[hpc-announce] SBAC-PAD workshops: Deadline approaching

Ricardo Santos ricardo at facom.ufms.br
Thu Aug 22 21:28:54 CDT 2019

Apologies for cross-posting
LAST CALL - Workshop on High Performance Computing for Smart Cities
(WHPCSC2019) - Deadline: August 31st, 2019

We are very proud to announce the Workshop on High Performance
Computing for Smart Cities (WHPCSC 2019) will be held as a workshop
inside the SBAC PAD 2019, on October 15-18, Campo Grande, MS-Brazil.
Our workshop will receive submissions until August 31, 2019, on
EasyChair platform:

For more information, feel free to visit our conference website
or directly contact organization members.
10th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures

WAMCA is aiming at providing an opportunity to address all technical
challenges and more, including reports on specific case studies. This
workshop is an opportunity for application designers and computer
architects to discuss new techniques and emerging applications as well
as their implications on current and next-generation many-core
architectures. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting a
technical contribution on multi-core related topics.

SBAC-PAD 019 PhD Forum & Student Mentoring Program

The first annual SBAC-PAD PhD Forum event will hold poster
presentations by students working toward a PhD in broadly defined
areas related to high-performance and distributed computing. In
addition, there will be a broader, enhanced program to include several
lunch-time sessions to provide the student participants coaching in
scientific writing and presentation skills.


See you in Campo Grande! - http://sbac-pad.facom.ufms.br

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