-scale computing

We welcome full (up to 14 pages) and short (up to 7 pages) papers 
in Springer LNCS format (we do not accept "Abstract Only" submissions).
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings of
ICCS2020, published by Springer in its LNCS series.

Important dates:
    January 6, 2020       Paper Submission Due
    February 14, 2020     Author Notification
    March 6, 2020         Camera-Ready Papers

IHPCES 2020 co-chairs:
    Takashi Shimokawabe - The University of Tokyo, Japan
    Kohei Fujita - The University of Tokyo, Japan
    Dominik Bartuschat - University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany

Program committee (tentative):
    Hideo Aochi - Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, France
    Joern Behrens - University of Hamburg, Germany
    Xing Cai - Simula Research Laboratory/University of Oslo, Norway
    Yifeng Cui - San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
    Takeshi Fukaya - Hokkaido University, Japan
    Takashi Furumura - University of Tokyo, Japan
    Lutz Gross - University of Queensland, Australia
    Johannes Langguth - Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
    Osni Marques - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
    Hiromichi Nagao - The University of Tokyo, Japan
    Kengo Nakajima - The University of Tokyo, Japan
    Kenji Ono - Kyushu University, Japan
    Olaf Schenk - Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
    Osamu Tatebe - University of Tsukuba, Japan
    Peng Wang - NVIDIA, USA
    Mei Wen - National University of Defense Technology, China
    Huilin Xing - University of Queensland, Australia

We are looking forward to your contributions to IHPCES 2020.

With best regards,

Dominik Bartuschat
on behalf of the IHPCES 2020 co-chairs

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