[hpc-announce] Euro-EDUPAR Workshop 2019 Call for Papers

Florina M. Ciorba florina.ciorba at unibas.ch
Mon Apr 1 01:57:05 CDT 2019

Euro-EDUPAR Workshop 2019 Call for Papers

August 26 or 27 (TBD), 2019
Turin, Italy

held in conjunction with Euro-Par 2019

Scope and objectives
Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) is nowadays omnipresent. It is in all the computational environments, from mobile devices, laptops and desktops to clusters, large-scale data centers and supercomputers, often comprising CPUs and/or coprocessors of different types (GPU, MIC, FPGA). It becomes now vital to train new generations of scientists and engineers in the use of these computational systems: parallelism-related topics must be incorporated in Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering (CE) programs

In 2010 the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing launched the Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing<https://grid.cs.gsu.edu/~tcpp/curriculum/>, with Core Topics for Undergraduates, and in 2011 started the workshop EduPar, dedicated to Parallel and Distributed Computing Education. Given the differences in education in different parts of the world, the Euro-EDUPAR workshop aims to analyze PDC Education in a European context, taking into account the structure and organization of European education.

In this context, the 5th European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EDUPAR) invites unpublished manuscripts from individuals or teams from academia, industry, and other educational and research institutes on topics pertaining to the teaching of PDC topics in the Computer Science and Engineering curriculum as well as in Computational Science with PDC and/or High Performance Computing (HPC) concepts, with emphasis on European undergraduate teaching. The workshop especially seeks papers that report on experiences incorporating PDC topics into undergraduate core courses taken by the majority of students on a degree course. Methods, pedagogical approaches, tools, and techniques that have potential for adoption across the European teaching community are of particular interest.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) teaching in the European space
2. Pedagogical issues in PDC, educational methods and learning mechanisms
3. Novel ways of teaching PDC topics, including informal learning environments
4. Curriculum design, models for incorporating PDC topics in core CS/CE curriculum
5. Experience with incorporating PDC topics into core CS/CE courses
6. Experience with incorporating PDC topics in the context of other applications learning
7. Pedagogical tools, programming environments, and languages for PDC
8. e-Learning, e-Laboratory, online courses related to PDC
9. PDC teaching experiences at non-university levels: secondary school, industry, etc.

Submission guidelines
The submissions will follow the Euro-Par guidelines, in PDF format, and should not exceed 12 pages in the Springer LNCS style, which can be downloaded from the Springer Web site.

Paper submission is handled electronically (EasyChair).

The 12-page limit is comprehensive (text, figures, references). Complete LaTeX sources must be provided for accepted papers. Short papers and work-in-progress papers can be submitted and presented at the workshop, but they will not be eligible for the post-conference proceedings published by Springer where only full papers between 10 and 12 pages long will be published. Submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee and will be assessed according to impact at European level, the novelty of contributions, impact on broader undergraduate curriculum, relevance to the goals of the workshop, results and methodology.

The workshop proceedings will be published in a LNCS Euro-Par 2019 Workshops volume after the conference. Only full papers between 10 and 12 pages long which were presented at the workshop will be included.

Important dates
May 10, 2019: Paper submission deadline
June 28, 2019: Author notification
July 22, 2019: Paper due, for informal workshop proceedings
August 26 or 27, 2019: Workshop (full day)
October 7, 2019: Camera-ready paper (including LaTeX sources) deadline

Travel support
Authors of accepted papers may apply for travel support - typically granted in the form of a free registration.


General Co-Chairs
Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Arnold L. Rosenberg, Northeastern University, USA

Steering Committee
Henri E. Bal, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands
Alexey Lastovetsky, Univesity College Dublin, Ireland
Christian Lengauer, University of Passau, Germany
Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University, USA
Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Arnold L. Rosenberg, Northeastern University, USA
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Paul G. Spirakis, University of Liverpool, UK
Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University, Russia

Program Co-Chairs
Florina Ciorba, University of Basel, Switzerland
Felix Wolf, TU Darmstadt, Germany

Program Committee
Jorge G. Barbosa, University of Porto, Portugal
Aurélien Cavelan, University of Basel, Switzerland
Vania Marangozova-Martin, Grenoble University, France
Tomas Margalef, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Marcin Paprzycki, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University, Russia
Neelima Bayyapu, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Laércio Lima Pilla, CNRS, France
Virginia Niculescu, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Danilo Guerrera, University of Basel, Switzerland
Oguz Kaya, Université Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay, France
Helmar Burkhart, University of Basel, Switzerland
Issam Rais, The Arctic University of Norway
(To be completed)

This workshop is supported by SPPEXA, the DFG Program 1648 Software for Exascale Computing.

Florina Ciorba florina.ciorba at unibas.ch<mailto:florina.ciorba at unibas.ch>

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